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A I.OLLtfsl 



WM <i Faust M,.„,,„< h..< 

C H. 

The Citizen 

v,.i. Mi 

Iritereata of ttie 3^Co-u.nteLin PeopL 

Ml Ml \ MAhlsGN COUNTY, Kl MICKY, .11 M. jr. 1918. 

Five OnU 

<: "" y 

way to keep up with modern 
Knowled«« is to read a 

One hollar per Year. 

Great Fourth of July Celebration In Berea 

It von live within driving distance of Beroa. you 
can t find a better place to spend the 4th than on the 

greens of Beret. 

It will In- l li. it tor vou trom start to finish 
Watcfa lor the hills showing the tallowing attrac- 
tions in detail : 

Professor Dodge will deliver a patriotic address; 
Miss N.ish, of Wilmore, will furnish entertainment to bt 
giv en by IDtnbtra of Iter Pablk Speaking . la-, Arfangr- 

raents are oeing mad. to have Ea«Goi Md retry with 

ns. it his health will permit. It he fails, another good 
speaker Irom abroad will bt present. Music will he fur- 
nished by the best talent available; the Hoy Scouts will put 
OVd tome <>l their stunts, under the direction ol Mr. Mil- 
lei The dav will . lose with a splendid picture show, in 
the ( haftJ, with an admission Charge ol ten cents; the net 
pro. eeds go to the support of the Berea ( ivic Playground. 
Spend the day in a. patriotic way. 

Our Next Congress 

The President and his adv leers cannot carry on the 
great alone. They must have a capable and loyal 
congress to support them 

We an- to elect a new Congress next fall, and we 
need to be planning for it early. Many traps will likely 
be laid by the enemy, and we shall need to be awake. 

None but men of loyal hearts should be selected 
from any district. Wherever loyal majorities may be 
divided l.v strong disloyal minorities, men of all parties 
must unite and choose a loyal man who can be elected 
against all odds, rrjanlles- ol party. 

< >ur ne\t Coflgiesi must be made up ol men of abil- 
ity and unquestioned integrity. At this critical time 
WC want a < ongresa of real statesmen. They must be 
true representatives of the American people 

The Soldier's Curse 

W e are trying to take care ol our dear, brave boys 
who are in the war We lend them socks and Bibles and 
bandages and loving greetings and tearful prayers. 

And we are not unmindful ot their temptations. 
Any new life is unsettled and exposed to temptations. 
• ( >l course a soldier must drink and swear and gamble," 
says the Tempter. 

We have don. a great thing in shutting off the 
temptation to d'ink But the good people did not dare 
tackle too many devils at once, an I 111 concentrating on 
liquor thev have teared to attack tobacco. The to- 
bacCO dealers have teah/ed this and they an leaping a 

rich harvest, Even the Y. M ('. A. furnishes tobacco. 

But tobacco is just as poisonous in camp as it has 
alwavs been. It has the same effed Of) the heart, and the 
brain, Nome boys find this out in camp exercises. The 
boys who do not use tobacco can run and jump and 
handle the air cratt better 

But it takes more courage to stand with the tew who 

refuse tobai co than to > (act the t iermaas ' The soldier s 

curse is tobacco 



Tinv.. Men 1 additional ■oldlen 
will n.. enrolled a« pupils in Um 

artillerj school U i Gsssp asehary 

Tartar tomorrow. Civilian* will kg 

admitted for training .iui> ft, next. 


Mayor smiiii of 1. 

ing a SSPJ n in I "mi.' 

ordered prepared 

.oisvHIo is urg- 
PotnTth and has 
an ordinance, 

wlii.'h. if passed, will dan fireworks 

absolutely in tt stttrattss of gsi 


U. S. Troops Win N«ar Chateau 
Thierry— Storm Trenches 
at Cantigny. 

PetairTs Troops Make Gain 
West Side of Marne 




into effect r.i.-.lny without further, 

plaml- have 
hesrtnsi will 

all. 'i' which a 

t un deedh "f pom- 

been received an<l 

lie I1M1I Ofl these, 

report irlll !»• asset 

to tin- liafTi-oail Admitftslration. 

1 oal dealers rannol raise the price 
<>n coal now on hand, according to 

an order limed by the Fuel Ad- 
■tsistrsUoai Its lasrssssd freight 
i;.'. - which beeaaei aftstlve Tnw- 

tS] SrH allow- increase* only on 

seal hauled natter the sen tariff. 

Gen Pershing Report* Heavy Losses 
Inflicted on the Foe Northwest 
of Chateau Thierry and In 
the Woevre Region. 

Washington, .tun.' -J. — Thirty-eight 
miles of front-line trenches on t tt** 
western sr.- now held liy Ameri- 
can troop*, members nf th<* house mili- 
tary Hffiilrs MIMtttM were told by 

war eaparttaeni asMsts 

Twenty Rititeni ol 
mbeerlbed f..r nt.ono e« 
Raviaga Stamp*. Committees in 
r h a rge of this work have derided 
to rail thi« tho "Limit Membership 
1 Inli. a- oRty *l OM worth of stamps 
ran fee p or eSSaed hy any one indi- 

Washington, June 3tr- 1'ntrol* of 
the rncni> tin v.- suffered considerable 

sster base I leoan raw tb wot of OtsSne TMorry 
h in War '" ,h " toens Na*Ma< Qtaavsl 

PM*Mas r. |H,rii..| in hU .'.iinmiinli|ii.'. 

in th.' < iiMt.Mii Tttarry and SToem 
n t m iimi in LarratM artlWary Sjhi- 

Now ra-.'» of typhoid fever arc ro- 
ported to ho devetoptni in Noon. 

sbose Wattesberti Aeeoes1>t| Is 

liliv «iciaii*. typhoid ii.'rni< are thick 
1:1 ttootic Creek. The people ar«» 

betsa caution. -.I t.. un> e» e ry t»rr- 

. aution to prevent a further spread 

..f the dl-en-e 

With botJi arm-, extended I taward 
heaven Mr*. gte»y widow <>f Wai- 
ler \ tire, who »»« «hot and killed 
l.v Oaear N Ibtraaoe la"l .lanuary. 
■ST (aimed "Thank nod." when the 
jury returned a verdict of uuilty of 
murder in the first deirree airain^t 

Johnwni and -enten ) him to deatti 

in tl lertric rliair. 

smiier-et «uffered a «-Vi nno lire 
which originated in the restaurant 
of J. <;. Cu nd iff Company and rapid- 
lv -pread. deotroyilkS the ifroci>ry of 
U addle and Thurnian. the itenerat 
-t. .re ..f \ M. Matrass, restaurant 
of II Hopper, shoe atSfJ of .tames 
Pence nn. I three dwell inaSi al«o 
batt y daniairinir the t-rocery of 
flicker and Getty, 

In r'.nylan.l they -ay. F.very sltill- 
inu' wasted "talis a s.ddier 111 tho 

Hue fjast. Fred T Austin, who 

arrived Sunday at Camp Zachary 

~ Paylor Immediately aaaumed c..m- 

II i- Letter to build I''" miles of ,„ nn ,| «uccessitf hi Mai. den. 

ruad and me in tain it than 

miles and fail t.. imtmlain. 


Every one know- in»st how he can 
reduce hi- expenses so that lie may f 
have bom HrrlBSS ■ tt ti w Inch to huy 
War Sav in|t- Stamps. 

It 1- not SBjeoat t" deplore what 
tin- QersaMM have done. I'hat will 
nut hurl the GefSBSMi th.'v don't 
rare what think of them. Help 
yi.tir liiivet itinent I ■ H fill lliein That 
is the ouh IIiiiik that ciHiuts with a 
Oernian. When you save and huy 
W ar Sav inn- Stamp- v. 

German la the plsra wh 

htoro than em.mNi (..n- ..f cereal 
ntslulls were sluppeid In tile allies 
from North America dunn* the 

MhIT) C. Hale, and will direct th.' 
training for artillery service of the 
II oiisamls nf drafted men to he 
-. tit t.. the hie cantonment. 


A Id per cent increase in express 

month ot stay, aeesedtof to the Food rates em approved hy Ihstjatei 

AdSStSiatratiun, April ihipeseeita liata Commerce Commission, and 
w. re awn than ttttM bBBS. 


If you actually knew thai hy huy 

Hilt only Hi (hums you absolutely . onsnlidjtleil 

needed and hy pultiiitr your saving's 
int.. War Savintrs stamps you could 
-ave- live-, would you do it? Tak" 
the ward of the President that VOU 

will add steal TMLffttlfSg to the 
itross annual revenues of the Ameri- 
can llailway Kxpross Company the 

seaseta sraiak wtH 

like over the express l.iisiness 

b)ty 1. 

page 1 1. iii. .m.i!- Our Next Con- 
area*. rite Soldier- Curse," 
"fourth of July ill Korea."— 
iivvn state New-. I'. S. and 
S/or Id News. 

page 2 w h ii Ksaaaa Did Pourth 

of July Articles; "Italy (ltieen "f 
the Air. — Sherm s l>..|s 

PAGE 3 I'- rSB Collega Honor Moll. 

PAGE ♦ I ,' 

PAGE 5 ItSBM of Intcr.-I 

page 6 Mouatsu Aarieulture: 
••what \.n 1 Dotaar- • hat 

Your Country K\| !« Farm 

Poultry House.— Cincinnati Mar- 
kets Home Department: Milt 
tai v l'o«t« that \\ ei e \ lined foi 

UTashlattos H.«v-' 
Liberty rood Out 

Welfare CatnpaiKti. 

PAGE 7 Bundaj irhool 

Temperau.e No|e- 

for Boy*.- Hunker Hill 
Spirit of Cohmists. 

Fastern Kentucky News 
l etters from Nine Counties. 

\- a result or Provost Marshal 
do - .v.' iiv- when you do tin- General Crowder'i ruling that men 

1 amployed la boteli mu-t aaeh 
al my suhscripli.Mt to Hie dear old „.„iial |a|a <»r fl»rht. I.ouisvill^ 
CITiatN; a- vou know. I have taken baM proprietors ni.-t to di-cii- the 
it since its llrst issue and I hope to employment of mil "hell hops" in 
h' Shit to take it as hum as I live. .„, ,.„-,„( ,,, e,nd ., solution t.. th" 

a< it 1- tl nly means I have of 

hearing Itaa ay dear boass 

Man) Of BU d.'are-l friend- and re- 

lativM m e stseplst 111 she BSraa 

qi ration of laeh of help. 

Many Kentitfklani et the former 

l'ir-1 State Guard, now stationed at 
l amp Shelhy, Miss., will return to 
I oiiisv ilte hy Jtty tr> as -Indents in 

tJaaklagt»a, June 2?.— Thirty eight 

rjeaalMw m the AinericHit asgedtaas> 

ury for. es were iinnounced hy the war 
department, divided hs follows : Six 
killed In action, one .lied of woutnls. 
three from disease. twenty-seven 
wounded severely mid one vn.utlded. 
degSM undetermlne.1. Oue hundred 
BBd twenty MVeS cimuHltles in the ma- 
rine* attached to Ski American expedi- 
tl.inar) tun e- were aunouticed at ma- 
rine corps head.ptarters, divided as 
follows : Ten ki4lcd In uctlou, nineteen 
dle<l froiu wounds received in action 
and ulnety eluht IM wounde.1 severe- 

Yanks Attack Huns. 

With the Atuertcau Kurces on the 
Marne, June — Ai"erlcan tnnips In 
this sector attacked the German line 
northwest of Chateau Thierry during 
the night and made au advance of 
Mvu-eicivtiis uf a tntle, driving the 
Oennnn.s from a small pocket~on the 
northern side of the ll.'lleuu vu£od. 

The Americans occupied the Oer- 
■aa positions without resistance from 
the aaemy, the OSnaaad having with- 
drawn whaa UM shert ami sharp ar- 
tillery homhardiiient ludlcatisl that 
an Infantry attack would foiiovt 
Yanki Win at Cantiony. 

With Oiuerican Army in France, 
JaM tk At tSwa American tnsfpa 

Menaad Genaaa bsaHtai aad ma- 

rhtaa gas nests In front of Cunttgtiy, 
hi the Montdldier sector. Those of 
the German garrison who remained to 
tight aad carry out their orders to 
lu.ld the positions at any 
killed by rifle and machine gun 

and hayotiet. The A rl. mils 

took prisoners. 

^ Many Germans Killed. 

Tin- American artillery put down a 
heavy hox I. urns. <>u the rear of the 
enemy positions. A few minutes later 
the Infautr.v swarmed over the top and 
rushed the trenches. Some of the Ger- 
man* had tried to escape through the 
barrage, crashing to their rear, hut 
few of them got through, for m 
.us Gemiau dead BMN 

Prisoners captured declared that 
thev had orders to hold on at all Costa, 
and this was apparent hy the desperate 
manner In which they fought. The 
baStS was short, hut deadly, for the 
positions were swept clean of 
The official repurt says that 

h great tin 

Only Slaty Hunt In 

The enemy Willi, ry has 
active on the Tool sector since the 
heavy gasslag to which the Americans 
subjected them. 

The Infantry action has heen con- 
tin. d. however, to an attempted raid, 
in which only sixty men participated. 
In spite of the German official state- 
ment which said ttiat 
1 rated th 


l l.e llli of July is calling just aS n„. utillerv Officers 1 Training 

Germans Fall to Regain Ground Won 
by the English Near Merrlt, on 
the Flanders Front— Raids 
Harass Huns. 

Purls, June Grave events are 

Impending on the British front, accord- 
ing to mllititry experts, who see In the 
Intensity of the German cannonade at 
various aetMS the preliminary steps 
of a am German attack. 

It Is pointed out that the Fourth 
army Rroiip under frown I'rlnce Itup- 
precht nf tavatla has had leisure f*.r 
reorganization during the three weeks 
-hue It was engaged In I'M Hie. and Is 
now ready for a uew effort along the 

It has been established that units 
nf Crown Prince Kuppre. Id's artkvy engaged In the abortive attack 
on Helms Tuesday. This Is considered 
proof by the I. Homme I.ltire that the 
German crown prince's army Is tired 
iind exhausted. 

French Improve Positions. 
Purls, .tune 23. t rench troop- ear. 
rled out operations on the frona south- 
west of lataSSSa which resulted In the 

improve at of their positions In the 

neighborhood of Faverolles. A similar 
Improvement was effected farther 
south on this front near BatXIHa 
The war office made these announce- 

tits. The statement reads:: "The 

fraSth have Improved their |>osltlons 
north of Faverolles and in the region 
-outh of llautvesnes. A score of pris 
oners remained in the hands of the 

• The night was chIiii on the rest of 
the front." 

Repel German Attacks. 

London, June S3. — Further aStaaatva 
raiding and patrol operations were car 
rled 'Hit by Hrltlsh troops In the Arras 
region and on the front to the south 
towards Albert. Attempts by the G.-r 
mans to recnln the ground won by the 
ilritlsh near Merri- on the Flander- 
front were repulsed, the ottli >• mii 
uouticeinetit states. The statement 
rends : 

"Purlng the night we Captured a few 
prisoners and muchlne guns and In- 

ttetad away eaaaalthio ui>.m the enemy 

in raids and patrol encounters In .Vv.- 

my wood, in the aatghhorh i of 

llebuterne and Hovelles. and on both 

bank! ..f the Scarpa. 

■everal hostile attempts to recap- 
iure the traead gained by us south- 
west of Merrls were rep u lsed Wttt 
loss to the enemy. 

H«if«i68 Hutu in R i i d s. 

•Two successful raids were carried 
..tit In the neighborhood ..f l.ocre by 

Preneh troops wh.. raftered leearal 
prlaoaera, The Hritish alaa took a few 

prisoners northwest of Meteren. 

'This morning we our llOe 
-lightly norlhwest of Merrls and cap 
tured a few prisoners and a trench 
mortar and a machine gun. Two coun- 
ter-attacks on our new positions were 
successfully beaten off. 

"The hostile artillery was active 
with gas shells todav In the vicinity of 
Ayetle (south of Arras)." 


Sergeant Frank Brought Down 
by Germans — Machine Falls 
In Flames. 

Parte, June '£!.- -S.-rgt. Frank Hay- 
lies of New Bedford. Mass , one of the 
American "aces" flying with the 
nny. hus heSB brought down 
miles within the German lines, 
following a duel with German airmen, 
said a dispatch from the from. Hay 
lies was attacked by four Germans 
while making a Sight. A Freuch air- 
man who witnessed the tight last saw 
the ground. 


The Austrian drive against th» 
Italians has resulH».l in a had rail- 
me. The Austrians have hern beaten 
nil SJatJJ the line and at last re- 
p.,rls were still retreating. The 
l< .«s of life was lame. Heavy rains 
made the Piave Hiver a torrent 
which swept nw , lv the Austrian 
bridges and divided the army. 

Conditions in Vienna, the capital 
rity of Austria, are bordering ..n re- 
volt; Large numbers of workers 
in munition factories nr.- striking 
an. I bread riots threaten even DM 
royal palace. Order is preserved 
"lily by armed forces, t'nalile t > 
prevent the disorders. f|,e Austrian 
Cabin. d resigned, hut were not al- 

i..we,i I,, i.,y down their pares 

Although the weather has heen 

Meal f..r army moves, there has heen 
.'..mpan.tive quiet along f|„. gjest. 
orn front during the week. A Her- 
man attack on (he ,,|,| city of 
RheiSSJ failed completely and pr, M . 
MOBS have been takes from them at 
various points „| ltm , , n ,. , jnp M _ 

peeiaHy by the American soldiers 

at the poj n t of the wedae. 

fiorniany has mgr I to n confer- 
ence with The t nited states in re- 

gard t.. treatatMt and exchange of 

Pnsotiers. Although Germany does 
n<d h.-ld many Americans n s yet. 
it is our purpose to sve (hat they 
receive a , treatment as pos- 

sible and that they are returned 
as quickly ns may he done. 

Turkey and Bulgaria are quarrell- 
ing over the territory which Bul- 
garia received from ftumania in her 
recent treaty with Germany. This 
i* a Strip at the mouth ,,f the Danube 
on the south side and known is 
iMuu.lja. Thus far, Bulgaria ha* 
*hovvn a Aapooftloa to take advan- 
tage of the war to strengthen her- 
elf alone. She has refused to send 

I' pa to France to aid Oer- 

many there. 

I'he American ai 
being pr.sluced in large quantities 
and a plan is being considered of 
a a t ab Hsh laa an air route and flying 
then across the water, instead of 
shipping them. The /route is tj 
-tart in New Foundland and stopping 
plaees will be made at the A/ore 
Mauds and in Portugal. The Bngiiah 
arc t.> join i n the plan also. 

A plan to train soldiers from the 
-late- ,,f Central and South America 
in the (Jailed States is receivina 
attention. Such a move would 
have many advantages. We have 
the facilities already in working 
and the mingling of the peoples ol 
all the Americas would do much 
I., create a belter un.lerstandimi. 
A force of loasething like two mil- 
lions of men could be secured In 
this way. 

Fngland is still perplexed in her 
effort to solve the Irish problem. 
Oa account of the recent conspiracy 
and the opposition to conscription, 
the granting of Home Rule is In h« 
put of to a later day. The Irish 
people "f America do not sympa- 
thize with the opposition to pon- 
-enption and they think the people 
of Ireland OUghl to come to the aid 
a| England at this time. 

as the Centum* are going t«> s ,., , .,, r ., m| , /achary Taylor. 

and Qlrit' 



Pre* ad 

lo ad for Berlin with I'ncle Sam and 
til- hoys on their trail. We are go. 
me t.. have a bur day in Berea. and 
a bigger time if you are here. 
How about taking the .lav off ami 
celebrating'.' Head some of the 
good Fourth articles m this i-sue 
and let the old tune spirit get on 

IM inside of ran 

Four Ihouaaad officer rand Ida t< 

are expected |o arrive al the sclns 
from all parts of the I ntte.l Statr 

by Jtfcr I. 

l eaders of (he Liberty Loan l.e- 

giaa ass] at the gaeJhaek Monday 

alsN and planned for the drive for 
I the sale of War Savings Stamp -. 
Tl ursday and Friday will he Pledge 
n.h. rthat^, th. L flr_*l ,, ay< w ,„.,, it is hoped that ted 

fewer than 7Rnrto men. women and 
. bildren of Louisville will pgaStaM 
t ■ bat ttAaSJhlg worth of War Sav- 
ings Stamps before the I of the 

800 dormant Killed. 

With the Americana on the Marne. 
June 22. — German casualties in the 
tlghtlog In thia sector are now esti- 
mated at 800 killed and 0,000 

Private James A. Dooohue. who was 
taken prisoner eight day* ago, ee- 
cuped and rejoined his coinpuny. tie 
declared that a few other American 
prisoners are compelled hy the Huno 
to work In the front lines. 

Hun-French Exchange 

Paris. June •.".' PScnah prisoners 
who have been In Germany since Au- 

gust. 1014. will I BehaagSd "ii June 

24. according to the I'etlt Journal. 

Mid you ever think of our ally. 
"Italy, yueen of the Air*'' Read 
page two and learn something new 

So writ** gga vvlio bSjSSJM "In- 

You w ill rem. 
.lav "f Jahj the price of 'I'll F. 0R1 

/i N goat In *i tl Wat. i. your 

label, if it reads "I Jul. tH." thai 
gga Hall your subscription ex- 
pires July first. You can save 50 
cents hy sending a dollar at 
.•nee. We have held the price down 
fo, you jllst as l"llg as it was pos- 
sible, and vou have had the worn- 
! ings to get in on the cheap ' ate 

klasat to hsti gajttst at aass if , 

v..i, want I . .-arn llftv cents ea«y. ed Jn Wgr 


Soldier* at Camp O.x Pose for 
to Be Used In Fourth Loan 

Tour common 
that you caono 
things you bought 

to win Tour buying 

•Safe For Soldier* and Sailor*." 

New York district Attorney Swatin 

in that raids upon :I4 hotels 10 

which 40ii men and women were di- 
re, ted to appear before him. wer* 
part of a crusade to make the city 
-<tfe fur soldiers and sailors " A large 
per. outage of those summoned will h* 
subjected to physical esai 
der the provisions of t 
Whitney law h 

The speech of the German gasper- 
oi. made on the occasion of his 
jubilee, has not been well reralvst 
by the German press. He spoke of 
Hie war as a conflict of two great 
-v. Icnis of life, the Teutonic and 

the tagio taana. sad the need of 

continuing the Muht until lite Anglo- 
Saxon civilization was overcome. 
The papers, in comment ing. say the 
German people did not start in on 
IB) BSel mission as that Th.»y 
vv.ii' told Hie war was only one of 

nation wide lu^alry by tb* War De- 
partment to leara If this sort of thin* 

An American consul, returning 
fr.uii China, brings Willi him the 

BMaaega thai the people of that 

akafy are verv loyal to the t'nited 

Stales and that thev -land readv |g 
•I., anything that they are asked to 
do for the cause of the allies. Thus 

■mother great sour >f man power 

is opened gp in agSS gf need. 

Thirteen counties have voted the 
'.Ii cent taat Tax. I- your county 
of the thir |f 

Sirine | pie think that a 

toad, without maintenance, will en- 
dure a- I 'll*.' as a r.s'k fence. 

Fourth of July Celebration at Berea 

Page- Two. 

run i.iri/t.N 

■lnm» n. H UB, 


Nearly a Hundred-Thousand Town 
Men la Harve<t Ticldt 

something hi*.- MMMM WK msIm 
a few IkoMHHll MNi Mf%C I Iwn 
HMMMMMII less, are -":t III llM K:iii- 
wheat Herds, or will Ito before) 
J«*M Mini Inly iMVi i tt» ■* I. hnrx. st- 
ing thtl M';ir'< u ar-« inning rrop. 

When dnn tin- Brtnj "f Ikanraal ith' fiinn? Well, white 

,1,,,.. pprtMnf'l arniv of fighters 
c.ine from?— from -br.-. nml bunks 
ami farm* MNl offices and shops, 
from r-vorv f r n<}<\ every profession, 
every walk "f ABHflOM lif''- NM 
in Knit-a". Tin 1 army of hnr\ -»*t - 
1 1 MMMW fri>m the villages nnd 
lOWM niul cities MR of rall- 
i! f, MM i«f nvi'i'v kind, WBd loft 
tlii'ir tnwn affairs f"r a ttf weeks 
ami locked tn farm* for pTacUeiy 
llif -am.- reason* that t li.-ir i«>l»t 
ami frii'ixN Mbjj to tin- color- 
pl.'iv a pari in winning tie- war. 

Kan*ai i« ti*ing a* nvirh rjajtasfJs 
farm labor as MUM bo laCUtBd, of 
UHlfWi tmt tliat «upp1y h snftlojonl 
till oat* a part frf iho MwaV Kan- 
-i- i- < 1- >i nit what ovorv state ha* 
done or ru'ist did — harvest its own 
crop with it< ,,wn lal»or. for tho 
m»st part. 

KnMi 1 towns havo "shut tip 
simp," so jo spoak. during tlio hoavy 
f.oriod of tho harvost. Mon from 
lOWM nnd ritios havo loft thoir 
romfv JoBt and pn>fo»sjons and arp 
putting in a tfW wooks of tho tough- 
est work they ovor tackled -dotflg it 
for shoor patriotism, although, of 
ronrsp, thoy oarn harvo*t-hand 
wage*— do inn it to nave a f«vid crop, 
tho *a\inir of which is as MOaaaary 
a« tho holding of | taaior mi Ui 1 
fighting lino. 

It is an inspiring picture of pa- 
tiiotism. First Um young Mnbood 
of a froo pooplp frpply marching 
away to light for thp world's frpo. 
don; naw tho homo remaining man- 

I I 1 •■.'«%• i ntr dosk and shop and 

turning to the harvest flolds, in or- 
der that On- lighters, and tho civil- 
ians sustaining tho Ugh lor*, may be 
fed and tho fight continue to a vic- 
torious end. 

It really means that the Allies 
ktva won another great battle— that 
i- tlio true apprisal of this scene 
in Kansas, where men from every 
town and city went into physical 
training classes f,, r „ few wooks 
hardoning. and then swept across the 
■Tain fields, toiling determinedly— 
not baesoaa of compulsion, not be- 
cause of wage inducements, not bo- 
aa»JM Of anything iin<i.v the shin- 
ing -nn except that they are Amvri- 
i . us. and therefore are willing and 
aagar t.. arork until they drop, if 
that will help crush the Hun. 

Tho town women of Kansas vol- 
untaaNd lor tha harvest army, and 
■a di.l the hoys. And they are work- 

RANG OUUIBERTY jfafy Q ueen gfe QJn 

Inspiration to Younger Generation to 
Remember That Boy Gave S gnal for 
Peal That Reverberated to the Ends 
of the Earth. 


> you know that a hoy. a 
nng hoi. tho grandson of the 

aM t» Minim hi the fcaaaaj 

I'hlladclphlu. helped to pro- 
rliilm the liberty of the lulled Stutest 
Every hoy In the rminlry should Ih» 
pmuil that a boy like him WW iho one 
chosen to give the signal to "I'r.H bilrn 
lll» rty throughout tho Inn. I and unto 
ull the Inhabitants thereof:" 

The story of this irre,it day Is tel. I In 
a rlmrmlng manner In the 
follow : 

There was tumult In the rltr, 

In the quaint »M Quaker town. 
An.l the »ir..t» were rife with | 

Paring reetleaa up an>t flown. 
Pe iple mtherln* »i ■ ornera. 

Where they whlepentl each tn 
An I the sweat stood on their r 

With the earn-stneas of speerh 

At tho bleak Atlnnii currents 

i»«h the wIM Nawfoundl 
Ho thef beat against the 
do they surged affalnst the 

And tha mlns;lln« of 
the voh | a 
Mad* a harmony 
nil the u'Het street 
of chestnuts 
Was all turbulent 
wtth sound. 

Will they do «tr 
'"Dare, they do 


speak - 

Oi>d. grant 

■What of Adams'" 
What of Sher- 
"Make some way 
there!" "lyet me 
"I am stlflln*!"- 
"Htlne then; 
When a nation's 
life's at hasard. 
We've no time to 
think of men!" 

Bo they beat a«r\mat the portal- 
Man and woman, maid and child; 
And the July sun In heaven 

On the scene looked down and a.. 
The same sun that saw the Spartan 

Shed his patriot blood In vain. 
Now beheld the soul of ' 

Aloft In that high steeple 
Sat the bellman, old and 
He was weary of the tyrant 

And hla Iron aceptered api . . 
So he sat with one hand ready 

On the clapper of the bell. 
When his eyes should catch the 
Very happy news to tell 

See' eee' the dense crowd quivers 

Through all Its lengthy line. 
As the boy beside the portal 

I»oks forth to give the sign' 
With his small hands upward lifted. 

Breezes dallying with hla hair. 
Hark' with deep, clear Intonation, 
Breaka hla young vole* on th* air. 

Hushed the people's swelling murmur. 

List the boys strong joyous cry! 
••Ring'" he shouts aloud, "Rlni 

Ring' O. Ring for Liberty!" 
And straightway, at the signal. 

The old bellman lifts his hand. 
And sends the good news, making 
Iron music through tha land. 

ihg— the women peeling potatoes 

and washing dishes and Cooking | How they shouted! What rejotclnft 
fissl for the h-irvoslors- tho hovs How ,ne old shook the air, 

rooa ior ti e narvesiers, tne wys Ttll , h . cUnif of tntanm ruffle<1 

fitting in at every sort Of odd job. The calm gliding Delaware! 

for which they are sufficiently 
strong or skillful— the men thus be- 
ing free to devote their entire en- 
ergy to the actual harvest. 

For months the United States De- 
partment of AcrtoultttN bas advo- 
cated for every community and 
county the policy which Kansas 
k«a given stale-wide application. 
Tho people of Nebraska. Minnesota. 
North and South Dakota plan simi- 
taa eoneert of action as tho harvest 
swings nortb-wnrd. In every state 
and for every harvest, ,,r n up emer- 
geney. this js (he safe and certain 
and patriotic solution of the farm- 
labor problem — the utilization of 
town volunteers to the extent that 
farm-labor needs may require. 

How the bonflree and the torches 

Illumed the nlght'e repose. 
And from the flames, like Phoenlg. 
Fair liberty sroaa! 


Relic of Continental Army, Recently 
Found, Seems to Havs Been 

Cultivated Rubber. 

British Maluya Is now firmly estah- 
llslieil us the lending country In the 
production of rultlvnted riiliher. and 
the Industry tins added very substan- 
tially to the prosperity of the Malay 

Wives Evidently Hia Hobby. 

PrnhuMy the modern world s marry- 
tlK record for men was created by 
Vltzoff, the bigamist whose 
i have variously been . stltnut- 
etl at from -ou to si... It 
e.l that In the hpuce of a 
he went 

Fighting for Truth. 

KlghlUiK for truth In Its last 
of Haniilty. for human dignity sy»- 
utleully otitragid. or for 
i mercilessly trodden 

of sui h lutereats. 
of all descry, as from a 

Part of H»r Coatuma. 

liessie came running to her grand- 
moiluT holding a dry. pressed leaf, ob- 
viously the relic of a day I oug goua 
by. "I found If lu the big NfcsBj 
frunliiiti," hub Maid. "l>o you sposs 
it belonged to B 

8o great was the Interest shown In 
the battle flag of the Continental army, 
found between the walls of an old 
building, that It la probable an ef- 
fort will be made to have the flag dis- 
played In some public building aa • 

says the New York Times. 

The banner was found wrapped In 
the buff and blue uniform coat of a 
Continental soldier. Moths had cot)- 
sumed much of the woolen garment, 
but the flag, being made of linen, la 
Mtlll In excellent condition. 

The flag was found by Michael La 
Vista In an old building which be 
owns. He took the flag to It M. 
Sle ' • id of the Dobba Ferry pub- 

lic aOfcoaL Mr. I.a Vista says the 
discovery of (he old Hag was a good 
omen I,, the cause of the people now 
lighting iii another war for "Liberty 
Of heath." 

According to Mr. Sbepard, the Hag 
w is probably carried in the battl-* 
of White Plains. Heferenoe ot bs'al 
In. lories showed that a Hag of the 
same design bad been carried in that 

The flag, which is well preserved, 
though hearing signs of age, moas- 
Ufaa .'iviTi inches Its white cloth 
has been yellowed by time. Across 
the top is tho inscription in black: af Death." the words of 
PalTtak Henry. Hel-iw the motto is 
a pan of crossed daggers and above 
the,, a Liberty cap. 

numerable things that we worry over 
ur fret about or strive for really muke 
mi difference whatever, and we worry 
and fret and strive for them merely 
from a stupid sort of And wo 
bine perhaps, let them Mil her us and 
trouble us again and again, 
that they mattered and 
[paaMkf, But do I hey T 

Italy Is queen of tho air. 

F.ncliind's defense of tho son with 
her Mammoth Navy ; France's heroic 
Infantry chocking the first onrush of 
the Hun at tho Manie and at Verdun 
America's vast contribution of ma 
f. Tin's and money In tho past and of 
fighting reserves In tho future, are 
matched by Italy's contribution to the 
allied air navy, which will determine 
as much as any one factor our final 
victory over the Teutonic Powers. 

The general public, amar.od at the 
marvelous performances of Italy's air 
fleet during Cadonm a drive over the 
Alpn. at tho record breaking feats of 
Kesnatl, Ijiureatl and D'Antiunr.lo 
and at the wonderful mechanical 
achievements of the great Cnproni and 
I'omlllo planes, still have little real!/* 
tlon of fhe vast scope of Italy's 
achievement In aviation since she en 
tered the war three years ago 

In February. IMS* there were tn nil 
Itnly only 100 aeronautical workmen 
When that country entered the war a 
few weeks later she possessed alto- 
gether only 80 flying machines and 
those mostly of the French type Hut 
the Italy of poets and siegers Is also 
the Italy of mechanlcnl genius, of Mai 
eonl and Tesla. of Capronl ami I'o 
mlllo. Seeing with a clear vision that 
the fate of civilization lay largely In 
the supremacy of tho air. and partlcu 
larly the need of air defense for her 
own long iwm Itne. her statesmen set 
out to build a new Industry from the 
ground up. They gathered together n 
vast number of men of energy and i re 
atlve ability In order that they might 
bring their contributions of research. 
Invention and technical knowledge to 
a development of those machines of 
offense and defeuae wltb which battles 

rapid firing guna. Italian designers by 

synchronising propeller revolutions 
with machine gun tire hsvo placed ma 

• bine gtins on plain* that fire tka) 
shots a minute through the propellers, 
which make l.'JSt revolutions u mill 
ule, the calculation being such that no 
shots strike the projs'ller one shot 
passing between the blades with every 
two turns of the propeller. In addi- 
tion to the machine guns a multitude 
of bomb throwing. fjaaMal finding and 
other devices of great utility In battle 
and In tMunhnrdmciiis have been per- 
fei te.t by Italian genius. 

Italy has develo|ie.| the best typo of 
machine for each elaas of war work. 
Those for night bombardment are the 

• aprot.l biplane of 4.VI and M II P 
and the Capronl trlplane of msi II P. 
Those planes have an aierage s|«>ed of 
about H»» miles an hour and carry a 
large load of bombs For day loim- 
hnrdment one of their most efficient 

| machines Is the Sla tyi>e. with one en- 
gine of 7t»» H I". »lnch develops an 

| average a|M»ed of UB miles an hour 
ami bus a capacity for 7(S» pounda of 

Claaaea of Fighting Machlnea. 

One of the best Italian machines for 
reconnaissance work Is the I'omlllo 

two sealer of M*\ II P. with a s| d 

of iii miles pat hour, carrying two 
machine guna and a large load of 
U.mhs. Similar to this Is ttie :too II P 
Sla It.-Hldes this, they |sisses for 
rapid work a Sva biplane, a single 

ssatsf of H I' Bad a sp I of 1 M 

miles Italy's best lighting planes are 
the I'omlllo single sealer and 2Ho II p , 
with protective armor and carrying 
two machine guns, wltb a S|.eed of 1'S) 
miles an hour, and the Ansaldo single 
sealers of •'.>» II. V.. With a speed of 


ccm v %• Ufca M WTH TwCNTv-rtvc nst&FMoc* n*si 

are being fought today. As a result 
Italian aviation has established a new 
record In the Ustan of la Hast If. 
A New Born Industry. 

To the Immense and famous Italian 
Industrtsl centers, slready Mtr..iik'l> 
organized snd sctlve In general auto 
mobile construction, was aibb-d the 
new Industry of aeroplane construe 
tlon. Aa s result Ituly today hua over 
40,000 experienced workmen In this 
field, and her governmen* possesses 
over .t.isk) military and navsl planes 
and la supplying others to her allies 
by the hundreds Many of the planes 
America has sent to the French ft out 
were made In Italy, and Italian 
are being shipped here for tt 
of our aviators. 

Such Arms as Flat hsve accomplish 
ed marvelous .-suits In a short time 
This concern turned out a f00 II. P 
aortal engine, and other firms .level 
oped susvessful englnea of 1H0, L'i»i II. 
1" etc. The big I'omlllo plant was 
erected In three, months' time. TiMlay 
there are more than 'fft aeroplane fur- 
lories lu Italy, and that country has 
the distinction of producing the fastest 
aeroplane In the world, the fastest 
seaplane, the largest flying machine 
and the best climber. 

A great secret of Italy's success was 
tho Urge and isiwerful englnea she 
had already perfected In her automo 
bile Industry. These engines, develop 
lug from MS) to 700 II. P. snd lster 900 
It I', snd over, made possible the 
bull. ling of mush larger planes than 
had ever before been supposed possi- 

Italy'a aeroplane p'anta have been 
kept In operation, notwithstanding ad 
verse conditions, auch as lsck of eonl. 

In hydro-avlatlon the best 
machine Is the Ma. , hi, that for re. ..n 
nulsMiince work, having a BpsMd of 
over IIS) miles an hour, and the fight- 
ing machine having a speed of |30 
miles an hour A I'omlllo plant re- 
cently put out a -"•' II I" machine 
with a sjieed of l.">7 miles an hour 
capable of climbing lo.isst feet Id six 

tilovHiinl Capronl. creator of the fa 
mo u s Capronl machine, la planning to 
build after the war a filer c»rr>n.s- 
passengers, with which he expects to 
cress the Atlantic In 48 hours. Id 
fact, he had ho|s-s at one time of es 
tabllatitng during the latter part of 
this year a Paris to Washington mall 
rente, tlylng by way of Portugal, the 
Azores. Newfoundland and New York 
city The longest leg of this trip over 
water Is 1.1U0 miles, which, he saya, is 
well within the range of the present 
Cnproni machine. It would be a atrlk- 
Ing repetition of history If the nation 
which gave us Columbus, the first man 
to sail to the uew world by water, 
should alao furalah the first to follow 
that routo by air. 

Not only In building, but In handling 
n. roplanea have Ituliana excelled One 
of the worlds reconla taken by an 
Italian was the feut of Captain ciiullo- 
Laureatl, who established a Dow 
long distance flight record by flying 
more than MOO miles without stopping 
from Turin to Naples and returu In 
August, 11)17. Lieutenant Kesnatl us 
toiilahed Americana during hla flights 
here by going up 17.000 feet with I t 
men on board at Newport News and 
by flying from Mine.. la to l.angley 
Field, near Newport News, a distance 
of 822 miles, with ten passengers 

when wo. «1 was substituted for power aboard, 
generation, and the buildings In which 
the people worked were so cold that 

varnish would not dry 
obstacle was tno lark of 
Italy pays a 
It was 
tertal that maJe 

out cuustantlj by 

Ins of her maehlaes produc- 
ed laat year la capable of .-si tying 11 
tuna, fine haa planea capable of carrying 
a crow of 23 men and Is oow develop 

Escal In Dirigibles Also. 

Not only In heavier than air ma- 
chlnea, but In the dirigible lighter than 
air type haa Italy excelled. The For- 
laonl dirigible baa a record of lifting 
four tisaa of humha 1S..173 foot sa 
agslnat ths best Zcppellu' rseord of 
18.123 feet with a similar load. Aa a 
m aon rVgld typo 
is b«»o Tory effeoNTS. 
say what will happen Id 
ths very uear future, but ws as af- 
firm thst Balkan technical men. fully 
realizing the always In. tensing exigen- 
cies of war aud the value of aviation 

Ing one with a capacity of !U) men and lu tha war, aro coullnulng to work for 
a horsepower of 8,000. Hha alao baa, ever newer and more powerful types) 
plauea cajiahlu of traveling aiore than! which will la the future enable Italy 
0U0 lullea without a. atop One of the aud her allies U» kesrp that supremacy 
Italia* typo of ma. blues can o-a aluei la Iho air. f> 

War Has Multiplied the 
Value of Good Tires 

Never were cars so necessary— both in 
business and domestic life. 

Never was their continuous and eco- 
nomical use so imperative. 

Never was freedom from tire trouble 
and tire expense so absolutely essential. 

The rapidly growing demand for 
United States Tires prove their war-time 

mds of motorists each week are 
turning to United States Tires to get de- 
pendability and economy. 

United States Tires last 
carry you farthest at least cost. 

They enable you to make the most of 
your car — passenger or commercial — 
now. when it is more than ever a vital 
war-time necessity. 

There is a United States Tire for every 
possible need. 

Our nearest Sales and Service 

you should have. 

United States Tires 

are Good Tires 

in Cheerful Voire. WeM H e Knew What He Wa 

Cultivate s cheerful voice as a safe> j 0 |,n was busv Imitating the mea 

guard against the wrong things. It la «(„, „,.re measuring some ground In 

not easy to complain ..r to utter dole- the m li:tiborh.s)d of Ml hast Ho 

ftil forcastsln a blithe and breezy tone, wanted tha tape measure and came to 

and moreover, the habit of t.sae af- bis mother nnd - il I "Mother pleas* 

foots the habit of thought. may I take your i,„ her?" 



5- -54 
4- '3* 

" M 30 

.6. P 20 

By Clifford Loon Sherman. 
Dear Folks : — The minute we saw tho submarins, thlogs began to happen, 
ml lu spit.- uf all tho excitement, orerybodj ooomed to kuow exactly what 
to da Therv wae no confusion of any sort, which sneaks well for the training 
oar boys have had I want to the place that had bean designated for me and 
was writing down my impressions tu the diary yon gave me, when one of that 
officers came around. I started tu go, ami ha aald, "Never mind, I Just wanted 

to as* If sou were obeying orders and were stationed at the drat 


draw a Una from dot 1 to dot | then from dot ■ 


the crri/i v 

Berea College 

•MM College in proud of the rec- 
ord of its soldier boy*. They have 
answered HN MM of our Country 
Willi the spirit of men. We shall 
always follow up their career with 
the deepest interest. The name* of 
»ome are pmhaldy not M thia lint. 
If any one know* of a Berea man 
in the Army whose name is Ml M 
thin MM send in the mime ami ad- 
dress to the President's OfflMj Bere.i 
College, llerea, Ky. 

• i.-Hl fortune go with all. 

Lieut. IMJMMi 149th Inf, 
Shelhy. Hattle«hurg, MlSI 

L t Wiley, I Hi Inf.. Camp 



• amp 



AhT. Antonio. I5<»th 1'. S. Inf. 

Bbeiby, BatttaaburB. Mi**. 

Alford. (ireen B. Carp. Male 
Oaronne Pavillae, France. P. M., 
N Y 

Allen. Corp. (.has. B.. 37th Co., Kith 
Bn.. 159 I> B. Camp Taylor. 

Amhuryy Denver, Co, m„ iiMfe inf. 

BMIItMHifl. Mih- 
Anderson. Arthur B, 3rd Aero 

Squad. Ft. Mill, Okla. 
Anderson, L H, Mechan. Service 

via Paris. France, A. E. F. 
Ault Stanley. Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Ball*] frank, Red Croat Military 

Roepitel, BttMU b«n M France. 
Biiiiy. Qreao, BMM Co. U. 8. Navy. 

fjimBl ulge. Ma**. 
Ballarit, IVwise. 
Balliinl. ROMM. 

Ballinger. William H, Battery F, 
Ml F. A Camp Meade, Baltimore. 

■MMM, Lieut. C. ('... 149th Inf., Camp 
Shelhy. RaMtaOhUfBi Mia*. 

Batsoti. Ileul.en B. t»th I'roviaional 
CO, M M M. Reg.. Camp Han- 
rock, (la. 

fcaJMA BrMlMl, H. 0. Co.. Bth 
Inf . A K. F . ria Y Y P. M 

Bieknell, Corp, 1. Paul. Hdq. Co.. 
I |BUl lOf Han. I. hall iMMJffli Mi** 

Bifgerataff, Botaer. 
tiiggerstalT, SkI Lloyd, Tr. Bn.. 

Camp 1 MM M, B. C. 
Hillry. Cheerful. H. 00. Naval Hoep.. 

Portsmouth. Va. 
Blrrhtleld William. Co F . 2Mb Eng 


Bowman, Lieut F. <>.. Co. L, «t 
Inf. Discharged on account of to- 
Jury received In service. 

Bun Man J. o., 4th o T. <:., t«t 

l ump Sherman. O. 
Bowman. R (X, t:i Co.. MR Tr. Bn • 
I art I »«-i.< >t Brig. Camp Jacks<«, S.C. 

B mmm, I mm?, 3nth o». to Tr 

Bfl . IMU DMNX Biol. Camp Sher- 
man, o. 

B.w ling. Cirover. i iimp Shelby, Mis* 

Boyer, Clarooee, D s. s. Florida, 

I', -tmaster. New York City. 
Branson, Jerry. CO. A . Ban. B. QUB> 
UaH' Matn BehOOl, Great Lakes 

Bratrhcr. BMM C Chap T. BOkOM, 
I imp I aylor. Ky. 

Britt. I. lent .lame* J, Jr., Bks D. IB. 
322nd Inf.. Camp iMkMB, Colum- 
bia, s. Q 

Brock. John H, 2nd Tr Brgd. Line 

Si Kelly Ptald, Bo. San Antonio. 


l amp Funsten. Kans. 
s K t Jamee B. Co. D. 3l«lh 

Browning. Sut Itenjamin F., 1*1 Co. 

lot Div., M. G Bn., A.E F., France 
BrOWB, Corbett. CUM) Taylor. Louis- 

ville, Ky. 
Brown. W Wilson. Camp Taylor. 

Bia.I.ear. Dishman. I' S S. Bridge, 

ear* pnMMMor, New York City 
Buchannan. Wallace. 
Buchanan, Claude, 873 Aero 

I.ove Fie,ld. Ballaa, Tex. 
Camp. Bufoid. 322nd F. A 

Sherman. OBlUOOtOa, O. 
Calhoun. Quil f, Ft LM, 

bui'K. Va. 

Campbell. I'mer, Naval Tr. Sla., Co. 

II 2nd \U f . lii - at I . ike*. III. 
Campbell. William. Chief Bugler, 

Inf. Band. Hattienburg. Mist. 
Carpenter. S»rt. H. llins. Troop B, Mil. 


Engtnaera, Camp Lewia, Waah 

Ce. il. Lieut I I «'. " nth Cav.. 

HoAIlM, I'exa*. 
Chainnau. Floyd. M Q. Co, UOth Inf. 

Camp Shelby. Halt iegburg. Mis*. 
Chapman. Henry Clay. t« M. O. Co.. 

. amp Shelby. Hattiesburg. Mlta. 
Cha*teen. BTMM, «59th U. 8. Inf, 

Camp Sh.-ll.y. Ilatli.-I.ur*. Mis* 
Child*. Hermaji. N. V. 8. i-» Co^ 

Newport. R. I. 
Child*. "Manly." D. 8. 8. Nebraska. 

rare PontmaHter. New York City. 
Clark, Claude, Co. M. 321st Inf, Camp 

Jackson. Columbia. 8. C 
Clark. Walter. 34 Inf Med. Dept. 

faM Bli**. Texas. 
Clark. Carl H., Co. C, 2nd Tr. 

Camp Humphrey «. Va. 
Collins. Charles. Med. Officer's Y. M. 

C. A., Fort Oglethrope, Qa. 
Collin*. Robert E. N. R. Ma. Co. 8. 

Norfolk, Va. 
Collins. Samuel F.. M. 0. T. C, Post 

Fx . Ft OKlelhorpe, da. 

Comb*. Charle«. Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Comb*. Lieut. Sewell. 

k. Tom. \m Field 

1 xp. Force*. France. 
Cook. Albert Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Copelaml, Robert, Dauphin Mand 

Fori (lame*, Ala. 
Ormtt. .h.dn. I«t Co. tl.'tth M. P., 

Camp Shelby, llattienhurg, Mi<s. 
Cox. 8gt. Edward f>. Co. K, 148th Inf, 

Camp Sheridan. Ala. 
Coyle. William It. Ok K. l4Mh Inf.. 

Camp Sheliiy, Mi**. 
CoylO, Waile, camp Taylor, Ky. 
Coyle, June, A. E. F. 
OOfMi True F., 30th Inf. Band, Head- 
quarters CP. Camp (Ireen, N.C. 
Coyle. Alex. 1*1 Co., l*t Bn.. ICO Dep. 

BML, Camp Custer, Mich. 
CroA John. 

( rain, L O., IHth Co. 5th Tr. Bn.. 
Camp Taylor. Ky. 

Cranee, Lottoy, Goinp Taylor, Lmm> 
Mile. Ky. 

Cress. Roll I*, Co. K. tlHth Inf. Camp 

BMTMMi Ala. 
Bt li. ■>. r.Mr.l Co, Naval Train- 
ing Station, Norfolk. Va. 
I > - It... John B. 4l*t Co.. 4th Repl. 

Rft, I amp (Jordan. Oa. 
I v Kveielt, BM OO Del. C. A. C. 

A. F. F France, via New York. 
Maiii.N Copt Irving. Co. C, 509th 

BnRs Camp Trevi*. Texas. 
I >.,\ la, Sliel.l.m. Hdqr C tooth V ield 

Artillery, Camp BtOOOCk, (la. 
DO) K. lley. Naval Training Station, 

(Jr. at take*. Ml. 
Dean, I. o ut WllllOJR.|MJ inf.. Camp 

Taylor. Louisville, Ky. 
I> wim, (1 O. Co. B. 4th Bat.. U. B. 

ii Camp RMMM, New Orleans. 
Dellinfer, TROBWO, Camp Jackson. 
8. C. 

I', u nion. Sgt Willard C, 7th Cav. 
Tro..p H. Fort Bliss. Tex. 

Diamond, Aubrey V.. 148 U. S. Aero 
Squad. A. F. F., Care Adj. (Sea. 
\\ a-l.ingt..n. D. C. 
DiMiie. Melvm. Camp Taylur. Ky. 
DtXOn, Chester. Camp Taylor. Louis- 
ville. Ky. 

Mix I. lent. Klmer. Ft Th. inas. 


Dteney, Walter Clark. Co. L, 1st Reg. 
r |M . amp I loway, <;t. Lake*. IP. 

Di/ney, Win. I... Bait D. 19 F. A . 

Camp McArthur. Tex. 
Dodaon, c P., r s Na\al Training 
Station. |s| nth Co.. Newport R. I. 
Dootajl Join t, Suj.ply Co.. 6th Inf. 

Cli .tlaK.-ga. Tetm. 
Dot MM TOO M.. Ambulance Co. No. 

2. Fort Logan. H.-uston, Texas. 
DulT. puv ell. "BMM where in 

Dun. an. Mi'lvin. ttui S.piailr>>n. 

Aviation Camp. Wan.. Texas. 
Early. Clinton. 14!>th Inf. Band.. Camp 

Sto'lby. Hattiesburg. Miss. 
Fa*t Edward R. Co. 38. 10th Tr. Bn. 

150 Depot Bgd. Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Eeelea, William. Jr.. N. a. Oorpo, 0. 

S. N (i|,«.T%al..ry. Wa«lnm.-lou 

D. C. 
|.lge. ..mb. Cdenn. 

tuward*. Donald It. Medical Re- 

>.'rve. Columbus, O. 
Bdw lf d O, Mm Paul. Band MasUT. 

I40U) Inf Band. Hattiesburg. Mis«. 

brarartla, Corp, Thomas, Jr.. Co. M. 
SOU) Inf.. Camp Ma. Arlhur. Waco. 


l.dwar.N. Lieut. Robert N.. Aviation 
CoflOOBtrnUoa CMap, Morrison, Va. 
ingle. Ltaut BUalay L, RM4a Inf.. 

Citmp POMMO, Kan*. 

Rrnbort, OMO, I4MJ| M Band. Hat- 
tiesburg. Mi**. 

Fvans. Clyde. 
ItvOM Fred. 

Kvan*. John F. 439 Aero Squad , 
Vancouver Bk*.. Vancouver, Waah. 

I aircbild, Jaa. I . M Oo. Kth Bat . 
I MUh Depot IVd.. Camp Taylor 

Farmer. Frank. Franc. \ A F F. 
F. nwick. Leonard L. Camp Custer 

BmttM Creek. Mich. 
Pal ton, Corp. Flavel L.. Co. "A" 65 

Inf.. Camp McArthur. Waco. Tex 
PiOkter, Leonard. Il.lq. Detach. 15" 

Depot Brgd , Camp Taylor. Ky 

Fielder, William, Hdq. Detach. Ill 

Depot Hrg.l. Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Fish. Jesse T. 9th Co.. 3rd Ba., 15' 

D. B.. Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Flanery, Arch. Camp Custer. Mich. 
Flack. Billie, 18th Regt, A. B. P. 

via N. Y. P. M. 
Flannerv. F.lmo, KUh Aero 8. Scjuad . 

A. E. F.. Via. New York P. M. 
Flint. Sgt Sherman, Fort 

New Bedford, Mass. 
Foster. Samuel, Ambulance Corps, 10 

M. O T. C . Fort Riley. Kans 
Franklin. Arthur. Eubk. Hospital, 

Camp Stewart. Newport Newa. Va. 
Franklin. Harlan. 1st Co. C.A.C 

Pigeon Point. Wilmington, Del. 
Franklin. W 8.. 15tt Dep. Bgd., 25th 

Co.. 7th Tr. Bn.. Camp Jackson. S.C. 
Frailer. Sol. 44th Co. II Bn. 169 D. 

B. Camp Taylor, Ky. 

French, Marvin M V. B. 8. Poca- 
hontas. P. M New York City. 

French, Otti* J . care Naval Y. M C 
A . 187 Sands St.. Brooklyn. N. Y 

French. Elbert Voc. Tr. Die. N. A . 
Co. H. Indianapolis, Ind. 

Frost 1st Lieut Cleveland C, 
of Fire IMtb P. A. Bid. 
Funsten, Kansaa. 

Fugate. Clinton B, Y. M. C A. 
154. Camp Taylor. Ky. 

Folks Hlioti L . Hdqr Ox 149th Inf.. 

Qanbard, Serg F. Blaine, Ambulance 


U. 8. 

Camp Taylor. Ky. 
L. lOUl Inf.. Ft. Benj. 

Corpt No. 12, 
lionary Force*. 
Oabbard. John B, Co. E. 6th 
Inf.. A. R F. via N. T. P. M 

tiny, Cl-on, France, via New 

OibOe, CitiI t ump Taylor. Ky. 
OtfeMi Warren 
Otltan, Roy, Co. 

Harrison. Ind 
OtlllfMi I B oopltaJ •"ip-. 

Roanoke, \a. 

ck. Aaron. Ft Thomas, Ky. 
(Hista, Joe, 18 Co., 5th Inf. Depot 

Bfd . Camp Devens. Mas*, 
(i.slt.ey, Capt Chaunrey, Camp 

hislge, De* Moines, la. 
GoMM, Leo. Camp Taylor. 
• CRM C-. ROOraH See.. H. 

• i Ha-e. Camp < ireonleiif, (ieorgia. 
'•nihil, l out. Aileigh C, Fort An- 
drew.. Mas«. 
(inflln. Fleming B, M. D. MM« Ad^ 

BM L of C. a. F. F France. 
OlMI Frank, Co. M. 4th Inf.. Oettys- 

l.urf. Pa. 

OrOM Orrifta, Recruit C. A. C. Fort 
M..II. SaJern. N. J. 

Oudfer, James, 335th F. A. Camp 
Pike, Ark. 

Ila. kelt Sergt. II. W . Line 272. Kel- 
ly Fo ld No. I. San Antonio, Tex. 
I Hael.erlin. Fa-lliarn. Address will 
be appre. iated. 

Hall. Lieut John. M A Co. 53. Mili- 
tary Branch. Chattanooga. Tenn. 

Haley. I '"n>. Fai l D . drd Depot. 38tti 
l»iv. Camp Shelby, Hattiesburf, 

llal/..k. «;e.,rge. I'. S (ien. Hosp. No. 

7 Roland Park. Baltimore. Md. 
Hannah, Root N.. Co. B, 57th Eng. 

Camp Laurell. Md. 

Ntrt, Ltaut Joaeph, Cmm Taylor. 

Louisville, Ky 

Johnson. Frank D, 33rd Co, 0th 
Bn., Camp Sherman, (1.«. 1 lam. :i . Aero squad. Park- 
Held. I »nn 

.lone-. John It., .lid Ca«. C".. Bk I 
PPM. U< k . i lid. I'. «... Camp llan 

•nek, oa. 

Jones, || Clyde. V. 8. N. O. Base. 

Va. Ship 0O 


Ltaut William. D. B.. 
Taylor, Ky 

J. ne.. MMM, C... It. Ml Inf. 
Men.iamm Han i«..n. Ind. 

Jenkins, Chart ea N., supply c>. .t.*. 
HI Field Artillery, Camp Sher- 
man M.o.l. o|l . , 

Keffer. Ltaut Albert H , A. S. 8. C. 

OMM In. k fiallas. Tex. 
Kelly. Burton. (.' M. Dept.. 0MMO> 

bus, O. 

Kerr. Alexander C, U. 8. Navy 
Charleston. 8. C. 

Killin. I I. CO C. 117 Inf . Mont- 
gomery Ala. 

Kimball. Paul W.. 122 Service Sqd.. 
Kelly Field San Antonio. Texas. 

Km. aid. Bradley. Co. E, 336th In'., 
Camp Taylor. Ky. 

Ritehen, sam D. Line i, Reeruit 
Div, 1st Tr. Bgd.. KeHey PM4J 
No I. S san Antonio. Tex. 

I.eavitt Roland S. 147 Aero 8quad . 
A. E. F. via N. Y. City. 

I • u Ii Corp Prod H.. C. A. C, 2nd 
Co., Fort Sherman, C. Z. 

I . w iv Hugh, Camp Sheridan. Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

1 awls, Noih, Co. L. 10th U. 8. Inf., 
Fort Ben i. Harrison. Ind. 

Lewis, Lieut M. 0. Camp Lee, Va. 

Lewis. Dewey, Co. E. 149th 
Camp Shelby. Miss. 

Lew iv 

8. C. 


Parsons, Cbe«ter, Murine Mar 
vy Yard. Washington, D. C. 
Paill H alp fc, N M C. A . lies Monies, 


►Mr* u. I.eiand F... 32nd C. 154 De- 
ft I camp Mende. Md 

Perkm- F. S S. Jenkins, posUnaster, 
ROD Y. ik City. 
I» B Camp Taylor, Ky. 

Perry, Fiank. Co H. 2nd W. Vs. Inf. 

Pony, Pent). Camp Taylor. Louis- 
ville. Ky. 

Phelp-. (ilenn. Ambulance 
Fort Clark. Texas. 

Phelp.. (iler.n C... A. C. 24, 

Pirkle-umer. Parnell. Y. M 

Fori (irgletborpe. (ia 
1'inmiin. Cliri-topber. Co. H, M Inf., 

Camp Sherman. (). 
Pigman. Huram. 38 Co.. 9th Bn. 160 

hepot Brgd. Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Pitman RflMMi C# L. BM HM>i 

Camp Sherman, O. 
Pitmann, Corbett. U S. S. Kea. - 

searge, \ ia. N. Y. P. M. 
I'. rl. r. C. M. Clay, Co. E, 336 Inf.. 

Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Porter. Donald. Musician. 149th Inf. 

Street, Arvel. Med Dept. 80th T. A, 
Chattanooira, Tenn. 

Street Hubert. 2Mh Engineers, A. E. 

F. via N. Y P M. 
Tate. I Marl. Camp Sevier. Arn.y 
V. M. C. A. Sevier Branch. Oreen- 

vllle. 8. C. 

Tanll s. Id. n, Fng. Corp*, El Paso, 


Taylor, Row Mi f.. y. m.c. a., 

|i'Ague*«an, Pnrl*. France. 
Templeton, r. r., 70th Co. B. Paris 

Island. 8. C 
lernl. B Harold. Co. M. 1st Pioneer 

Inf.. Camp Wad«worth. S. C. 
1 1 " di. RnMrt ca-.., Co, i. Ml \ \l. 

Tr,, Camp Pike. Ark. 
Reynohte, Taylor, Battle Creek Am- 
bulance Corp*. Allentown. Pa. 

Room, Bdward, IB f. a. Med. Dept., 

Fort Bliss. Tex. 
Roberta, Dene Beott, U. 8. 8. Ne- 
braska, loth piv., Fortre<< Mon- 
roe. Va. 

Robertaon, Jackson, C<>. Q, 23rd D. 8. 

I ng A. E F . France, via N. Y. P, M. 
riiomas, Clay. Ft. Thomas. Ky. 
Travis. Vaud A.. Ft. Riley. Kans., 
care of M. O. T. C. 

Bund. Hdqr. Co.. Hattiesburg. Miss. Trosper. Raleigh, H. Co. 6th Inf. 

C. A, 

Harrel, Gordon. 10th Inf. Med. Dpt. L«" w '»- James. Ft. Bliss. Tex. 

Fort Benjamin Harrison. Ind. 

Harris.. ii. f.rerd ().. !'. S. S. So. Da- 
kota, p. M New York City. 

Hammond. SsTgt. Benjamin. 333rd 
Inf.. Camp Taylor. LOUifTllta, Ky. 

Hay*. Sgt Earl T, 18th Co. 5th Tr. 
Hn„ Camp Taylor. Ky. 

Hays. Herbert. Musician. 149th Inf. 
Bond, Camp Shelby. Hattiesburg. 

Hembree, Lieut. G eor g e N.. M inf.. 
Con. fj. M.. Commerce St.. Balti- 
more. Md. 
Heekman Walter W.. A**t. Band 
Master. 1 19th Inf. Band, Hdqr. Co. 
Hattiesburg. Mi*s. 
Hill. Ernest It. Caufflns. Co. 1, 0MM 

Johnston, Jacksonville. Fla. 
Ililliard. D. Moss, San Pedro de 

Mooorio, D. R. 
Ililliard. Dudley, San Pedro de 

Ma. oris. D. R. 
Hillman. .las. E. Co. E. 20th Eng 

R. C 

Lichtwardt. Lieut H. A.. M 
Infirmary Casual Co. 1. 
Colt Gettysburg. Pa. 
Linton, Leo S.. Died at Camp Mac- 
Arthur. Texas. February 3, 1918. 
Lock in. Earl. 47 Aero Sqd.. A. E. F, 

via N. Y. P. O. 
Lynch, Sergt. Dora. 52nd Inf. Mili- 
tary BroMb, Chattanooga. Tenn. 
Mahaig. Hay. Port Royal. 8. C. 
Marcum. Leonard. Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Marcus. Charles. 112 Fid. Sig. Bn., 

Co. C, Camp Sheridan, Ala. 
Martin, Tergeant Robert Med. Dept. 

14th I. a. Fort Sill, Okla. 
Martin, Carlyle, Fort Lee, Peters- 
burg. Va. 

May. Urn, e Supply Co. 313. 0- M. C. 

N. A , A. F. F. Ma. New York. 
May. <i II, *:th Aero Squadron. 

Bark Ptald Memphis. Tenn. 
Marlow, i ".. . rge. Co. 2. Squad. 335, 

Aviation. Ft. Thomas. Ky 

Camp American'rVtv, Wash- MeCann. Homer, Raff. 8. Co. 81, Great 

Lakes, |||. 
MeCann. John. 309th Eng. Corps, 
c.amp Taylor, Ky. 

McComas. Battle Creek 

ington. D. C. 
BOOB, John T, Caisson Co. 2. 112ht 
Ammunition Train. 37th Div. 
Camp Sh. i i, Ian. Montgomery. Ala. 
Hoffman. Clarence. V. 8. Avialion 

Corps, Columbus. O. 
Hoffmen, Frank. I". S. Aviation 
Corps, Camp McArthur, Waco, 

Hoffman, Glenn, Government Ac- 
countant, Detroit Mich. 
Ib gg, Harvey. Co. D. 2nd Ky. Inf. 

Hattiesburg, Mis*. 
Hopkins, Dave, Aviation Corps. 

Charleston, 8. C. 
Howard. Ensign Richard, Annapolis. 
Howard. E. M. N. T. Station. 7 Reff . 
2 Co., Newport R. L 
Guelph, Ontario, Canida. Report- 
ed drowned at sea. 
II. ■ waul, lieorge. I). S. 8. Pennsyl- 
vania. Fortress Monroe, Va. 
Howard. John, Forward. Birchfleld, 

Howard Ray U BUB Depot Btry.. 
Quelph, Ontario, Can. 

Howell. Marcus. U. 8. 8. George 

Washington. Brooklyn. N. Y. 
Hudspeth, 1st Lieut William R. 
333rd Reff. Supply Co.. Camp Tay- 
lor. Louisville. Ky. 
Hubbard, Lloyd. Camp Sheridan, 

Montgomery, Ala. 
HutT, ('.apt. E. W., Hdq. San. Tr., 

Camp Dix. N. J. 

Humphrey, R It.. 60H Aero Inf. Sqd , 

Aviation Caaap, Waeo, Texas. 

Hunter. Harry S., Batt. A. 119th F 
I Ml Di* A. E. P. via. N Y. P. 

Hunter. Hinton H . 108 Co. 8th Reff. 

I'. S Marine. Galveston, Texas. 
Hylton. Charles, U. B 8. George 

Washington Itrooklyn. N. Y. 
Imrie. Lieut. N. A., 36 Coleman St. 

London England. 
ImriO, Jack. 36 Coleman 8L. London 

Isaacs. Capt. M. J, 320 P. A, Camp 

Taylor, Louisville, Ky. 
I son. Sgt D. B.. Co. D. 149th Inf. 

Camp Shelby, Miss. 
Is, ,n. David I . 3rd P Raft-, lullrm- 
iii v '.Uli Bn.. IV.i D. H. Camp Ta> - 
lor. Ky 

Jackaon, John C, 62 Co. 13 Prov. Br. 

Camp Lee, Va. 
Johnson. Corp. Clyde, 140 P. A. tlet 

Division. A.E. P.. via N.Y.P.M. 
Johnson. Lambert Co. I. 321st Inf.. 

Camp Jackson. Columbia. 8. C. 
Johnson, Stanley, Co. No. 46. Paria 

Island, Port Royal. 8. C. 
Johnson. Steve. U. 8. N. Base Hos- 
pital, Hampton Roads, Va. 
Johnson. Arthur O, 37tb Co. 10th 
Bn . 150 D B. 

Co. Allentown. Pa. 
MeDavid, Bourke F... » Oo, 7th Plat, 

Ft. Thomas. Ky. 
MeDavid, Jame* A. Address will be 

M. FIroy. F P. Navy. 
MoOuiro, B»>n, France, E. P. Co. M. 

«'th Inf.. Via. N. Y. 
MeGuire, Lee. U. 8. Naval Radio 

School, H. V., Cambridge, Mass. 
McGuffey, William. U. 8. 8. Missis- 

lippi, care Po*t Master. New Yora 

City. Div. X. 
McKay. Lieut. Walter H.. Medical 

Corps, American Expeditionary 


MeMullin, Baiauel. IBBtfe inf.. camp 

Sh. lt, y. Hattiesburg, Miss. 
Menxle, Leonard. 120th Co., 1st Rep. 

Hat 0. S. M. A. E F N. Y, City 

P. M. 

Michael*. Manna. Richmond Tr. 
School Dtch.. Slate Fair Grounda, 

Richmond. Va. 

Miller. Robert F... Aux.. Remt. Depot 
■ill. Camp Johnston. Jacksonville. 

Mockbee. William. 1st Plat, 87 Sqd. 
13th Co., Ft. Thomas, Ky. 

Morgan. Reuben, Camp Taylor, 

Louisville. Ky. 
Morgan, lain. - \l . Co B.. It:' F. S. C. 

Cth Div . A. E. F. 
Morgan, Rnfus. Med. Dept.. Ft. Benj. 

Harrison. Ind. 
MOOre, Edwin. Hdqr. Co. 336 Inf., 

Camp Taylor. Louisville, Ky. Harold Aviation Corps, 

bus, 0. 

Moore, George W., 379 Aero Squad, Smith, W. 

Taliaferro Field No. 3, Texas. 
Murpbey. Lieut Robt. E. Lee. 183 
Aero Squad.. Garden City, Long 
Island. N. Y 
M uri ell, Jesse I... Bar. 830 N. C 8. 

Camp Decatur. III. 
Nay. Walter. Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Neat Sidney, Battery A. 12 P. A. Ft. 

Meyer. Va 
Nickell, Clarence, M. D. 149th Inf. 

Camp Shelby. Miaa. 
Nickell. Ira, Lieut., Camp Taylor, 

Louisville. Ky. 
Ogg, Wm. Emery. Co. 0, 51 Inf. 

Camp Forest Ga. 
< .shorn. J. O., Co. D, 6th Eng. A. E J. 

P. M.. New York City. 
Parker. Clarence, Camp Shelby. Hat- 
tiesburg, Miss. 
Parker, Sgt. Thus. L. P. A. Camp 
Jackaon, R. O. T. C. A. E. P .Pr. 
Parker. Robert Co L. 120th Inf.. 


Porter. Glenn. 158 D. B., 3rd Tr.. Bn. 

Bid. M 44, Camp Sherman, 0. 
Powell, sgt. W. Stanley, Co. K, 336 

Inf., Camp Taylor. Ky. 
Pratt. Chester. Camp Jackson, 8. C. 
Puekott, John Allen. Co. G, 149th 
Inf. Camp Shelby, Miss. 

Raekley, Lloyd, Co. j. 6th Reg. Camp 

Perry, Chicago, III. 
Raine. James Watt Army Y. M. C. A. 
Camp Shelby, Miss. 
Inf . Reams. Robert Inf. Co. D. Med. Tr. 
Camp. Ft Benj. Harrison, Ind. 
Redden. Sergt E. A.. Co. C. 3rd Bal- 
loon Squad., A. E. F.. via N. Y. P. M. 
Raid, Harry B , 33 Aero Squad., A. 

E. F. via N. Y. City P. M. 
Reynold*. Beeler, 9th Co.. 3rd Bn., 

IBB D. B., Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Rlchardeon, WUItaa K. Med. Dept., 

Ft. sill. Okla. 
Rice. Augustus. Battle Creek Ambu- 
lance Corps. Allentown. Pa. 
Hitter. Corp. Henry A.. Co .C. Fid 

Sig. Bn.. Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Robie, Carroll, Hdqr. Co. 149th Reg, 
Band, Camp Shelby. Hattiesburg. 

ftobineon, Charles. Ft. Thomas, Ky. 
RohlnOM, Fred. Observation Baloon 
Div. Somewhere in France or 

Robinson. James S. 61st Inf.. Co. K, 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Robinson, Miss Minnie Jane. Amb. 
Co.. Base Hospital. Ft. Oglethorpe. 

Rogers, John I... "Over There." 
Roffera, William, Co. K, 1st Pioneer 

Inf.. Camp Wadsworth, S. C. 
Rust, S. R., 305th M. G. Bat. Co. C, 

Camp I'pton. N. Y. 
Royse. Felix. Hdqr. Co. 120 Inf. Cam* 

Sevier. N. C. 
Sapp. Claud. U. S. Naval Tr. Camp, 

Portland. N. H. 
Sandlin. Floyd. U. 8. 8'. Nevada, 

Postmaster, New York City. 
Scott Frank, Ft Thomas. Ky. 
Sellers, Rudolph. Army Y. M. a A.. 

Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio 
Settle. Mark, First Machine Co.. Ft. 

Benj. Harrison. Ind. 
Sharp. Dewey F., 22 Aero Squad. 

A.E.F.via New York City, P. M. 
Shorte, Serg. Braxton C, Co K, 148th 

Mil. Br.. Chattanooga, Tenn. 
Turner. Fred. Line 92, Kelly Field, 

No t. B San Antanlo, Tex. 
Twifnrd. Sgt-Major Otto R., Iflth U. 

S. Aero Squad.. A. E. F. France. 
Walker, Harry B.. F Troop, :«»7 (lav., 

Del Rio, Texas. 
Wallace. E E. Hq. Co., 1st Pioneer 

Inf.. Camp Wadsworth. S. C. 
Washburn. Major James H.. Annis- 

ton. Ala. 

Welsh. Preston F. U. S Navy. Eng. 

Wells, E. J„ U. 8. S. Minneapolis, 
New York. 

Wheeler. Val, Camp Beauregard. La 

Wheeldon, Vernon 8. U. S. 8. Miss- 
issippi, N. V. P. M. 

Wheeler, Frank. U. 8. S. Agememnon, 
N. Y. P. M.. Box 7. 

Wiley. Robert Naval Radio School. 
3 Shepard St.. Cambridge. Mas*. 

Wiley. Lewis A.. Naval Radio School, 
3 Shepard St.. Cambridge. Mass. 

Wills. Howard. Ft. Thomas, Ky. 

Wilson. Frank, U. 8. N. Tr. Sta., Nor- 
folk, Va. 

Wilson. .1 Oeear, Co. 6I, Marine Bks., 
Brooklyn Navy Yards. N. Y. 

Wilaon, Joseph' a., u. s. N. T. s. 

Co. 118. Norfolk. Va. 
Wise, Millignn, Camp Jackson, 8. C 
Wiseman. Earl. U. S. S. Allan, P. M. 

N. w York City. 
Wolfe. L. D.. 313 Anx. Rejr. Sta. Vet. 

Corp*. Camp Shelby, Miss. 
Woiford Capt. Luke P., 323rd M. G. 

Batt., Camp Sherman. O. 
Young. C. Harvey, Frnitland. 

Mexico, Forward. 


The registration of German alien 
females, t ( , begin Monday, June 17 
and end Wednesday, June 26, will 
he . 'inducted in cities or municipal- 
ities having 5.000 population or over 
by the police officials. In commu- 
nities having a population of less 
than r>.<Hin the roflilrallon will b-3 
handled by postmasters. 

In general the plan of registra- 
tion is the same as that followed in 

the registration in February of Ger- 
Inf., Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, nian »>'«'" mal «' s person who 




Lieut Cyrus P.. Ft. 
thorpe. Chattanooga, Tenn. 
Shorte. Serg. D. C. Co K, 148th Inf., 
CMM slieridan. Montgomery, Ala. 
frailer. Arvtd o.. It O. B, Naval Op. 

Ha-e. Hampton Roads. Va. 
Simpson. Green T„ Corpus Chrisle. 

Tex.. Co. F. 5th U. 8. Eng. 
Btagta, Dean. Electric. Div. Detach- 
ment Enlisted Specialists, Fort 
Monroe, Va. 
Slemp, Lieut Alfred C. Bat. B. F. A., 
Camp Stanley, Leon 8prings, Tex. 
Smith \s i( 0, It Co. C> M. C, 106 
Machine Repair Shop. Columbus, 

Smith. Fredric L. 306 Sanitary Tr.. 
Field Hospital 324, Camp Sevier. 

8- C. 

Smith. J. W.. Co. 310, U. 8. 

Co.. Camp Dix, Trenton, N. J. 
Smith. John W., 4th Co. Inf, 

als, A. E. F. via N. V. P. M. 
Smith, Verne Corbett Co. H, 332 
Inf., Camp Sherman, 0. 

I p . Officer s Training 
('amp. PafM Rico, 
smithers. Frank. Co. B, 335 Inf, 

Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Sparks. Cloyd. Camp Shelby. Miss, 
spen. e. Sgt K. L., Co. I, 18th Inf. A. 

I F , \ ia. N. Y. P. O. 
Sp.n.e. Sgt W. F.. 4th C. 1st T. 

Bn.. CMM Taylor. Ky. 
Spink. Corp. Paul. 1st Co. Military 
Police. 108th Train, 33rd Div.. 
A. E. P.. via N. T. P. M. 
Bpurtaek, Co-sii".., r s. s. Heal.- 

ria, N v i m 
Stafford, Kverett D., Co. 3, 60th Inf. 

Curtis Bay. Md. 
Stansell. Maxwell. Bat 1. 0. T. B., 

Camp Taylor, Ky. 
Milwell, Lieut Abner J . Co. G. 342nd 

Inf . Camp Grant, III. 
st Clair, Ray L.. Military Branch. 
Y. M. C. A. No. :«X Chattanooga. 

Stout. Charles E.. Camp Taylor, Lou- 
isville. Ky. 

must register will be required to 
register her finger prints. This 
method of identification is also us- 
ed in the military and naval serv- 
lOM of the Lnited States. 


After a study of the possibilities 
of grading sweet potatoes, the Bu- 
reau of Markets has submitted ten- 
tative grades to a list of dealers, 
growers and operators of sweet po- 
tato storage houses for their sug- 
gestions and criticism. Over 90 per 
cent of the replies are decidedly in 
favor of the grades. One of the let- 
ters of approval was from the East- 
of Virginia Produce 
which is composed of pro- 
ducers and is one of 
sweet potato 
lions in the 


Acting on a suggestion of Geu. 
Pershing, an order has been issued 
increasing each regiment's band 
front 28 to 50 member*. Band lead- 
ers having had more than five years' 
military experience as band leaders 
will be made llrst lieutenants; those 
with less than five years experience 
will be made second lieutenanta. 

Besides enlarging the banda, a 
bugle and drum corps will be added 
to each regiment. Each corps 
include the company buglers of 
regiment, and not more than 

Tur»,,,h Woman. 

Turkish women nrvvr serve In Chris- 
tian t.i uses unleHD UN (HVHSlolllll , l,«r- 

uoinen or washerwomen. Cn-.-k and 
Arm. nlnn women, on (he other hand, 
are the maloatajr of the Constantinople 
; even Turks often employ 
to keep their big I 

Page Four. 

lunc 27, 10IR. 


All who paid for Liberty Bonds are invited to 
call for them 

Get Ready 

for the next Liberty Loan by beginning now. 
Lay aside your surplus cash and let it 
accumulate for the next loan. 


you 4 per cent interest on savings 

Berea Bank & Trust Co. 

JOHN F. DEAN, Cashier 




Dean & Stafford 

Berea, Ky 

Best Blacksmithing 

Scientific horse shoeing, line iron 

■ ■ k anil repairs of all descriptions 
at the College Hlackstnith Shop. 
Main Street, north of The Citizen 
Office. id. ••iny. DIRtef Weal an operation at t In 

— — — — — — — College Hospital for trachoma, Mod 

The electric current will | iT 

Sunday, June ,'tuth, frosn fsM a. in 
tin i'. n p mi. Baal and Pulsar. gnVM 

Hoy Oillett wa- ;il home a f«M day- 
to M in- aao t ax f t a w wa lt , a- kg 

i- I k<-i| for Krance. He rihI hi" 

mother arora agggrlahud at in. 

uncle's home for dinner on the HaMs 
\. M, Clarl I. -ft Tuesday ninrn- 
hsj for Mackville. where he has 

I n elected cashier of the Farmer-' 

Rank. Ufa family w ill join him m 
th>' ajaajf future. 
Mi-- Doratha Wilson ,,f the \.-a,i- 

Berea, Ky. 

(In effect May II. Itfl 

North Bound 
Xo. 32, Leaves 6.53 p.m. 
No. 38, Leaves 1:17 p.m. 
No. 31, Leaves 3:53 a.m. 

South Bound 
No. 33, Leaves 12:03 p.m. 
No. 37, Leaves 1 :fU p.m. 
No. 31, Leaves 12:12 a.m. 

day pacrnlng, winch was very suc- 

Haaler Karl a. Wattenbafgar 

pgjaaad tin. .null In" ilr-t Plggl laBU 

nn the npi'i'atiim tahie Monday morn- 

in*:, when |»r. Cow ley rORe O ggd his 


i C. H. \nderion and C. H. \\'< r- 
Iraberger spent Monday aftaf^oon 
in Richmond having their appiice- 
Uons for passports far Oreraoaa 

Note: No. 33, the fast train, will T. M. •:. A War Wort nil d and 

stop for passengers from North of wroen to before th.- Federal Court 
Cincinnati, O., or f..r South of Knox- 
ville. Tenn. 

We BELL hats and sell them right. 
Mr- I. aura Jones ad. 

Mr. and Mr*. Howard Rarriaog 
are visiting his mother tin- week l» 
on Centra street. 

Mr*. Nannie Hranaman relurned 

to iot aoaaa Tfcureday from a 

\i«il with her SOB, Charlie Adam-. 

of Wtnrhojtfa" 

Mr. and Mrs, Charlie MaGuiN and 
i hildren. of Batesville, were the 

I la of in* iii-other srott MaGufrti 

frt'tn Friday until Mflpday. 

Edgar Wvatt, who i- employed in -I 
Winch. -ter -pent Sunday here with 

In- w ife Hiid mother. i' 

Lieut. Bentog Deafoa, of Oaaap l 

clerk. Mr. andersog is due to re> 

port at New York head.piarter- July 
first and will "ail BOOg after. Tlie 
latter will report for duty a month 

Mr. and Mr«. W. I'.. Farmer have 
Ml notified that UMif son, Frank, 
has landecl safely overseas. 

Mi^-in \ddie Howling. Katbe* Pitts 
Mad F.thel Duncan left Monday for 

Battle Creek. Men* w here they will 

he employed for the summer. 

Mr. ami Mrs. L, A Watkin* have 
returned fr«>m Parte, where they 

-pent the week with Mr. and Mr-. 
A. Arthur and were with Oscar 
hnaon during bis trial. 
Mi-- sue Robinson of Paint Lick 
the guaaf of her eouaiMi Miaaea 
•ii and npiil Robinaon. this week. 
William Preatoo and Fred Sliirk- 
-er\ice at 

Shell, v. \| i— .. wa- her<' Friday. 

visiting in- Mtfa, Mr- Paging, (aaa lay area* railed into 

Mi- Sarah Fly. 'amp Taylor the 25th 

The Hev. Mr. Knglish and family It i- reported that Martin Oentry. 

are BlOVlng from JgakgQg atraaf to a Foundation -Indent of IH07 and 

i lie-tnnt -treet this 
gerge a al Karl 

week. Normal II and 'in. was killed in 

Hayes from Camn action in France recently. 

A recent letter from Mrs. Taylor 

i slates that Mr. Taylor is as cheer- 
is taking ful as ever in hi- work in France. 
Cincinnati. Burggf MM) Mr- Way are rejoicing 
oxer the hirth of an eight pound 
►.•ill at the OaHgfg llo-pital Tue-- 

Taylor wa- home recently for a few 
day-' \ i»it. 

Mi-s Sue Porter, ark) 
a aaajgaa in nursing in 
i- -pen. ling a month- vacation in 

■area with gat mother 

Mr and Mr-. F.ugene Th..m-on and day gftjgffMOggJi the 25th. 
little fkunMlar Fli/ah-th. of Louis- R. .1. Fugle is clo-uig out his 
\ille. -pent from Saturday until grocery -tore and household plun- 
W.dne-day with friends in Rcrop. dog, S| ial hargain- until sold. 

Mi— He— Have- returned to fiada-l BjgVti 
dm. Ma Tuesdav. after a visit of Fiam i- Burton Clark, new a— i-l- 
-e\.ral day- with her parents in ant Dagjl of the Vocational Dapgjrf 
Per. a. I ment. arrived at the College Ho- 

M Hay Smith, who has heen I"'" 1 laVM morning at :wi and will 
BMMlyfcai ssUJM at MM f)gggai » glut J Pe»tW|Mjeg in home affairs f.. r MMM 

in Cincinnati for Uta past year, is »"'"• kafngg isauastm «'»>' rasgaa 

at home eg a visit wdh her parent- "MMM* Mis weight i- . itlil 


l.ietiteiianl ^'. H. W alker of Camp 
T. \|. r. and Mi-- Vldie Fi«li w.r. 

mited in we.ii, r| Saturday after- 

K • n at tin ... lock at the Lean 

ItlUt home of the I, ride. |f tin- lt< \ 

HteagnJ B m awm, 

I he krkif i« the ggfj .lauiihl. 
• i Mi- leaaMr M-h. She will !.• 

i .1 \er\ much in the mflliiici | 


riie wenVftng was a ajuaH gffgtr 
•n'y a peranngl friends aa>d re 

latirea alien. Iltik The |,l I.I, • Wole 
i pretty dark hi ie trn\ niu -nil. 
1. 1. ill .iii.I Mrs. W alker left her • 

Mnndg) f 'i- CbitHentbe, RHIo, where 
he will attend an .fther- MgfWMM 



Allll".' IICeinenN Were receive,) in 

Rrrag MM areek reiafing the niai- 
riage ..f Mi— Cbartey Hartley Bnmai 
if O g etd g |n Howard Haves Ham- 1 
-■•ii >.f Berea. on .lone toth nt 

Oneida After apemttng a paagagnl 
honey moon .,f aevergl days m the 
lull- near Mneidn. and a "hort tun- 
ig Berea with ■>, Harri-on's 

narenta, the young trde M| f,,r 

Mggjlaisj which i« Mr. Ilarn-on'. 

b ea doj ua r te ri in in- agrteultural 

W ork. They w ill he n | home I , 
their friend- after .Inly ls|. 

i he best wishes of their RugacToua 
friend- gn with in thejr united 
ioorgey thru life. 


II i- ki atif> hlg I" km g that 

' Pi I laaftnaaible i« keMaj a< • 

' aapliabaif, ihe Murk on t»raffoi.i 
cane inn i« pnasrgaaMa] laaty. 

Ml i ll ol til.' irglHgg I- . olllplele.l. 

Mm MaatMaJ ami MnriHng of tha 

roe| i. well under way. the bTRhjei 
ami I'Hlaarta are i.einu tnade. and 

the prospect* .lie pmid for till' lull 

I., he made aaayjg fur the metal at 
an early dale. Some aaa) think 
thai there i« ponaHter g bla nulfgy nl 
moejej foi tin- pfaoa of wmk. but 
w hag w think of it ii- one M 

ih-e rog I inn links on Ihe ar.-al 

IMgJa Rbjtrwgy, and the bleaalng 

-uch a lh.,f. fare g i'| gg |g Ihi- 

« h. i ling . r th nntry, the 

•etna! anal -mk Mo nbHvlog), The 

anenlr xalue <>f the lull, from th 1 

tourist's \iew point will agr ee d ihe 

co«t of the improvement in dollar- 
and .'.'lit- When Ihe DHHg is 

pmfiei'ij npene.l up, I hare will be 
a <•< •iiimiio ii- -treain of Inurlats 

l thg tin- way ).. w.-t a glgaj of 

the au r r ou ad i ng leri Hn t j from 

tVaifohl Cane lull. 





One ..r the nanat plegagid MrfcaM 

fot the folk- of Fa-t Center -tie.) 

nrre.i la-t Wadweadgy evening. 

lone lit. when the fanulie- gu m fier - 

'iiu ahoiit seynnty | |de in all. 

Lathered on the lawn of Mr-. Sal'ie 
kdgMM and participated in a neigh- 
borhotld -upper, which was hounti- 
fnl and delicjiiiis, ;md a ga n e ra l 

haadahaktng and aoetal goad tune 
i»f neighhora and friends. 

The purpoaw ..f the salhering '>f 
the c'ans grgg to -how the love and 
appreeiation for ogg of their nnni- 
ber, Mr-. John A. Wvafl and family 

who have I n in their mnNt for 

-eyeral years, and are now legging 
B<Tea for Ctneiongtli where thev 
will make their future home. True, 
whole-hearted neichlmrs are th-» 
gregteat poaaeaaioaa of any com- 
munity and the departure of Ihe 
Wyatta wtfl ka keenly raglMaii in 

IhM respect. 

The -upper was an entire -urpri-e 
to the family, hut wa- received in 
Ihe MHMa -pirit ..f logg and geigh- 
bOTT* kindnes- as it vxa- ciyen. 

The beat wMhaa of their naay 

friend- \go wRh /them into their 

new home, sad a wel.'ouie I- extend- 
ed to them al auv tune thev may 


■ ltve-dg) Lincoln Chatilauqiii 

III the College Taliem.irle | a st 

xxeek was a aWOaaa from start l<> 

flniah, No one who held ggggOg 

liekets regretted hay ma them, ag* 

1 tally when th. -«• rare treats 

auell as Hajjnr I'. vah. the musical 
attrgrtiowa and Lincoln MrConnell. 

were -I at w I Berea people know 

'ii w In appreeiate gnnd Uihgya when 
thev come rturrng the-,, wgr Hgagg 

nothing will keep the home people 

mi Ihe tlrina line a- will a iiood 
rhgutgu(fua. No definite garara was 
ma le l.,r the return of the Lincoln 
next year. Pledge a, k owever , were 
nagde for liekeis whiek we imdar- 
atgnd are good in .yent wok ar- 
r g n g eme n ta can be made for their 
return. Beraa should keep 4ier-e|f 

in the front and ha\e every | 1 

thing turn tier w gw. 



riie MjMMkNjg, aoasfortasda porrt 

of Prof, and Mr.-. Dudgw'a home was 

th. aaaaa of a delightful -upper 

party la-t Monday evening, 

rim Pudga'a boapMality gad 
ahamlng ggHgner of antertaining 
are nut gfoMg rgggrvad for Bang 
reeidenta hut are glwgya at hand 
when former -linKhifs and friends 
of B*'rea ilnd Iheoaaafvea hack in 
OUT mid-t. The cne-t- » Ii„ partook 
of the delicious .upper Were Mr. 
and Mr-. Fuceue Thomson, botk of 
the cla«s of lo, now living in LoUM- 
\i!le. and tlour MttM daughter, Eli- 
sabeth; Mi- lll.i Mac LewM of 

Bv Rodman. Wiley. Commissioner 
Department of Public Roads. 

Some i pi in t,, think that 

I guaa we are at war. the bighwgyi 

should allowed to deteriorate 

In the Ur-t place, it kgfpa to win 
tin war by maintaining the high- 
way* already buiH -•• that the pro- 
ffneta Of lha farm can he hauled t" 
market cheaply, which means a re- 
duction in eipiipment and man 
power necessary to do the baujtng 
and. furlln-rmore. RgXkMllaTl arlH 
t.e prOahaaod in irreater ahumlance 

if thera i- a gray of getUag them 
to market, and new roads should 
he built "Illy if they are of an eco- 
nomic and military iirtportanrc. At 
this lime, good road- will a—i-t .» 

meat deal in ra H avigg the eoaajsa* 

lion on the railroads. 

Second nountiea that vols an cxtrri 
r< ail lax are got making any ad- 
vancement whatever, thev are giara 
'v atanding sUB>ai H hi necessary 

ne w to ha\e the extra tax he. au — 
it reipiire- ahout lw.. dollars this 
Mar (•• u-o a- far a- one dollar did 
la-t year. 

Third, the road sy-tem of a 
nty repre-ent- -eyeral hundreds 

>,f thouaaada of dollara, and if the 

rUOda are not maint lined the 
oiiuinal inxe-tnwnt will he l..-t and 

ItofgUg, Ariz., of the class »f '10; jf <nm cient fund- are ,„.t provided 
Mr-. Mae Hllderm. al-o ^.f N'ogahs j f) . r 4 ,„.», ,„,rpnae. we will -u.ldenly 

find we have in. rogda ami in-lead 

Save! Save! 

Get the s.ivn r Hubit. 
It means a 

the bank produces a 
prosperity; enjoy that plewsure. 
A SAVing account means thr cultiVHtion 

of the habit »f thrift. 
Sturt h bunk account with un to-tiav. 

Berea National Bank 




Moil of the Other Bodice Wrrr 
Charred and Mangled Beyond Recog- 
nition— Many of tha M,aamg Were 
Said To Be "Ri 

Were D'»prr»ed By Armed Forcea. 

lasadoa Itaak ceaMeM broke out 

ID Vienna, a. inrillna to an Kleliange 

Tatagragb .n-paicb raaatvad here 

OMWdS |>«ru.le.l tlirmiicii tga sireeta 
»ere inieni upon SBM hltiu tba ••••rniao 
KniliaMsy In mil 'heir Ire .trains! tier- 
many, hut I lev were dl»per-ei| hjr tba 
police, cavalry anil toot SOMMgg l*» 
Hag anil saldMra have Uliad four per- 
■uns an.l VOOadad 11 more In airlke 
rlola < , mm M Kwrolv • ha- announc 
In the llimaiirlaii Parliameni. accord- 
ing lo * ili-pati h from < opouhagen. 

Thaaa riata aggaraalk} refer to Hun- 

aarlan cities 

M. > 


Mr-. Dion Mitchell of Berea; Mi - 
He— Haye- of QgdodaM, Ala., of lh • 
etgaa of i»<. Hiaa May HarrMoo of 
Fgirfgx. s. i».. of ihe da- /,f lo. 

ami her friend. Miss \m\ \|\r..n 
g|gg of Kaufax and Mi— ••- H.rtlia 
KHgJ and Kli/aheth ggfrigng 

oi Berea, botk of the in cla-s. 


pounds. Ilean ami Mrs. fjgag| 

at Ihe Kji-1 end of tenter -fleet. 

Mi-- l^.ra By of Huckhorn ^[r*>agg*f mm M l adyent. 
rixe.l this y\eek to spend her -nnv- 
nier vacation in lierca. 


On the campus, at the Pavilion, 
Hiss K-iher ..entry |g making an „ j M 8l , f „ |av „„,„' ,, v „,„ nov 

1 V "" "'•"' U 1,1 W. .' V.lile inyilc. 


lie, f, 0, ftgrk and Mar-hall I 
VgUgkjg returned from Chicago 

Hoaday. arkara ikav) agMaaiad i 

' ling of Y. M. C. A. national offl- 

e, - A number of the leading men B, « '■ "» '"' ? fi - »' « <* 

\l Hie r. -idem f Karne-t lack- 

were present and presented the work 
of the "Y" In the army camps anew. 

Mi-- Kli/aheth l.«<a>do n returned 
home Saturday night after a pleas- 
ant visit with the Rev. and Mrs C. 

p.m., the household gisids liehing 
ing to .lane Martin, deceased wi'l 
I, • -old to the highest I, older. ad-S:> 

A man that will ajaf pjgg the nnht- 
of-way for a road i- op, | t„ 


The (rial of fjgggg lohn-oii. a 
former Hgggg hoy, held in I'ari- last 
we. k. resulted in a death penalty 
for the murder of Waller Hu e la-t 
January 2Wh. 

Ihe sentence and the words of 
Indue Stout -In, eked hi- frielul- 

ga I be red about him a- he was Md 
ggtk I" In- ell. pale and Iremlding. 
Hi- family have the -vinpathy of 

tin gMMUMktg fhat f)s<ar's fale 

-honld he -uch. 


All parti- - having claims agam-t 
II -tale of Jane Martin, docea-ed. 

will plagaa 
-ixly days. 



",imi buahala. 

With, I, 

■g Hill, Ky. 


Will hear -'0 lo one 

of conserving, we have heen wa-t- 

Koiirlh, twenty cent- on the one 
hUBfkfed dollar- i» Maty two dollar- 
no Hie Hstwiagnd. whiek la prac- 
tically aegliaible so far a- money 
i- concerned and means very little 
to anv one man. We akftUld re 
BSegakar that the rgajfa are the 

pies property aw.l not merelv 

the hohhv of anv Flargl 0 B «H. 

Kiflh. there are numerous wavs 
in which we can sarva b ator a 

■dVOegtiag the false theory of gag). 

iui« the gggoaagry expense for r<>ad 
work, baegoaa ragaai ire gn| a luxury 

hut a necessity, e.peciallv ill IIIIX'- 

"f war. 

bushel, at fhivernnaeiil price. 

Can jrou rafuaa U» loan your sa- 

lives! Buy Wai 

Tha y alio serve who buy War 
Savings Stamp* if thay aaaa aad 

buy to tha utmost of their ability, 
and buy in time 


■vary aSorl •* kokg| PMi forth to 

have lln- rural BBTtiflSM umler-laml 
and participate in the War Savings 
Stamp campaign now on. 

Speaker- -will he -cut out from 
Itcrca to ihe follow i nk' -ch.«.| kouaea, 
I ri. lav, ,'N, g|| p in.. In help hoost 
the campaign Scaffold I'.ane, llis korv 

Hgiaa, r...i.i. Ml.,.. Urk. Juhaana, 
■kj Hill. Mallorv W.hh. Ngggaag 
figjp and W. -t I'nion there |,e ;i v | altelldall.e 

:il Bggk of Ihe-e pa|a|t and Bglgk 
Ho- apiril of l.i. yum War Savings 

Western Newepatr I nion Newa Serrlre 

Oary. Inil Sixty t»o bodlea of 

HMgaakaasVWafloaa eircua employe. 

who were killed in the wreck sli uillea 
»e»t of here on the Michigan Central, 
railroad lay In temporary tiiorgueaj 
here ami at llamun tul. I nd . while SM 
cue offMara made frantk efforta to 
compile an accurate liat of dead an.l 
Injured Only 24 ■>( the bodlea had 
been identltlesl Most of the other, 
were i harre.1 and mangled beyond 
recognition Kdwar.l M Mellaril |en i 
eral manager of the rlrcuw. isaued a 
statement saying figures compiled In 
.11. ate that prohahly V*i pnrsons had 
been killed He said a hasty tabula 
Hon of k> altered employ** shewe l 
that almost about M STC uiiasing In 
additioa to the 34 Identified dea.l 
Moat of the nusslna were said to Ml 
"raior ba. ka.' - many of them negroes 
y S Wipple railroad trainmaster, also 
ha* been «l»en up aa dead Parts ot 
two bodies cremated In the furna< e 
of tangle, I steel and timbers, whi. h 
was the drills train, were dug out 
Authorities said thai If the deatth list 
Is as great as estimated by cirrus men. 
the additional bodies probably were 
redui ed to ashes An inguest will 
be held al Hammond and Curtate 
Klauss fireman of lha troop train nl 
emptv Pullman* has been ordered 
b rough • to Hammond to testify 

H, * 111 have the engineer. AfBUSI ' 
K Surgent. present when we are ready 
for him.'' ■ .i- all deputy Coronet 
(ireene. of Lake County, would say 
Sargent l* BOBH held In Kalamaioo | 
Mli h Neither man wa* Injured New 
York and < In. am, Iheatriial men ami 
officer* of the Showmen* League *ent 
representative* here to offer csalat- 
ance to the Injured and relatives ot 
the dead Plan* were <ll*< u**ed pro 
v hi ilia for the pur.haae of a lot In 
which all unldentlMed vl.llma would 
be burled under a single monument 
None of the $2f..iain In ..ash reported 
by clr. ua oftVer* aa beMgj lost In tba 
wre. kage was recovered The list ot 
injured in hospitals was reduced to &• 
here and in Hammond Only three 
or four of these are eaperted to die. 
The grueMime task of trying lo Iden- 
tify charred corp*ca continued 
throughout the day with the Influx of 
relatives of vl.tlms Utile progress 
was made 

Pitiful scene* were enacted aa worn 
en and men pa**ed between rows of 
bodies retaining such Identification 
marks aa braceleta, lavallier* and sig- 
net rings Circus folk, swathed in 
l.andagns and many on xrul.lie*. 
saMStted 'he morgue In *eareh of rela 
tlves. and many collapsed alien the 
bodies they sought were found Aa 
ail, inn i lo remove Kireiuun (iustavv 
Klauss from Mn hlgan City lo Hani 

Three Lose Livae: Train Hita Autav 

s„n,lu*ky. (i gj y Holland. Sg 
yeers old and his daughter Mrs 
Urant llurrows. I'S. were killed out- 
riglr 'he latter * husband lirant Rae 
rows, 14, was so badly Injured that ha 
died aa lie war liema carried Into a 
hospital here slid Chaster Pletrher. 
22. was hurt sa that he la bOISf BSg l>» 
tXfxaM life- ami gaatk whan an empty 
tn„,p train, westward hound nrer the 
New V,,rk i entral lUllwajy stni< k 
Holland * auto on a dangerous grade 
, reeetag at Slate Cut. aexen miles seat 
ar tbi* i it) 

412 South Tourth Street, 
Louisville. Kx 

WHI arlv every hrinch of the 

-, i vice open, the I' S. Navy Recniil- 
ing Slalion. Iff South fourth It, 
l.oui-ville. i- making an appeal for 
ii, >>rc recruts Nearly three tlnnis- 
aml men joaaad f r oag Kentucky titir- 
MgJ 'he lu«t two month*, hot gyorO are 

Heeded at once for active -erVICe 
oil the high gagg 
The |ooal draft h>>nrd* have Ml 

roroivod Inatruetiona t<> raloggg uien 
ragiagartd on June, 1!»IH. f,»r aer- 
r|gg in the Navy, -aid LigUt Ii II. 
Tegek, rorruiting odBeer fw Ken- 

ti.cky "TV War DapgrMaeai hul- 

I • till rHWSber one thirty tlv >vers 

tin- point and we hope that the 
ynng regi-lrant- will consider Join- 
ing the naval ftaraes We can 
protm-e them -cry ice m a hranch 
fie- wheh they are tilted hv e.lncn- 
Uog and training, Nearly Vv»-rv 
afgda i- open, auloinohile mechanic*, 
truck driver-, -tenonraphers and 
painter- are gggoggj the uianv need- 
ed Ml pie-timis regarding the 
aarvioa will he gladly gaswered hy 
mail or in payrgflg at our uiain oflgg 
at l.oui-vtlte or at any of the sUaV 

Matinru ai tahland, fkwiggfng Laga 
ipgloti, inajrligg Ore e n, ftwenshoro, 
nr I'aducah." 



Crantrat t- have been swarded by J 
UM Young Women- Christian Aa- 
-. riatJgg for the erection of two 

lh staag Bnuaaa f.. r the entertain- 
ment of the t.liitives ami friends 
of the colored -j, Idiers stationed at 

Qgaay fgnkaoa. s. ft, ami r.amp 

(aurdOBk <•.'! 

It i> Hie plan of the as-ocialion 
I., provide -imihir llo«te— Houses 
for all the camp- at which colored 

-ohliers are s| 4 ,| | For this 

puivogo, aoajMaHaaaa to assist in or- 

ani/iiay tin- work are 

d met with failure A, line Core 
ner Henry C fjrsggg set a deputv to tha WiVOS "I OfBeorS 
SBMUgOg Klau*s. hut Ihe man returned — — - — 
to report thai Klauss had gone to Kal HtHM 
IBSaaaO, Mtst where Knglneer Sar 
• hi gJ gaafctkMJ summon* to lbs in 


pent for | | r,,i«d siir- 

- mean- money -aved in the coat 
I lie mad. 

~lf- you double the mad revenue 
of your county aggj will w <t have 
gone forward, hut will he at a 
stand-till as ronajiareil p, firmer 
year-, l.ecau-e of (he inrrea-ed 
pi ice of evefvthlng 

One Drop 

B« u rwoo Peultry Remedy 



few drops In t h 
drinking water run 
aiai prevents white 
dlan ln. a. cholera antl ol her 

.Hi* »- - i',i l»i , . nl l«J leak, • 

It »»ll,,n»of nasllcllie. At drug- 
glut* or l,y mall t*»'pald. Valu- 
abla poultry b.sjk tnm ou n-,au*U 
(HUH ItBtll U., lavaswa, la. 

by Portar-Moora Drug Co. 

F. L. 

Jewelry Store 


First CLaaa Repairing 


$100 in 

Equals $1,000 in Land. 

The Citizen 

■ • r.|hl 


II" I'. S. Ih'imi linent nf Agricul 
lure iii-k 1 '" hunters t" -li'">t pig 


flM War OH— II bM appropriat- 
ed the «nni <»f *ir»M.^mt for the pur- 
BWMM "f Till pmlalde hut". xxhn-li 

av**rw rfc'i'**1»* n! Me*rw-M, K v 


ens in I In- air, for liny may In- at" I.. he -hipped I" the American 

Immiiig pMeflM being Irani' 'I in Red I'm-- OOMMieaton iu RHftMHd. 

HIMJ Meth j M I by MM Signal « :< >ri>« of Hi.--.- IRMMI MM Iii be MMMl a- di«- 

UM I ml, , I RtaftN ITMJ) I" carry paWMMtM an<l immune wards al 

-age- a. balll"H"hl«. Farmers camps MM UMMrtaM troops. 

mill other brooder- who allow Iholr 

bird* n few MMMl ..f Marly MM* I MJ ,,f UM military rMMMM. 

ilny. al— nr.. liable l>> l-^ from 
'I ting 

••r y,,ur rtttfnr «f» kkt>»l •.>■». If 
intm i. |il«»n .» im.rf If .1 <• Ml 
thr*e wt-»kp»flrr r»-.,*w».l mHlf * 

!'h» <l»o 

ohm lint* r>«i 

»-h*n*i*l */llhl 

• i I M • "*>r*l t*rm* fl*.-n li »i» . wh"„M*..n n.-w »nl, 
•rri|>IM>n« tnr ui An* "nr -»n.l,n» u» Imir »*arl> 
«ulMM-ri|'tt«i*i* wt*.vi Tht* I ittivn fr*» for 

""Ai!».*rt.»m» Mtmm Ml MM 

rhara MPi mmM Mm omh in- 
Umed in iii.. i nrted Mate* 

III.. three n«'xx national tartata 
i....|itl\ .'< in III.- Fas I in- 
clude approximately flVUMO a.i.-. 

Hi.- WOT*, i- Milnal.l." f..r Mn> in- 
sight it affords those who UM! ""I 
Vial ted Hi., t-nriif ati.l ronlonmont*, 
. f the MMMMM i nipi "X i-ment in the 
i amp III., .if the -"blnr hmught I" 

pBM by Ihe Tinning ca mp OnMMln* 

-nm-. In whlfb -uh-tanrial llnan- 
rial ai.l ha- l»'.'ii rendered l.y Ihe 
l»..|.arl- RMOPMM. To add to the human in- 
Ivpart- teres! of Ihe story, many incident* 
related in Hi., regular ramp 
nnOnquWiMM, MMtta pirtonaliy UM 
ertlvttlei in apeetMe mmm MM pre- 
-. iit...i in mm Hmm torMty IHaa* 


Manx l"tt"t- in regard In lli<" ail- 

viaihiltt) nf i-< »l !••« In. ii nml MMl M? 
i. Ill tin MHM MM hcinu PPMlvOd from 

i ■ 1 1 \ .1 1 •• peranNa U\ Hi.. IT, 
iiM'tii ..f Igrteultnr*. Hi 

MMll IMM I " NlfWMMd bjl a .•<•"'- ,ii> 

minx >.iii!ani..l in ilitinnmn work 
II. al ran- MFMtMWly ttm fn-ni Hl">l 
■i .l mMM Mr* wrtli Ml n 

t.n. f .. I«. it- fa.l.ry. ami tliat (ratrnn. Btttflg l»i.« l<-xt. 
Hi. arr frmn 7 .mm I.. NMM in 

i km, Tin' imMMMR) -tal.'il it Im 1 - 
I lev ... III.' Irri'Vi'l'v uf till MMM t" 
bH a.lxi-al'li' ..nlv M Hi" Inrir.T 

li'XX II- 


Kotclutiko Will Ever Be Name to Be 
Revered by Thoee Who Reeognlie 
His Life't Devotion to th 
Clint of Human Liberty. 


In nil.' Aiiiix r.nni' UMtTQ ift H 

bBttallOl MtlWJI Ifam- I M UM 

Ii. a.l.|narl. i -. llsff, brtflMI ami 'li- 
VMtntl L am- 

Stan.lar I - itrtx i.tfi * If* MMl 

i — u.'.l |n MMM in II \|.i'.lif i-'iiai > 

for f WI. In ailililnii. .a.l> man i« 

is.ii.'.i a lonthbrunh, eoMb. hair- 

l.i h-Ii «"a|> ami |..xx. l-. 

M..i.- IBM MWMB ma-l. i-. nflkW 
an.l ".'ain.'ii Ml UMPPlfM m.'rrliaiil 
U It ax i • i iik- Hi." xx ar /i'ii."" 


ninny smith Mrywi 

"Yini liavo ncxrr -con [ho liavnc 

« itim I Hi- -lanslit'T. -MIT.T...I |li«< 

lantiy, f. ll |M li. nrll.i .'ak I lint b*»« 
pi MM In tki alln- uf Ruropt al ttM 
buiMM "f IhMM i »«■••! who ar.- n»l fll 
t. I." naiiif.l in n bMIIMNI .'.111111111- 
nilx. Mrl all Hii- l<> -nti-fx tlio 
.i';.|."li. al MnMUnfl ..f th.' b ll MIMW 
•f l».rlin" 

W. ll. Ilmr>-i- niilx "no xxax f'.r n- 

bavo I n "1-111..I bf UM United I « -!<•!• IW», ami Unit i* by n- tlinc 

-i .t". i;..x. i niin'iii. Tin. tMMmnrc bwl it «nr A bmImm mpmI wHb MMTy 
Man mar* than MliMinojnna rjuima I m>wm> ■! Mir mmmmmm! Anil wo mm 

nnaVr the InMiranre an-, h.. far. a hi»gln by pMIng Mir«rlv.'- t.. »nvf 

lo Ihn iitmnul of MM al'ililv nml In 


KwplfM Our Mfhleri Fit For 
War an.l Iftor." i- lM t illf »r a 
xi.lnim" by K.l\»anl Frank Alton. 
vxTittm xxilh tin. MMMOTMMM1 "f 
rUyiMMI I PuMlllfci i hairnian of Iho 
War ami Vixx DljpBltllMIIM OHM* 
MtMiniM ..ii Training Camp Arli- 

xitn- Tin' I k «.f Ixx.i bjMBMFBi 

PMMt pfMMIto a iiv»~t hYtoTMUlMJ 
|.irliir.. >.f tin- i'i|in'alii>nal an.l n 1 - 
rmillMMJ lidc .if lifo at Iki VMftoot 
■mj ami navy rnntonni.'nLi ami 
.• ■ini|>« in tin' 1'nilc.l Slati'-. ami i- 

i.i'.'fa''.''i by a x.'rx - IntorMthM 

S| .J Statt'iiu'nt" f 1 "in Hi" pMI 

uf I'r.-i.l.'iil W il-i.n. Tin' aliiiim- 

DMUO atti hii«. to MMM ri- 

t. nl. PMMMty MMl MMMM IMM 
In tho inniT nml MMM "f 
VlMMtoM K..-.lii-7.k.i. In Kiil-- 
MMl a nii'ii-nrr nf NMRJMMMM bM 
MM MMl Li lh<' MMM nml MMM 
MMMH*Ma »( tin' MjMMj PMAMi In 
tli" I'nll.'.l Still. - tii- r.inti'iii|Mirnrli - 
11111I tti.-lr il.'-r. nHMMN Iiiixi' |inli) tnl. 
lite In lit- fn.'tni'ry. MMflCMM 
bMM Jnln. i| In MMMMMM Ml MMJ In 
an liii'.i|i-|'i.'i|.>iiK xxny, xxliili* tti"ir 

BWMMRMJl bna tnl 1 n n*» bMcMI vne- 
■bMML 'l iir 11 1 'i 'ii r> nt NMIMM to 
lti«. in. iiinry of iI.Im rcninrkidilo limn 
by a MlMM to xxlti' li lie MHM In- MM 

■ . « fn . 'y In a trvinit bMM may Ml 
liiixlily iittrlliiiti il. In sonn- qiinrti-rn. to 

bn pHM trb to l bMrraMMM of pifMllrH, 
l.iil tin- MMMMj MRtoM xviim MMMMW 
v.ry lnrtr. lv MM to UM Ktntf of tli" 



r EN McK 



• • ■ 



Hi., -..m i --.'a- ' MJ MM MMM] 
imumI In nokttori m th" ITlliMlHliM 
ai x Knu rl, inali In - Hi" imifurm in 
MMPi lia- a x.'iy l.^s rrnxvji an.l 

bjH no brtai or pnak, it i- m mail", 

f tu.t it Ma) b« I..I1I11I ami rarri.'il 
lit a |.i.rki't 
WbM Hi" Anx rii an RMMM "iitor- 

"it tin- Irene bM, it \x:-< Hm4 iimi 

tli" I. run- of thi'ir MMMllfl hat- 

IntorfMwd «itii ilirMlmj Ikroogh 

ntt.'tillon by luapiMtaM HHMM MMM, MMM of tall ni"ii. tli" bttM MMM 

RaiV pnM U Vwa bm MMMtA My**ei 

an.l honor xxoiil.t Iiiixi' li.t n frioly In- 
MMMl ii|«'ii th" n:, in.- of tin- irront 
I'oii'. Tinip xx ti* xx hen th" United 

MMM vliil Willi hi- unlive Inn. I In M> 
cMnilnK him n horn. Th.' opportunity 
of tin- 111. Hon to x> lii'in bt provinl n 
I frtaM In m-.'.l 1II1I not. hoxxpx.'r. MM 

enuM bfl -""ii almv" Hi" parnpi'tM. 
Tin' MMl i'np i» -11 l"\x Hint it pMf> 
mil- th" MM I" MM xvith prac- 
tnnlly Hi" MM MMMMI a- MMM 
lh"y MM hall"--. The MMMtb h"l- 
ni"t MM h" xx.irn nvi>r it. 
Unix aoidton xxiin bava ban with 

littl" More than MMMMfl, 

Hat 11. 'xx n.llar in-iunia M UM 

Aiiiix \ir S.-ixn- 11-1-I- "f a pair 

"f li..n/ 'iilal lii i.n/" xx inn- xx ith .1 

• iix.-r h>w Matted praaHler pia I 

verttoaHy on immh. h m xx-th by 
Mlrrn nad Mdintod mm ta tb* !»• - 
p a r to M a l "t Hilltar) ImmmuImm 

ami Hi" HifMU "f Virrrafl I'm 

rhiclton. Th" hat rard mm MalMtod 

nu'li « ill h" ki •••■ii an.l k. 

I.ux War Mavhat Stamp* thai Ih-r" 
mar In- m«n' ni.'ni'V. lalmr Bad M 
ti rial- fur th" r, xxith 
xxhi.'h In MkIiI th" war 

eapremi -<•! 

• >f It ol 


ih" militarj pnatel 
% i.'c Mtaaliahed tor tin 
arv Fun - "- ha- i harni 

lee lion, diapatoh, ami 

nil mail MMMatiWJ nTOM an I il"«lin- 

• .1 mm ih" iatarlran toretM ta Franr.- 
ii ajao artfl ree«ive, dianato b nml 
ih'iixir ih" aapreaa irialnt, or ar- 

rfvlMJ in Franc" fns tho Ann'rioan 

toraea, ami «iii aadlver aaataM 
bouad f..r tho UaKed stat"- M la*' 
pinpor aiBfMi i-oinpany. 

\pplnanl- for eflMMtaaMM a- 

DrM HaMtoMMla M UM laglaaaf 

0 n>«. a ranaj M a atatoaaaai !■>• 

Ihr War |i. partiii"nt. -Imnlil ba I- 
MM ■ Md V. yoar* nf a»to anil 
Mf MMMMMMM «« laptain- 
l.txxoon Trt and I? Th" Fnifinoor 

('1 rpa i« eandnelioMi a rampalaa 

fur '.'.nist nton nmn— imn*! "fhi'or-. 

ttio anaUaiMJ Imaril makm? a l«or 

01 tho principal ailtoa of tho rnnntrx 
to mak" maMiMllnii raadity avail- 
ahh' for ap|ihanl-. 

l oii-trni'lion nf aihliliona ami ha* 

atavMaaata t.. th" baapHaJ o-tahii-h- 

mont of tho Arnix in thi- i-oiintrv 
durum tho paM -ix month- ha- ho.-n 
nmhrlak.Mi by th.- ri.n-lrncti..n di- 

viatoa ,,f ••'" Iran «• an aali Mated 

i. -I . <>f M l7n.U7..Vi. Th.- now 

hniMinM ' ' 1 1 * — i — 1 of bo a piU da< anavi 

yalaMMl harraok-. iiillrniario- ami 
nnr«<'»' ipiarlor* UM lltmro re- 
pr. -. nl- xvork llni-ho.l ami in Iho 
.'..iirHo of .nmpli'li'in IMM xxilhin 

nml Mtt*MM II amp- an.l MMMM- 



Raw v"" rwdl I am enmialiy 

li«l i.-.'-'iillx ' l>.. von r.'iili/" nonr- 

ix k. tin nf nttr baya baaa baaa kill".! 
. 1 wounded or aaaturad by tka 
Rwnaf rh-nth in na tt M MMl from 
wnnnda ami teeidenta amount to 
RV*ra than UME Tbe li-t »:ro\x- xxith 

ih. ratya. and mW bywm tho mnro 
iptiehra a- tho M MMM nf Iho boy* 
in ai tion jiioroa-.-. 

fl a-nnllv li-t mako« x..n nn>r" 

readlll iim|.r-lnml porlmp-. whv 

th. fluverumaal ami 11mm hoMMn- 

itarian nBonri"- rOT W a e led xx ilh xvar 
xxork rail in.'"— anllv for flnnnoial 
aoppnri Fun. I- ar" n led In k"op 

. IT man e<tii loped, to k.-oo Hmm 
nr. party fod. to koop thom ab a ar ad 

lip to itivo thom ovorvthiiiL- lln v 
•tamitd hnvo ami n- .piioklv n« po-- 
-ihl". -n thai Ih" i i«nallx li-l mnv 
n.'t pa ni. r. a-.'.l baOMM of Iho lark 

n| anything- lad MMd forgot tint 

Iho nunihor of mon who niu-l ho 
nrMrtJad tar inrroa-o* oaoh day, 
xxhii h ni"an- Ih" nooil of MM nml 
MOfa -npp'.rl from vmi 
Ynp aro now a-k" I In pli'ilu" 

rwiraalf in -axo to |be utMMat of 

vniir ahilitv ami to buy W S I 
thai there mav h" WAPa mon.'V 
Mhnr nml mnliTial- xvith xvhich t 
bnel up tin-" xx In. fl B ht and MM 

f..r xi.ii. When v.. n .in ihta. ba mm 

I,, romomhor thai in h.'imr allowed 
to .in Ma vmi nre. ■wanted a MMMl 
f ix in Other* oive Hu n- lives 

TI -ami- "f MMBM aro eaiptoyed 

m hV Uallad Stato« pa--nia-k plant 
Thov aro m'linir a" in*portnr«< and 
no aMMjad I tin nml Iho onliro pro- 
H of nianiifai'turo. arrnrdinir In 
a MMiMMa frmn Iho lia- DMMM 
S. i x ii ■• llnndri'iU nf trirN MMM 
bMM triin" 1 in Iho -porial art of 
M M J Ih" fn. " BtoMt, Fa.'h «opa- 
rnlo -lop in Ih" MMMMM| " r MM 
ina-k i- dMM bfJ MMM wnrkor-, 

until Iho ma-k i BjajtaMi Ih" MMl 

InapMdhM i- mail" and Ih" HMal PM» 

ii,., ! M raady tar mImmm "x 

\^ a MMUH "f Iho «|inli"- nl Iho 

Iraai aaathadb bava i ■ mmmmmmI 

xxhorotiv MON HMM Ml V>r Mai <>f 
th.- xxonn.l.'.l. who nriirinally re- 
main".) al Ih" m.lilaiv boapltala for 
m nth-, aro MM M M Md and rotnrn- 

od to tho' taraaa bj bhraa ->r taat 


• in" ,,f p#rahMMT*i mmMi raasrnad 

fioin Fran.'", xxa- MjMMjkHMJ! 

"When I loft tor banaa,* ho ««id. 

"th" hoy- uxor Ihoro woro foolinff 
pretty bhie, bMM thov thonirht 
that xon hor.' ill \morira MMN not 
blffhlMJ thom up a- vmi onpht. We 
bad i proltv hittor winter over 
tin i" Th" MatMf xva« the BOfctM 
I rani " ha- knoxvn in voar* Manv 

..f ii* aara arttaoai pn>i>or fond and 
atothlna. Iom arara'avan artthoot 
■ta "- Noaa nf n- xvoro eoMplaia- 
mil', thirtfh hut tho taataai that 

xx hoii xx o xvoro dnim; «o MMM f' ,r mm mmm not doiim Mtarythtafl 
in your M M !■' hark n- up MMM* 
I mi"- hit in pretty hard. 

Wa h it Mm iho itttta IrtahMM 

f. ll iii a Y M C A. hnl one ovoninp. 
A bMMM «>f ii- had Lath, rod thoro l > 
HMM to ■ -I'oakor front Atnori.-a. 

I»i rmif th nr»o nf Ins bMMM ho 


\\ " in MMMMI aro hohin.l MM 
bM - In a man. ' 

Thea nix iitti" M*tah IHaad L '"i up 

V.'« ' ho -aid, •vnu'i o all hohind n". 
•MrigMial nf a wax- hohin.l 

htm, ii. t xx in tin- MtMadr of th" i 

plo nf Hint nnilon .-on.-o xxhon th.- n- 

xivni aaakl baaa mmm ftaatf, Tho Unto 

e«| Stiil. - "nil an. I xi'll. In duo wn-oii. 

pay It* teht tn lalaild In tho MMM of 

, ,i Ko-dn-zko with nnlto n- iiiin-h IfMa 
.h"i" of Iho ramp pi'rnvat"- tho • 

and qnlto n« iniu ti honor h» It Ih striv 

| Ine: tn pny If* MM to Kninoe In tho 

name of Lafnyottp. 

Tho piirt K.-< 

upon th. priaial eevtval of laterM In ( |„, Kxpodilionai y h.n-. - xxoar th" 

rap. Aorordinc to ri'pnrt- fi .mi 
Kiani", MM romilaliin- pffMjMta 

that nMMra -hail Mar thatr bjahjaia 

"i rank "ti the rap nml onli-l"d mon 

ptai n it tho hiittnn prnaoribad lo 

lory, xvhiih put* tho render in a 
irrntnl--tnml -eat. a- it were, at th' 
•M'ono- of MMMMt 1 -port*, and 

in an srehaaM nhatr nt the aMtao* 

tahlMieiiU xvhich relievo (lie inomit- 

The followinq cablegram, dated 
Paris, June 7. wan received at Na- 
tional Headquarter* from Jame* H 
Perkins. American Red Cross Com- 
m ; ssioner for Europe: 

In xioxv of personal "aide imjnir- 
kM in larire MMahMI In our per- 
aoonet, I believe it dtattantly adxi-- 
ahto thai yoii roas-nro the BOhlfa by 
iii" ahtoM puhitotty that wo am 
nperntina without rtiaturhnnen, ami 

Hint iii"tn<i"r- of ll"il r.n.— and 
other relief nru'nnirations are ho- 
hTM rtverj every thniiirhtfnl rare a* 
I. • their aatoty and xvolfaro. and that 
no itep will ho loft iinlakon (o in- 
sure their pmtertiiin in any omer- 
MMy that may arise. Word- ran 

not "\pr.— their imfailMaj davo- 

tton to duty; and xxlnlo ri-k* inri- 
.l.-nt to th" dis.'hnnro of this duty 
mi -t l.o taken, exory preraution 

OMHpatihto xxiih our rahHfnttMM 
win i baarviil 

ni-7i(o ytoyad lb* 

MfMMla <"f th.- i ol.. MM xxns ma.lo fa- 
il, illnr to tho 81-inM.i MMraa »f other 
MaarnttaM in Haj Fourth randan 
Than i» RM> <>r noHMf MMM him in 
the M-hool randan of Imlay. It was 
M an MMtaMff nnln r than as 11 war- 
rior thnt ho provist most useful to 

WaahlMjrtnn. HMMry onsiits him with 
th.' ytonaMMI ,,f 'ho MirtMlal i-imip nf 
(i.'iirral lintos nt Homls ll.'lirtMK, nml 
to his t-klll is MtrlbMi ll vi-r.x larir-ly 
tho ptaM that mini" BeaMMe th.- xlo- 
t..ry nl Snratotn. II" CODStftarted the 

rortlBcatlona ..f MM Polat, ami bety 

.-ii to muko lir..ii.-'s onmpiilKO lo the 

lie Worn .hi th" l"fl -nl" nf th Mar 

.•r the -ervi at. 

Principle Mint Be Adhered To. 

One nf tho ntatosnifn who fa-hlnnod 
this (fnvornment uiwn Its hnrnd lines 
thnt hnvo endured loft us the guiding 
words that "eternal vlirllanoo Is the 
price nf llherty." anil xvo should hold 
fast to that In all our future; thnt 
vigilance whlrh shnll make us pro- 
pared In peace for js.sslhlo war, pre- 
pared In wnr for promised pence, and 
watchful both In pence and war for 


Mora than MPa/MP bnyi nml cirl- 
xx ore rranhtid llMauajh aluh work 

MM vi'nr. nrrnrdini: In n rnmpila- 

tinii I enllx mail" by Ih" I'nil 

Slat"- IMparUMMl Agriculture, 
xx hu h -iip«'rx i-on thi- xxnrk in cn- 
opor^itinn xxith th" State axrirul- 

htrw eoMeaaa. nf thi- number ap- 
proximately SHUMM mnde report-, 
whieb -hoxx that thai produoad nml 
eonaerved nradueta aaiminting tn 

-I i.ism. In Ih" 99 Northern and 

Wratara stat". MA4M boya ami irirls 
were earortod, 'if thi- mmmImp, iwi. 

ii.", nind" cninploto reports and pro- 

• It - I and euaanrvad product- xalu- 

o.' at IS.7MVMh Ml th" Mouth than 
xx .-re 1 1 r».7 ir> baaa eamitod in th" 
reptdar xx..rk. xxh.. prnduoad peod* 

Data xal I nl fltlrflffffl and 7a.m« 

irirls xxhn pPfldM I and conserved 

pmduata valued at *i XMM0, in the 
omorirom v BTUh work in the Smith 
the MM h-aders reached over 400.- 
•U bnya and appinximulelv i,mai.- 
inki firl* xxhn prndiici'il ami con- 
-i ix ".I produotl vahaad at mure than 


hnvo snfeirunrded tho 
which will save, If any-thin* will snve, 
our republic till nations nre no more. 

Put Hla Amerleanlem Flrat. 

"You must remember." said he who 
first i ii'".- to us as Mnrqula de la Fay- 
ette when he wns asked by what title 
he preferred to bo addressed when he 
wns last on these shores, "that 1 am 
an AmerlCHn general." 

Ho hml renounced meanwhile one 
of tho proudest patents of nnhlllty In 
France that he might feel stronger 
within him the call of freedom. The 
reply la rhnrnrterUtlC of hit 
outlook of life. 

i Continued Iron Pige Eiflhl) 

putoaM Wedaoaday at hi- hoM near 

W Islmk. Iho holy xxa- emiialni- 

"il and kepi till hi- -mis arrived frmn 
knnvxill". Toiin., ami Imliuna. In 

the death nf Mr. taifiaa, m Mm ■ 
yood naighbor ami worthy aithMM. — 
M aa w a. A. s. ami Jeha 0L Fartajr, 
Waller St.'X oils ami Edward I :< m >k. 
MMM i liu-im— trip. Saturday, to 

xx. .. k-. Im atdar that Amy aa n aMi »" 

-tali,....,) al ramps, cantonment, and « h »« '» r h-hind Ihe 

Xr nu.i.arx hnMitah I* .hi-"-" ^ mux" 

, ,„x max thoroughly un.l-r-lan.1 v»nr enor«>- „.tn tins War 


npiTatioti hn- MMM m MM QMY* 

araMMi paaadM ptoMta mm mmmmm 

ahead of lahaMla When th.. ta-k 
nf htttldtai Iho plant- xxajs MM> 

«iii"i"ii iix th" War DapartMMai in 

.fanuaix it xxa- predidod thai tho 
prMMtiM "f powder might begin 
I i Augii-t. barring MMMMM de- 
lav - 

Ih" aiJO.oflO.nOn allotted for the 
plants i- expected tn give the flMV* 
eruiiMMil a «iii'>k"le— pnvx.lor |iro- 

duritoa napat Ity mjmI i" ail ommm 

Aniorican plants MMMMMV In ron- ..f tho plants it was foiind 
MMMoary to hnihl a m-xx town on 
each sit.- tn MMM MM omplov""-. 

ih i i" i treatment nf war wnunda Mivtofa (Ma a pa a TM inva to tha ut- and MMMauaataty " Utaranl 

Iha Arm* bjedieal rVnartmanl baa " f v "" r »»" li,v W[ i"" v "" r I-. xx.-.-,. .-ro.-tci strc i- 

bad natabHahri special classes nf -axing- nit" \\ S S inVT fit everv- 1 were put down and -ewored, power 

' "i ' Y ' "i xx Inch nr.- -out so- "' l-i- In .In Ih" same. Make "the | plants cuistruclod. and »|i.ros and 

!' "led I oM r« who upon romple* ,, " Vs ' in Franco rcali-.e that while hMBtlMM hull*. Approximalely 

. Ii ,.rJ« r.-inrn t„ iholr rnileape max »..• great, it is easi. I yjuno men worked oa eonatructlonl prove ih.d graiiiud 

li-nnflhoi, courses, return lot heir ^ - ^ % \ y ( ^ wj|| ,. VOI|tlia „ v ||P \ hi .any cunt ml 

lengapod in the actual production 

South a 

the value of his services, nml tried to 

show adeaaaM apy eaMMaa of thom. 
ii.- x.n- -jivea n rata of Ihanka ami 

bMvatOd a MMaMat general. When 
tho American onus.- triumphed he de- 
tMad to depart for I'oland. 

bMeMaaha mMmmM to a rata ad that 

»n« outragisl, torn, and strlp|>ed. He 
plunged Into what aaMMd a bapahM 
MtaattoMi and waaM have aavinl It. 
were It not for the weHknesa of Stan- 
islaus, who concluded a humiliating 
peana. When the second partition oc- 
curred. In IT'.i.'t. a general rising of the 
IMipulnllon tisik place, and Koscluszko 
was made dictator. For a time In- 
swept everything before him; the Itus- 
slnii gnrrlsou at Wnrmw was x»lp.-d 
out ; success for his cause seemed ul- 
most iis-iir. il. Then a I'rii-.-lnii army 

. nt.T. -.1 the aaaaMy from ana side ami 

two Ku— Ian armies from the other, 
nml. after a gallant struggle, the Poles 
aaflarad a Ciuahtaf defeat at Macleo- 
xx Ice. when- their MMMMI MM. cov- 
er..! with wounds. 

He arose again, however, and. after 
bMartaMMMto In St. Petersburg 
set free by the Kmperor Paul, 

ir-. of lime be revisited the United 

States, received a pension and a parcel 
. f laud, and wns given popular as well 
as public honors, but be wu- not con 
leaMd Ih aaaM not reconcile himself 
to the alien law. At length he settled 
quietly III Switzerland, aud one of hla 
last acts whs the granting of freedom 
to the serfs on his paternal MM 

Thnddeus KoHcluazko's name la In- 
delibly xxrltteu. not only In tbe hle- 
tory. hut lu the nomenclature of the 
I'ldtcd Sliiti-s. Tin- Aim rlcniis of bla 
Ume. the pioneers and nation liullders. 
xx. -r. not unmindful of or Indifferent 
to his services, and Ih.-y strove to 
by i. Mining after 


Wlhlie. .lime :'Tt. Wln-nt harvest. 
nig i» III" Ma "f Ih" day.— Mrs. 
AM Miller, of Mt Vernon. xi-il".l 
IbM LM I'hllhps |a-t xveek— A 
BTOWd "f ypUMJ f"lk- xx.-nt hOM hero 

■undaj iii ajiMMnhllM tn High 
Bridge; all report a good time Mr- 
OUa Frith nf riiailMMli. afJhio, ami 
her brathar. Fm-.-t Qottoy, of ■rad- 
h"nd. aro visiting their sister. Mr-. 
PMri I't MMi Bradley Buril"tt", 

Willi" iiyait aad Jmmm (trifla bava 

Jnlnad th" Naxx ; lhay xxill leave to- 

daj tar .amp Mri larah Weber 

.•I Ml. VMMM i- xi-itmg Mr nml 

Mr- Harriaon Bmmmmmm. Mi- Lata 
Mullin- uf Mar.'thurg i- vi-itmg her 
wai Mi- W, B. BigHM — Artie 
Coffej \i-ii"ii bar ilator, Mra, Mmm 

Anglin at JuhoatU th" latter part 
nf MM week— Mr- I'ollv Milhy nl 

Laneaator ia vieitinf her unci", r. 

Heyniilils ami fannl 
Ham-, \ 


I'ho Nalional Sei-urily League nf 
America has begun a campaign to 
-(•cure a -uitahle Omaro.* at the 
ol. c| inn next fall. This is a atep 
xxoll taken and merits careful nt- 


Hie cnmluct .,f the war and, in 
fad. the very future nf tho Ameri- 
can natmn are dependent, md only 
upon the election of a xvar Congress 
Hint will enact necessary laws hut 
MMM th" presence in the National 

LeflMMture ..r mon of vtatan, ainiily, 

ami bMMd experience, xvho are the 
bM 'pialnled of our riPOionship, to 
correctly solve the gteal internal 
MMl international rwW tMMI that 
" in" batata OBf next Congress. 

Wo haxe preh h l M before us thnt 
try Iho very souls of mon, and wa 
iiiii-I ho ..lire ami send In the next 
CoHffM the MM MM we have in 

each diatrtel Uneonditioned inyal- 
tx must in every rasp bt n ipialifl- 
sattoa. Mr. n<sd. in a recent ad- 
dress, said: "There is one single 
pieilnminntit iiualiflcatinn for an 
election to our next t:niigress— and 
thai is n loyal baa*" 

Fspecial care, however, needs in 
ho taken in the matter, because in 
many cnngr"— ional districts that 

iiiv loyal maJoHttet there will ho 
inch largo dtotoyal ndnorittaa that 

thew max- he able In divid" the lnyal 

majoritiea, nml thna defeat the will 
nf tbe people of tha <li-trict. This 
Will Ii" duo In tho Bat |ou r.f politi- 
cal parties. In such districts the 
members of the Pemof rattc and Fle- 
pnhlicnn parties— men of all part- 
lM mu-t got together. They 
■Mould agree DMM n Invnl man of 

one party or the nthor. who is -uro 

to carry the district and nil unite 
mi him xvitliouf regard to party. 

Political parties are important, 
and Wa -hall always have them, 
hut ju-t nl the present time they 
aro lUhordQMta and relatively un- 
ir portMi As the Pn-ident has 
-aid "politic- are adjourned" for 
Hi., prnaent. The one essential thing 
batata all the people, and in the in- 

taraat nf all tha i pto, i- 1" xx in the 

xvar iii xvhich we nre cucnged. Fur 
that athet thing- mn-t be laid aside. 
Wa mu-t put Into UouiiraM men xxlio 
In lieve we mu-t arta tha war, and 
will m t ■oenrdlnfly. Wa want men 
in our next 0MPM who will he 
real ropresontatixes of the people— 
MM "ho will represent tho driv- 
ing power of the iMMTtoM people. 

tli" .hiving power that la bank nf 
Cooareaa, that i- bahtad aha nd- 

mini-lralinn. and that may. (Jod 
grant, make itself felt hehiml the 
im n who nre puttering over con- 
tract- nml lingering on the mail to 
\ ii tnry. 

The groat thing is to make 
iikiiiv feel thai th" hundred miliums 
of America are going as nnp man. 
I., beat thorn; lo make every Ameri- 
can f""l thai all th" r"-t of the 
hundred million- are with him in 
his nlfhtoal efforti ('• heat tha Gor- 

Tli" National Security [."ague 
speaks xvith the authority of MM 
host riti*cn«hip and its caution* 

bouM ho h ladk This matter 

-hould haxe immediut" attention and 
the plans -hould he laid tn get a 

cmigr.— nf paal iummm tad of 

uni|U"-tii'U:il'l" h vallv Mtuix -ulitle 

trap- art iiki-ix I., in- laid by the 

"tiemies of BUT MM and xxe must 
ba alert and OJMMk M detect and de- 
feat them. 


Nearl] half ol Ih" premium* |g 
ilbari i " awarded h\ the IMI Kaaiuoky 
«as with bOM f"lks la-t Stale Fair will ho paid in War-Sav- 

nifhl frmn Camp ftiatoP. Mich.; he ings Stamps, a filing to infornia- 

i- going hack today ami he says he turn received hy the Department of 
will leave fur France in a short | Agriculture frmn authnrities nf the 
tune. I ho dry xM-ather has mad.' Stale Board of Agriculture of Keu- 
Ihe bMM and Iii- potatoes late — lucky. Tho price list for tho |'.)I8 
tararybod) nmnmm Ita WM Iw-ihlf bMala »7H.niio. of which it ia 
Mp spi aking here fhiirsday night , i -timnted that » .:.>**■ will ho 
MM 17th, al It hutch house. I m Wai'-Savings Stamps. 

,xxn hneoital* and inslmrt MMM 

llau Sclem-. Monitor. 


HI Acraaon Dixie Highway just 
joining thr Kinnard and Silas Moore plates. 

(>•* Th.r*J C.h. 

intrirolrd addie.s* ownei 

L. a CLARK, We.l 

You Should Go The 

' aft 


liiuo 17, I'M* 


Conducted rn Mr. kobert F. Stance. Farm Demonstrator and Special 

Investigator ' 


\-k y w i rw ll tin* n wtt w; "W at 
am I rtntag Inward helping my (W* 
try win tlf war?" If yu if* HH 
.loins- x'MH'l limn, rlott'l you think 
von arc a very lukewarm Min i ii an ' 

DM ii"\<Tiini''iil d"e«n t a«k *WJ 
niiirh of yi>ii. II merely a*!*" >•«»•> I" 

dp without UM «*ar\ thing- and 

invest v r v MBhFf »ave,| Ihereliv m 

•MurHim< fan ess bwj Sav- 
ings stamps and as*t»t Hip nation 
RMMMfef Hint HWTJ time JOB 
bit] .1 War SaMMi>'- Stamp, which 

i» rod ial''i m BffM in WU y..n 

are llring a shot at Berlin. 


Hoi i« tin- lime t.. plant Ma Die 

ernp of po ta t oe s prepare Um band 

tin ■ i ] u 1 1 1 > ami kiM' them a rliatu ■ 
I'" g row . ••iir early or llr«t crop 
|| damaged greatly I'V 'Iry Weather 
rVttatfsM ''mi I"' planted M l it- a- 
•Inly S& Try a patch thi« fflH H 
ymi have never IT led it before. 


Your roimtry is counting OS ymi 

to hirnlsli Dm itaowi of war m IBta, 

tlir rnii-ii: ;• "I rrmtOtl tlial thoworM 
has mm known. It i« counting SB 
your money, your lalior. ami your 

-I n it ..r srt f-earriftee. World war* 
cannot bS won hy talk alone and they 
cannot ho W(M by resources unless 

tlMM* rOHNM s are M JlfOBlOd that 

they count in the actual prnseru- 
tion of Hip war. 

Anierii'ii. M wp all know, is Hip 
richest nation in Hip world. It hM 
Hip most money, the most factories 
and the no*) mitnral PWOOFOOa, But 
the moROJ will not do ii« any gissl 
ir the war unless if is BMht KoH 
'■•r the use of (he I to\ eriltnent. 

This is why |he War Savini* 
stamp campaign was devised hy the 
iio\ eminent. It (fives every man.! 
'■vers woman and ovctv ehild an np- 
pi 1 1 1 ill 1 1 y to do something for Hip 
fH imtry they love. You do no) have 
••• he a millionaire and liny a H 4 
bond*. Your twenty-live cents for a 
Thrift Stamp or fOOt • 1.17 cents 
foi a War BavloBI stamp will help 
your eoimlry and help it now. And 
Hip fael that you did without some- 
thing to get Mo money to pure ha»c 
this -tamp will help even mere, for 
the eountry BOMMH §M its war work 
done if the factories are KQIJ I 
ministering to your pleasure. 


VI w heat and ivo laud «lf«ild he 
pill in cow DOW Of Buckwheat as 

soon as possihle. if it isn't H led 

to grass. Wp need the cowpeas for 

f I nnd f I hoth for man and 

beast. Wp HON Hip buckwheat for 
fppd, food and hees. Our tiovern- 
menl is urging all Loo men to take 
hnttor rare of Mofr hep*. Any h> 
f,^- inatioii dpsired on hoes. «nl" 
your county agent. Wp can't afford 
not (o ntili/p all B"is| vaeant land. 
S.> lot's sow row peas now and hnek- 
whoat not later than .Inly Id. 


\ model farm poiiltrv IjOOM ran 
h,- found at County Airent Speiice". 
offlcp. It's on exhihition for all who 
are interested in hiiildins a house 
Conie in and net a plan to hnild bj 
H'is fall. A plan cos|« nothing — in- 
formation free from Conntv Apoi-t 
with all poultry hiilletin« in addi- 
tion. ConiP and look this house ovpr. 
It was furnished hv Beroa Bank and 
Trust Company. The kOMM is MA 
to hp moved, hut plans can he made 
from house and taken home. Women 
an asked to come and spp if. 



1st Door — Berea's Vocational Schools 

Training that add.* to your money-earning power, combined with 
general education. 

TOR YOUNG MEN— Agrirtilture. Carpentry, Bricklaying, Print- 
ing. Commerce an d Telegraphv 

FOR YOUNO LADIES - H nu MtMM* PrrMmakinit. Cooking. 
Nursing. Stenography and Typewriting. 

2nd Door — Berea's Foundation School 

General IdUOSUOl for those not far advanced, combined with some 
vocational training. No matter what your present advancement, 
we ran put you with others like yourself and give chance for 
most rapid improvement. 

3rd Door — Berea's English Academy Course 

For those who are not expecting to teach and who are not going 
thru College and desire more general education. It also give* 
the best general education for those who wish a good start in 
to carry it on by 

Bul 0 ara Attack Royal 
Munich May 1*7. TraT»l«r» ant* 

tng here from (Jermnny declare that 
discontented Rulgniian soldier* attack- 
ed Emperor Obariaa 1 train after It had 

left Constantinople. 

Hun U Boat Seeka Haven. 

Mndrtd. May IT. -The German rab> 

marine D-B boa entered the port of 
Ban ta nder. Bpain, it was learned Tha 
C-h<mt Wai In ii damnged condition. 

4th Door — Berea's Normal School 

This gives the best training for those who expect to teach. 
Courses arc so arranged that yt ling people can teach through the 
summer and fall and attend school through the winter and spring, 
thus earning money to keep right on in their course* of study. 
Head Dinsmore's great book. "How to Teach a District School." 

5th Door — Berea's Preparatory Academy Course 

This is the straight road to College— best training in Mathematics, 
Science, Languages, History and all preparatory subjerta. The 
Academy is now Berea's bHpaJ department 

6th Door— Berea College 

This is the crown of the whole institution, an 
courses in all advanced subjects. 

A Temporary Raise in Board is forced by war conditions. For 
twenty-five years the board has romamed the same in Berea. but the 
unusual situation in which the whole country finds itself now makes 
it impossible for us to live on the SUM money as we have in the pa.«t 
This adds 16.60 to the former expenses of the girls and MM lo 
the expenses af the boyi, but still leaves the co-t half that at other 
schools Bnd "cheaper than staying at home." 

PAYMENTT MUST BE IN ADVaNCK. incidental fee and room rent 


The Packer's Bill 
for Live Stock 

For the first six months of our operations 
under the Food Administration, ending 
April 30, 1818^vvTft_A Company paid for 

live stock -Ti'S^SwioO $323,800,000 
For the same 

period in 1917 1,338,300,000 $210 t 4< 
Increase in 

Weight 16V4% 220300.000 

in cost 54% . - - $113,400,000 

The Consumer 9 o 
Bill for Meat 

must necessarily have increased 
correspondingly, as Live Stock 
prices and meat prices fluctuate 
tog finer. 

When the producer gets high 
prices for his live stock, the con- 
sumer's meat bill must 
sarily be larger. 

by the term, board by the half term. Insti 

illmenta are as 


Expenses for Boys 


»r AI.MY 



II M o > 

• 6.00 

• 7.00 



Board, 7 weeks !£JB 



Amount due Sept. If, MM . fid 



Board. 7 weeks. du« Oct. 20.. 12 25 



Total for Term '36.50 

•37 50 


Expenses for Girls 

• 6.00 

• 7.00 





Amount due Sept 11. UM8. . 22 50 


24 50 

Board. 7 weeks, due 0*1 30.. 10.50 



Total for Term . '33.00 



' This does not include the dollar deposit nor money for books or 


Special Expanses in Addition to Incidtn 

ta) Fee— Basinet 



M mtrr 






Bookkeeping (regular course) 7.00 



Business course for students 

in other departments: 



Typewriting, with one hours 


Com. Law., Com. Geog„ Com. 

Arith.. or Penmanship, each.. 2.10 



In no ease will special Business Fees exceed $15.00 per term. 

Any able-bodied young man or young woman can get an 
al Berea if there is the will to do «o. 

If it is impossible for any young man or fOUBf woman to he 
in seh'iol the full year, by all means I h. y ihoutd enter for a course dur- 
ing the winter and spring terms. 

The public schools will eloee about ChrlatSSBI and the IsSSkSffl 

and advsaaN pupils should not ba idle Uuoufh the long wmtei 

months but should be studying in Berea whore the be* education can 
be gotten for least money. 

This may t» 

above 15 years old. in good health and of 
•igned by some former Beroa stodant in 
teacher or neighbor. Tha usa of tobacco it strictly 

For information or friendly advice write to the 



6l BjafajttBal bv Miss Margaret Di/nry. Ditritor < f Home Science 



■fcjl Claitfna to M^vsx 
Within Ita LlmlU a SUtion et Im 
porlence That Antedates the Nation 
al Capital by 
First Move tor 

CARLtfLK, f*B., claims to hare 
had within Its limits the flr»t 
pam (WaaMasatasaaB) in the 
United Stsan la aasatd for 

tleorge WiiKlilimtoii 11111I to hnve the 
■MMl BBHttBS] house west of 1I11 Sun 
<|U< hiiimii. » Inn in HM K'T\w of Ainerl 

< mi liberty « 11- 1 om HveA 
kenn to hiihten eeeorSs sad htett 

long Imrleil In state nrchlvoti Is re 
"rltliiK hlntor.v nnd h lately illscovenil 

"Untowplsted Pnaar" tiy the late 
t'hrlstlnn I'. Iluinrlch. Ksi| . dlaelutl 
ISfl fuel 1 1 >n t on iho pn soiii silo of 1 In- 
I 111 till StaHa Imllnn school hi far- 
lisle In prorexolntloiiMry thins whs hi 
saMMaSaaHH of "recognized lin|Mir 
iHiire. and of front hUtorlcal I lit. ■rest." 
known us Wasliliiirlonl.iirg. 

v.. n cord is faaad in aaata or torn 
t> of its asfaiaa«a hut iwaafts *u»*>- 

1h.1t It whm ipilte an iiii|mrlHlit place 
Bad more than a sulmrl. of Carlisle 
It wa« a national and not a stwte o« 


\ Mox« and tiirK Liberty Food 
Cltlb i« baing organized hy the V, H. 

hi paf lanssi ,,f ajajrWDltura ami the 

Stale auricnltnral to fl a g s a , compnseil 
of all club miMiifx'rs in the :i 1 Norlh- 
• in aad We-dern f lates. In order 
to BfNBJN a nieinhor of this eluh 
ears hoy and Kirl enrolled in clnh 
work musl «ign n card pledging 

Inmi-lf or herself, through f I 

pi o,|, id i.. n and food conservation, to 

help win the war nn ,i w ->ri.i pasm 

Pv lad pMai each member prom- 
IkOa to endeaxor to the hest of his 
or her ability lo follow instrnc- 
tlofra, altend meetings of (he club, 
iniiko an keep accurate ree. 
nrda, and make a complete report 
of his or her activities and MfttSVt- 

I fa, Kseh member Is then fur- 

iii-he.l with a hand«oii rtitleato 

slmed by the stale club leader, and 
upon m m m fti Uj completing fhe 

"•'k of tl hlb for the year is 

frees 1 diploma sf seh level 


To reduce the ISnn.flfaXOfVl h>«« j 1 

' I and other property deitroy. 

d aiinually bv ral« the Bureau of 

Biotofieal Sttnrey sf the Pnitod 
Rlatea t Vp sr fj iaBl of Aarlealtars is 

limo* a.Kice n « well „„ n«n-tance 
in a niMiiher of »iale and kWSi cam- 
psbjma s as laal labi wor«t of pest*. 

State- wide rampaigni are in BIBB* 

peaa m Mlaalaaippi, Waal Virginia, 
ami Oeoraia, while MsrylsB*!, Min- 
seanta, and laabaaaa ars planning la * 

lake up «noh work in a few weeks, fa 
Tbeae campaign- are usually made 
tin. .ngh county agents and emer- 
gency worker-. |,v cooperation with 
tl.e Stale. It. l.-iiion* Soryice. The 
Board ..f RealU) of Kansa. has been 
making a state-wide educational 
campaign again-t rats, while many 
local organizations in cities, villages 
and rural SaSMMHllliaa have been 
engage I hj active effort.! |g i>||mi- 
nafe the«e animaN An indication 
of the increa«jng intere«t taken by 
the pnl. he ii, this work is shown 
in the -toadilv increasing demand 
for antirat bulletins and posters 
pi bl tailed by the department. 

Year Book of Intareatioc and 
tnetroctive facta aent on request, 

Addreaa Swift A Company, 
jMOn Stock Yard., Chica.o, BUnot. | 

Swift & Company, U.S. A. 

Flour, Hay and Grain. 
Hour Winter patent $lu!»o0113S; 
rye flour, Northwestern blended $10 

Hay— No 1 timothy f:»u l> No 2 
fl«01lr. No 1 clover mixed ti 

(>ata Nu 1 white fc0^<ptllc. stand- 
ard white SOfcHOV. No 3 white 7I»>4 
6»0c. No 2 inued 7«V.tt75c. No I 
mnvd T:<Si>74VtC 

t'oro No 2 while II M> « 1 HG. No. 3 
white I176018U, No 2 yellow 1170 
©176, No 3 yellow 1 166^170. No 2 
mi.. : I16&U17U. No. 3 mixed |1 40 
• 1 46 

Buttar. K SS a and Poultry. 

Mutter— Whole nllk creamery «itraa 
46< centralised creamery, extras 44c. 

tegs Prime ttrata .:<•». . firata 32c, 
ordinary flrsta Use 

Uve Poultry Bro*l«ra, lVk lb 
over, u ' under 
fowla. 4 Ibe aud over. 
Itc; rooatera. 18c. 

Live Stock. 

Cattle Heavy ateera |14t> 17; butch 
er ateera. eitra |lf.«i 16, good to choice 
llttf 16. common to fair |»60«JH2; 
heifers, eitra 613014 60. good to 
choice 111 26013. common to fair It 
Oil; cows, astra 11101110. good to 
choice |k6O011. commoe to fair I 
0K -»or 

Carves Eitra 116 2*016 50, fair to 
good 111016 60, common and large II 


Hoge-Solected heavy 116 26016 60. 
good to choice packers and butchers 
116 60. mlied packer* 116 60 stags l 

012. oommon to choice heavy fat aows 
1110 14 60. light shipper* 116 50 

Stioap- Kxira ll:50«,13. g(H id to 
choice 1116 12 50. common to fair 
♦7 60 10. 


""•■i » T0 • " ■»..« 

By 1020 there will be no territory 
under quarantine for sheep and cat- 
tle scabies, it is believed by nfllci- 
gjl of the Bureau of Animal lu<lus- 
iiv Hfaetive April 15, the Secre- 
tins ..f Agriculture issued an order 
ralSSJlSS from quarantine the last 
four counties in Texas, constitut- 
ing the remainder of the area under 
quarantine for cattle scabies in the 
entire United States. There still 
remain under quarantine for sheep 
scabies ten counties in California 
eleven counties in Texas am 
parishes in I.ouisana. 

labllskment. for "Col nearer, Oosnaata 
sary-iieneral of Military Store-." re 
Saeata that he might have "l '11 rpi litem 
Furriers, liun Smiths. Tlnmeii. Mail 
dler* hi.i1 Sh<«-iiiakers" for work al 
this place. 

Coal Used Industrially. 

i»r. ciiiiries f. Httaea of Dtf Hasina 

college writes: "It was. too, an ap**S> 
date, or rather, away aliesd of ilate 
eMtat.llshnient. at least In regard to 
fuel employed, for anthracite coal from 
Wllkestiarre region was floated down 
the Susquehanna and hauled In wagoiiK 
from llarrl«' terry (Harrlslmrg) te 
this point. This was the tlrst use of 
such ■ .11I on Mich a aeale. and for In 
dustrlal puriN,».os." Kvldenie of the 

large force of aroftatvM etapioyed is 

found In a meat hill, dated Kcl.ruary 7. 
1781. for IBB bead of beef cattle tc 
vupply the artltlct-ra and others at 
Washington!. urg. at the Tontliiriital 
siirk- m ar t'arllsle." 
The contention Is that this mllltar) 

|n.*t was the rlr>t place In the I'nlted 
States to ba named for Washington 
and that Its existence antedates hy 
years Washington, It. V. 

When Several Washington was In 
Carlisle during the whisky rebellion 
he, with Alexander Hamilton wor- 
shiped In the "Old I'resl.vterian Me, 1 
11. g House" on the pnl. lie aquare In 
Carlisle, and It was In this Identical 
mooting lions,., on July 12. 1774. a year 
!>• fore the Mecklenburg declaration, a 
public meeting of patriotic citizens 
fathered from the town and surround 
mg country, condemned the act af the 
Hrtttsh parliament and urged vigorous 

■eaa a rea t«> correct tba wrong Oai 
John Montgomery whs the presiding 
otlloer. Jiime* Wilson was pres. 1,1 and 

gspalated ad Hie ■eaabeei wt 

the committee la ine.i with other com- 
mittees lo take action. He was later a 
htfaabet of the OseHasaHl congress, a 
signer of the DerleiaBea and a Justin 
of the Stipretne court. Wing * hlstorx 
states, "and when In the Continental 

eaearaaa tie aaaaisjad instructions from 
1. is constituents in Oaasbertaad eeshatj 

to advocate an entire separation from 
the mother country. This was prol. 
ably the first utterance of that seutl 
meiit of the country." 

Bancroft'* Tribute to Wlleon. 

Hun. roft suys of Wilson - "He was an 
ardent patriot, like many other eml 
Baal men of that day not at first 
in 1, u. .Hv In favor of severance from 
the mother countrv, but lie desired Ii 
when ho received 'I. Unite Instruction 
from bis constituents." 

Bellman, writing of the potency of 
the* mooting held In the "Old Meeting 
Hons. ' on Julv 12. 1774. says: "The 
Influence therefore, of the meeting, or 
of vuhacqucut Instruction* to which it 
gave rise, see ma to have determined 
the action of Pennsylvania Id that 
great crlsl* which 


Kvcrx state in the fnion has its 
• lellnilo quota Of children's live* to 
he saved, Thirty five are now or- 
ganised for Welfare campaigns and 
thirteen are actuallv at work on the 
Wt ighmg and measuring te«K whir!t 
nre the llr«t stops in ascertaining th > 
general condition of the children. 
This |s the most general stock-tak- 
ing of *.nieriran eblldbOOd that has 

ever 1 11 attempted. The measures 

planned for this campaign are virf- 
uaMv the same that Fngland" found 
it tieces*ory to take in the second 
year af the war. 


Knrolled nurses as soon as as- 
sign. <l by the American Red Cross 
to the tntrj or N'aw Nurse Corps 
p : ..s entirely hevond the Red Cross 
hjriadleUon. \s members of mili- 
tary units, thev are paid hv the 

floverafaeat, wear \rmy or Naw 

nitrattsf Itni forms and are under the 
order* of the medical staff of the 
■UlfJMM general. Because all hos- 
pitals in war rone* are marked with 
re,; crosses. s,,mo lavmon have 
Balned UM very erroneous impres- 
sion that all such hospitals are Red 

Grata taatitaUeaa and that ail nurse* 

m them are Red Proas nurses. 

The five largo hospitals .iporatcd 
by the American Red Cross and the 
rnanv convalescent honv>s it 1* 
establishing for wounded or sick 
soldiers, are. like the many institu- 
tions for the civilian sick it main- 
tains or aids in Kurope, supplemen- 
tal^ t.. and entirely distinct from 
the American Armv ISd Navy field 
and base lio-pitaN here an,| abroad. 

Hard to Btat Thte. 

Women su m to he more given lo the 
"marrying habll" than men. A Hoer 
woman Mined I >e Hoer has been 
"splli ed" lo no fewer thin, seven differ- 
ent batBaaBBi uml Is the proud Bother, 
um I s|,. ; ,t, .other ,,f children while 

The vote of James Wilson deter- 
mined the vote of Pennsylvania. Had 
Pennsylvania fulled to accept the resis- 
Intlon we today would be under an- 
other flag. 

Philadelphia may he eonaldered "The 
birthplace of American liberty," but 
Ita conception In the "Old Preabytertan 
Mi-ctlug Hoiuto." In Carlisle, Cumber- 
land county Pennsylvania, made It 
possible to be born 

The Hootch Irish |>art In the It. vein 
tlonary war and the events preceding 
It la hemming more apparent and Im- 
portant, and the actions taken In the 



i mn 

mriovr.D uwroin imumiu'mi 



o»t wn f n n rz water n n. 

Teacher "f Kaglkra MMt lii II:- M ly 

mi. i.. tma*rt**a ,.r riii. tmi 
I'm I . 



Autti.r »» "Th. Handr Mi "The «•» 
Crtnaman.* H.ndirr.a fnt Handr 




OOLOBM TF.XT-T. .hull km,,) ,i,, 

Inilh. mi. I lb* truth ■hull y.m free - 
Jolin * M 

rKA<-in:i<M I'ftnim. t: ii lite.*}. Pro- 
ven.. IJ 1.1. IMI.I. Mill. John r. »*l«7. 
It. .in inn II « 

jwvoTioiUL " — pm raiM* n» 

I. Characteristic, of God'. Word 

(IN. in 711). 

Tin- P«nlml«t here set. forth six de- 
scriptive title, of Hod's Word, sla mil. 

mmmMmj n nM um, mat m 


t Title: "The Law of the Lord" 

<v. 7). 

By I. MM MM fundamental 
principles which tM hh n in. .ml MMM. 
reveals to the consciences of men aa 
binding upon the MMl 

2. Quality: "Perfect" (v. 7). 

It I. fr.-c (MB >n* and re- 
dundancies It I. P«Cm1 hd h moral 
rode, .ml It |»-rfis-tly accompli. he. 
mini', .nlviillnn. 

S. Effect: "Converting the 8oul" 
<v 7). 

i i.- practical Mm tt tin- ihw of 

Ood la to turn men to (Jod himself, 
righteousness .nil h .linen. 

1. Title: "The Teetlmony of tha 
Lord" (v. 7). 

It I. tin- witness which t«.>.| bears ii. 
to hi. attributes, mt HKnliint man's 

2. Quality: -Sura" (v. 7) 

It I. philii ami infallible. We ran 
rv|M."w. In !i our MMM for time ami 

3. Effect: 
pla" (v 7). 

The simple an- (how who have hutu- 


S im . -«%.., .me! These are word, 
thut Ml MM hi fMt) I urn. Mfl dm 
Mfoddnrd In tin- DMMj Signal. MMMJ 
for Liberty loan.; food for the allies 
ii ml Hi.. war tossed peoples ; ntnl for 
Mm hoy. nnil youth, who arc to light 
tln> I m 1 1 1 «■ for democracy. Save! 

Tlir< mikIi nil tin' grave or somct lines 
guy II. perl, of thl. many shied thrift 
1'iixor t here MMM a Jarring ele- 
im-iiL Question, arl.e which will not 
In- «ll..||,..,| VMM of th<- money, the 
food, tin- innn power Involved In tin' 
production ami use of 1 1 •• 

W •• know from gMJMM MMM 
Hint tin- 11111. unit of foodstuffs MMI In 

making I r MM greater In 11117 thnn 

In l!»lil or MM. We kMM MM world's 
food Mpply wa. low yet we allowed the 
brewers to use limn- fooilfstuff. last 
y.iir tliii 11 In t-ttlKT of Hal two pr. 
MMM] y«r.. 

A M pM IMM reduction in tin' grain 

I I I" brewing ha. been ordered f.,r 

MM, hut thl. atl MM an amount 

of MMl — H lMJ to ko into Mt MMMff 
vat., MMMMj uml. r tin- MMMM 

Tiik.' the alnxlo IMM of harl.-y. The 
harli'y MMl M AMMMM MMMfMl MM 
vi'ar. If mailt- Into flour or .«-nt Into 
■"MMM for hr<-ai|. VMM MjVt MMl 
«-i|inil to tin- MMMl hri-ail rMtM of H,- 

BMO06 1 pM for a y«-nr. Thl. tr 

MaM from no It-., tin authority thnn 

h ii. w I k mi f I e/rlttM If Vi.r 

non Kdtogaj 11ml |>r. Alonr.o I Tin lor 
of tin- I nlti-il Mtatt-M fiM.I ailinlnlatra- 
Hon, which kIvi-. tin- hn-nil viiluc for 
BCOOfXPOB MMMbI of tiiirl.-v MMal 
raOMtfl '°r our army tunny tlim-x n*i>r, 
or 111. in- MM MMHjl for all Hi-IkIuiii 
nr tin- .mltti-n pt-opla of the Krenoh 
war num. 

(Copyrliht. by A. Nrrly IUII.) 

Melnw are a f»-w knot, and hltchea" 
that i-verv hoy .hould know <!<*t two 
MM of light rope ami work out each 
aa I de.rrlbe ita formation 

A rope ha. lhn-i> part, thn "ht«ht" 
or loop II.. Kia II, the ' atnmliiiR 
part" or Ioiik end (H. PlR 1 1, and the 

I U( 1 


FIG 2 




STEP 2, 



It hnppi'iii'il 11I a U--I t'ro»< ti-a held 

at a rutintry CMt% Thi- fu..y old K'-n- 
MlMM of tin- white MM tnppi'd th<> 
twi-i-d rim I yotinR.ti-r on th<- ihnalder. 

"My hoy," he .aid, "why an- ymi not 
In the army?" 

Tin- hoy smiled. "To ho frmik with 
you, air," he .aid, "I don't like It. 
Then-', alt thl. hit.lne.. of aleeplnic 
In the mud, nil. I MMMtoli f'-.>.|. and 
ruin nil the time— daubed oncoinfort- 
ahle. y.oi know." 

"I'm niiifiirtiihl.. •" The white Teat- 
front heiived Indltftiiintly. "Are yoti n«.t 

of ii»;e. In K I MMM or physically 


"fMHMMMi n« a drum. Ju.t twen- 
ty-two, no MMMMMM." The fMMg 
mini was .till .he.rful. The In.-vlta- 
Ma Knuip HrtfeMM] ahoiit th.-m. 

■iHMJMttftfl Mm you no MMHM> 
lam— no love of ntuntryf What la 
your MMMl for not being In Mt army? 
OonfMt, rownrd!" 

"I run't he." said the cheerful youth. 
"I'm in Mt navy. MSMMM hour.' 

leave mid .! Iii I peniil..iun to wear 

•clvl.-..' " 

Carea for IL 

"An.1 do you rare for Hie theater, 
Mr.. Murphy?" 

"Sure. I do not. M 
that " 

"I>oe. whiit?" 

"•'lire, for the theater! He's the 
Janitor I" 

their |MM 
off Heir 

of the Lord" 

Tllllll > a ROUP 

1. Title: "The 
(» H). 

Tlie»e are the principle, or MMBJM 
which the I.i.rd give, to ua all. to tit 
Ua to rlichtly perform the dutlea which 
the different relation, of life make 
MrtMaMri MMl ua. 

2. Quality: "Right" (v. ft). 

They are from t!:.- liichteoua ll.xl 
aid an- IktataMij MM and aajMMbla, 

3. Effect: "Rejoicing tha Heart" (v. 

The true heart rejoloea In juatlce 
and equity. 

1. Title: "The Commandment of the 
Lord" <\ H) 

Thl. hhiik"< Into view the personal 
<}<mI who atiimls hack of hi. law to en 
force it. demand, to rispilre otx-.ll- 
•nce to It. precept. 

2. Quality: "Pura" (v. g). 

It I. free from deceit and error. 

3. Effect: "Enlightening the Eyea" 
(». 8). 

The effect of llod'a law I. to Rive 
ahlllty. not only to iinder- 
hu hue and aalvatlon. hut to Ih» 
a. to Hi- MMp atKmt him. 

nm QRorp— 

1. Title: "The Fear of tho Lord" (v. 

■MMf the Word of QMl produce. 
PMMMMMI f<»r In the heart of the 

2. Quality: "Clean" (v. U). 

It la not mil) clean In Itaelf, hut 
aanolin.-. the heart of those who re- 
ceive It. 

3. Effect: "Enduring Forever" (v ID 

The life ami relation. hip founded 
up..n hi. law uhlda forever. 
HIXTII iil« >t T — 

1. Title: "Tha JudgmanU of tha 
Lord" (v. V). 

in thl. la meant the .cot 
D0111 1 by (iod'a Word. 

2. Quality: "Trua at 
(». »). 

The penalties preevrlbed by 0.m1 
are true, conformable to the Intuitive 
moral MMM of 

3. Effect: 
•ring Reward" (v. 11). 

If the warning* be 

life's sea will tie 

11. ..I paya a wage 
to Ms laws. Uodllnesa la 
i unto nil, bavltiR the proiulae 
Of the life that now ta, ami Hint which 
la to coin. 

II. A Notable Example of Bible 
Study (Acta 8:!MWtU). 

1. Who It Waa (v. ML 

Tbe KthlopiHii euuuch, a man of 
treat authority. He waa the eevretary 
of tbe treasury of tbe Ethiopian ipieeu. 
The wisest and beat men and women 
of the earth liuve been reverent atu- 
tents of Hie lllhle and have teatlfUtd 
to Ita beauty aud power. 

2. The Circumatancee of (v. MS). 

It was while traveling that thla 
great uia>i waa atudylng the IllbUt. 
Thla la a tuoat axcelleot way to Im- 
prove moments while ou a Journey. 
S. Ooing Personal Work (vv 1V87). 
wuaMuikeo from hla Rreat 
itlc work in Samarta ami dl 
to S o to the deaert. The Hj.lrit 
l-blllp to join hlmaelf to the 


The liquor men are wasting food. 

Last year the wa.te amounted to 
7 01.1 mm mm MMMM of 

They are waeting labor. About 
at)t).(Na) men are engaged In the man- 
ufacture, aale and distribution of 
li.HUe In hrcwerle., salmin. and rc- 
taurant.. as brewers, bartenders and 
waiter.-- at a time when every man 

N 1 led In some useful occupation 

to help win the war. 

They ar« waeting Ufa. Bartenders. 
t.r.-w.Ty workers and waiters In 
■alfWOI lose an average of six years 
of life on mcomM "f their m-ciipa- 
Hona. If He- Smi.inxt men who make 
and sell boo/.- lose im average of all 
irt of life. It make, a total of I.SDU.- 
••»• years of life. The average man 
work, about :to years — so that the 
I liquor traffic I. using up the equiva- 
lent of tkl.ikai men In each generation 
And thl. I. too Rreat a price for the 
nation to pay. 

For these rea.ons— (1) the waste of 
f.ssl. (J) the waste of labor. (S) the 
» - f llf> — we have a tight to de- 
nial,. I that the liquor hu.lness be abol- 
Ished.- Tram Publicity Mat-rial Sent 
Out by the K.-.l.-riil OMMMl of 
ChWMMt In Its ••Strengthen America' 


"Prohibition In the organic law will 
MfW destroy the keystone In the 
arch of true demm racy." Is the charge 
by the oppin.nts of the fedaral 
amemlmeiit. They deplore the fact 
Hint a big. populous state like New 
York should count for no more than 
a -mill .parsely settled state like 
Nevada In the matter of ratification of 
the amendment. They go even far- 
ther and Insist that such n method of 
procedure Is undemocratic and un- 
Amcrlcan. It la certainly too late 
In Hie history of the nation to make 
such a claim. As has been logically 
said. thl. method of 
Constitution not only la not 

to Mt A rlcan aystem. It la 

Hi that system If the principle In- 
v..lved In this method la wrong, If It la 
against public policy, the way to rem- 
edy It la to amend article 5. which 
pruvldea thla methi>d of changing 
the fundamental law. rather than to 
denounce the provlalona of the MMMl 
aa in 

"end." usually tbe ahort end uaed In 
forming the knot or bitch (K. Fig. 1). 

To begin with tha simple Overhand 
Knot (Pig 2). make a loop (I.) and 
paaa tbe end (Ki through the loop 

In Joining two plecea of rope with 
a Square Knot ( Pig 3), first twtat 
tha ends ( E, El as ahown In Step 1, 
and then form an Overhand Knot on 
top aa abown In Step 2. Notlca the 
difference between the positions of the 
rope ends In thla knot and In the 
Oranny Knot ahown In Fig. 4. The 
Square Knot will hold, the Granny 
knot will -hp 

The Flsberman'a Knot (Fig 6) la a 
aecura knot and one eaally loosed. In 

"Virginia ta 
thing, Isn't she?" 

"What now?" 

"Why, her new mermaid 
to be made of watered silk.' 


In it, 

Ranka as the Moat Momentous of 
AM the Struggles of Revolutionary 
Days— Revealed to the British tha 
Trua Spirit of Their Foes. 

A LlTTI.K before 

S4III-. I : i 

ago, a few hun- 
dred American 
troop. stnrked 

seized their 
trenching tools, 
and set to work 
with gnat spirit 
At midnight Bos- 
ton was burled In sleep. The .entry's 
cry of "All s well :" could be b.-sril dls- 
Mildly from It. shorea. 

At MMM, IM year, ago, the Ameri- 
cans at work were seen liy the sHllors 
on board the Hrltlsh ships of war and 
the alarm MM given. The captain of 
the Lively, the nearest ship, without 
waiting for orders, put a spring upon 
her cable and, bringing her guns to 
bear, opened a Are upon the hill. One 
man, among a number who had Incau- 
tiously ventured outside, whs killed. A 
subaltern reported his death to Oolonel 
Prescott and asked what waa to bo 
done. "Bury him," waa the reply. 

It was the first fatality In the battle 
of Bunker Hill, one of the most mo- 
mentous cnnfllcta in our Revolutionary 
hjstory. It whs the first regular battle 
between the British and the Americana 
and most eventful in Its consequences. 
Tin- British had ridiculed and despised 
their enemy, representing them as das- 
tardly and Inefficient; yet here the best 
British troops, led on by experienced 
officers, were repeatedly repulsed by 
an Inferior force of that enemy— mere 
yeomanry— from works thrown np In a 
single night, and suffered a 1 
paralleled In battle with the 
ertin soldiers. According to their own 
returns their killed and wounded, out 
of a detachment of 2,000 men, amount- 
ed to 1,05-1. and a large proportion of 
them officers. The loss of the Ameri- 
cans was 411 nut of l.fiOO men en- 
gaged. So the number of casualties In 
this battle waa more than 80 per cent 

hi Hie MlffUUIMlnj lull*, were nt»- 
I'.illlpeil between lli.mai ami 
mm HRdJiMlpltaMj American,. 
Tha BrtUatli thus rut ihT from 
MIMMMBMBUsM Willi the innin- 
land. wen- seriously hampered for pro- 
vision., and Hcneriil tinge MM) 
plated a movement to occupy the 
em I height, near Charles town, at r>or- 
CMMMTi and adjacent pntnea. 

The arrival of such a formidable 
force of the enemy caused the gravest 
concern to the colonists. It wa, ni- 
nionsl Hint the British would sally forth 
from Boil on and burn the neighbaMMJ 
towns. It wa. to prevent this that the 
Americans determined to fortify Bun 
kcr Hill; for. If Hie British should get 
out of the city nnd Intrench upon Dor- 
ihe-ler Heights to the south of Itos- 
ton. the Continental position would be 
made untenable. 

Preacott's Qallant AcL 

Not hii ■ ' ssary sound w in rpude 

•luring Hi-, long hours of I he night of 
fSM 10. 177Y and when Stlfl 1 nine In- 
treni hmenli six feet high along the 
side of the bill were disclosed. In the 
face of the fire from the enemy .hips 
and by Mt buttery on Onp|/| Hill the 
Americans kept steadily at work coin 
pletlng their Intrenchmetit. and. when 
there w as 11 slight ahow of faltering aft- 
er a 



mounted t h e 

Why Not? 
Tws. In her darkest hours. 

When ths maid waa In daapalr. 
Her lever s«nt har flowers. 

And the flowwr. scent ths air. 

In a Liberal Mood. 

"The Judge was very nice." 

"Gave me a divorce, permission to 
marry again, and Intimated that If I 
didn't do better than I did the first 
time he'd grant me another divorce." 


Father— What was that racket last 
night when you came home? 

Son— My coat fell down the stairs. 
Father— A coat wouldn't make all 


"Tbe foe that I fear moat," aald Ar- 
thur Mee, author of "Defeat or Vic- 
tory," at a recent meeting In Queen's 
hall, London, "la tbe man wbo la de- 
stroying the food I shall want for lit- 
tle Marjorle Mee when famine cornea." 
And an outraged aadJence cheered to 
the echo Mr. Mee'a Indictment of "a 
trade which from the Drat day of tha 
war till iu'u , haa never atralned ■ 
nerve to help this land; baa hindered 
It, hampered It, kept back ships and 
gnua, caused tbe losa of thoaaanda of 
our soldler'a Uvea, aud ba. all the time 
been the greateat 


Figure of Eight Knot 

Joining two ropes, tie an Overhand 
Knot in each rope end (E), forming It 
over tbe atandlug part (SI of the 
other rope, then pull the knota to- 
gether. They can be loosed by pull 
Ing on the enda (B). 

The Bowline Knot (Fig •) will 
neither alip nor draw tight Flrat 
form a small loop In the rope (L. Step 
1. Fig. 6), then bring the end tE) up 

Well. I was In the cut 

Absent Minded. 

Grocer — That long-haired man who 
Just went out must be a music crank. 
Customer- Why do you think so? 
Grocer— He Insisted that I only give 

part (S). an 
(Step 2. Fig. •). 

beet Bend (Fig. 7). 
with one rope end <U 
Pig. 7). then paaa tbe end of the 
rope through the loop, around 
tha standing part and end of loop 
out through the loop between the 
and itself (Step I. Fig. 7). 

Figure of Eight Knot (Fig. «). 1 
a loop (L), than paaa the end 

cause It 
that no 

hard. Don't 

Is easyr 
; that's why I 

eil to and fro 
with drawn sword 
regardless of the 
fact that he was a 
mark for the Brit- 
ish. He thus pre- 
served the cour- 
age of his men, 
who had never he- 
fore been under 

It was about 
three o'clock In 
the afternoon 
when the British 
troops supported 
by a terrific bom- 
bardment from 
the ships In the 
harbor, advanced In 
against the fortifications, 
they approached the 
Americans, construlnf 
the hilltop as timidity. They 
their attitude on this point when they 
arrived wltbln a few hundred feet of 
the redoubt. The Americans had been 
silent, but they hud been ordered to 
refrain from firing until the command 
was given. Thus It was the British, 
advancing over the open stretch of 
ground, panting from the heat and the 
weight of their knapsacks, heard the 
wonl "Fire!" at the moment of their 
supreme confidence, and recoiled before 
a volley that mowed down many of 
their number. 

British Line Decimated. 
A deadly fire was poured Into tha 
British columns, the marksmen of tha 
Americana picking off the officers. 
Along the whole line of fortifications, 
from the mil fence to the redoubt, the 
Britlah troops were soon In retreat 
The British columns advanced a sec- 
ond time and once more were met with 
deadly fire. Now. however, they were 
prepared for It ; although staggered by 
the shock, they soon milled and con- 
tinued their advance. The Americans 
fired with such rapidity that It 
as If a continuous 
stream of fire 
poured out 
t ta e 
Bruvely the 

Jack— I MMMM love my neighbor 

Bess— But you can surel; 
him a lot more If he's half way 




outside tbe 


chariot lu 
traveling Philip ran lu^ob.-dience to ] 

SiMt Mr Ma Mjartfa M M M hM M Mt 

the Individual with whom to do par- 
work The euuuch was luqulr- 
after the way of life. But still 
the help of a Bplrtt-tou**^ 


In the face of the 
for human freedom 
approximately a bllllou dollars a yrar 
for beer when thla money la needed 
for Liberty loans, tho 11 -i Croaa and 
those thouaand and one beneficent 
agenclus easentlal to all humanity lu 
thla cruria? Should we give the brew- 
er foodstuffs that a hungry world 
could use, or coal neaded for beat 
light and power, or aportatioo 
for men, food, fuel and maal- 

General Joseph Warren. 

In action, thus placing 
the bloodiest battles thut had 
known to history. At 
Waterloo the British loss was less 
than »4 per cent. No wonder that 
June 17 Is a MMMl Fourth of July. 
What the Victory M a n t. 
A gallant loyalist of Massachusetts, 
who fought so well for King George 
that he rose to be a full general In tbe 
army, regarded Bunker Hill as 

the standing part (8), and oat 
through the loop. 

The Halt-Hitch (Fig. t) I* a aecura 
method of attaching a rope to a tim- 
ber when the pull on tha standing part 
win ba steady. 

U tha Timber Hitch (rig. M). tha 
and (■) tucked In aevaral times 

Tha Tim bet- Hitch and Half Hltoa 
.Fig. 11) M a 


(Flga II and 11) la 

rper aaya 1 
ihbuld wash the 

la Harper?" 
ta In the china buameaa." 

andj^d^aecoad time 

at t 

The Teat Kiss. 

What cut, madam? 
She one from the lower part 
the aulmal. please. Hubby aaya mi 

thing that followed. "You could not." 
he would say to his friends on the oth- 
er side, "have succeeded without it." 

"The rebels," (lage wrote a week af- 
ter the battle, "are shown not to he the 
disorderly rabble too many have sup- 
posed. In all their warn MJSMM Hie 
French they have showed no ancS MM 
OUai SIM pfttarvSOM as they do 
n->\\. They do m 4 see thai they 
SSVt •■x. haiige.l liberty for tyranny. 

N» I MM MMM ever gnverneil more 

SaMO lllM tf than (he Anwrican pro- 
vince* now are; and no reason can 
M ftVMI for Iheir siihniissiitn but 
thai il i> a tryanny which they have 
it-ecli-il themselves." 

Hunker Mill exhibited (he Ameri- 
can- to all (he w'urlil a- a people 
t-i In- i iiiirteil by allies ami counted 
wilh by fue- It was a marvel that 
so many armed citizens hail been 
■M together -,i ipuckly and still a 
MMSaM MMTMl that they hail stuyed 

together so lung. 

Move Forced onBritlsh. 

Genera] Warren's 


on April lv tbe 

by the arrival of 
Clinton, and BurgoyiM 

■iiMaila from England II..- uui.-i' 

Hie town ..f Itoeliiti on a peninsula 
extending into the harbor. The 
n.ivul force- consisted of the Falcon. 
Lively. Kiairrset Symetry, Hlasgoxv 
and lour 

(he Lhai'le, IHvei at 

place In 

sltlon, but 
forced to give up 
the attempt, and 
fled precipitately 
to the boats. 

Although t h e 
field was strewn 
with their dead, 
tin- British again 
attempted to take 
the American po- 
sition. Prescott 
had sent for re-enforcements early In 
the day, and John Stark, with his New 
Hampshire company, had courageously 
crossed Chiirlestown Neck under a se 
vere fire from the enemy. But the haa- 
ard of the attempt deterred other com- 
manders from bringing troops to tha 
support of the brave Prescott. 

With ammunition almost eibaasted 
11ml troop, tired out from the strain to 
whl.b they had been subjected, 
1 oft realized the futility of I 
POMUM In the face of 
tacks by the reformed and re-enfprced 
British lines. Nevertheless he deter- 
miin-il again to mea-mre his drengTVi 
with the ailversary; and, with a 
. oiniiiainl (,, hi, men to make every 
-lint tell Ii" awaiteil the advance of 
tin- British. Again the latter were 
paTMlilad to advance within twenty 
yards of the American works be- 
fore they were llreil upon. Ill* 
Hrili-h line \s;is broken, hut still 
il aihanciMl With their BMMPaMff 
imw piite exhau-ti-d. (he American.. 
me( (heir opponent* with clubbed 
musket, and bayonet*. 

Th Id- w.-r- too great and 

I'r. -coit orii.%ed his men to re- 
ft -at It was in doing this that the 
Americans suffered their heaviest 
I"--, atiwuur others who fell was 
Warren, one of the most cherished 
of the popular leaders. 


On,. ,,f the Kaisers ablest allies in 
Kentucky H bad 


the citizen 

East Kentucky Correspondence 
News You Get Nowhere Else 

N<» ci>rn»«|*»n<Vnc* pulillfthwl unli*s* •*#T»**H In full by ibf wr.tpt Th* nsmr 
la nm puWi. m.m>. bin »• sn ">■<•"'• nf »~«* f«io> ■»■■■»■ 

nf«nn«tf»ith WrtirpldnlF 

Worth llM emanation of stmns r»- 
liwMMi« character di«cu«*cd the vital 
l««uc« .if the day. brlnelng n mes- 
NM thai MnMI lh.» In-art* of the 

li.iso QWWMirr a* never before 
Mi-- MrfMl preside.) nl llii- Kiuan 
mnl rendered tt cinnpAnimml In 

Berea was victims relative* »n 

\\ hit* I wk la«l week !•"< Wf»f l»..w- 
■l.-ii ami William Hal-v. Jr.. of Berea. 
aprm" smi.ln^ wild In. mother. Mr-, 
i r. Th n M Ean w . Mi- MM F«tridae 
t- attrarilna: *uinmer o*l I M Rich- 
mond Mr*. K. c HfWhnrt»»T re 

Gray Hawk 

• •• iv Hawk. June .'I —The drouth 
wa* broken by a good rain. — When! 
rutting i« imw OH Mid ;i food yield 
d pronlaod, Bobvrl Hsyw andM.iii 

n Mi«* Miirnam 'if Rriudlc ni«ln«* Tin 
ttrri' married la*t week. — Oirl 

obMh wen bom into the homes of 

Mr. ami Mr«. Riley Conk ami Mr. 
ami Mr*. C. Want the i»n«t week.— 
Miss I«o*«ie Allen, priinarv OB Mh et 
in the BOtMf*. ha* pOM homo fur a 


FoXtOWn, .liim< 21.— Dry weal her 
has been broken today by a very 
B'hhI rain: empt an- looking very 
well. BiOMldtrtl Ibo rlry weather 
which ha* continued about a month. 
Iri*h potatoes are damaged WOMO 
than aiivihinir else, -ffj, .1. Cov le. who 
ha* lii'i-ii ijck for some time i- able 
to Bet out again. -S. H. Fox's family 
have mea«le* but are all tboul Wstl 
asain. Married, recently. dorse 
■trritOD anil \ancy Fllen McKinney. 
— .fame* p. Lamb ami two daughters 

of Maiimy spring*. Madison County. 

were in fhi* vicinitv Saturday: 
while they were here, they attend- 
ed a Holinc«« meeting at Kb Webb's. 
We* F"X fell and *prained hi* ankl.i 
very badlv yesterday. — J, H. Webb 
killed a very larae rattle snake In 
hi* yard a few d:iy* ago —Several of 
the hovs in this vicinity sot some 
"hiah hMl" Sat unlay, and Mondav 
Jiulee Johnson called theni to 
McKee |0 see what il was worth. 

Hugh. June 21— The drouth wan 
broken here Fridav nielli by a senile 
shower, but it has been very root 
since—The Rev. Mr. Lambert filled 
bis reeular appointment here Sat- 
nr.lav and Sunday— Mr*. Maggie 
Ope. of nerea. visited her parents 
here Saturday niirhf. — Mrs. Alice 
Ben «ro and *on. Everett, were visit, 
intt at Orevfu* Sundav— Born to Mr. 
and Mr* r.eorire Kale*. June 21. a 
fine eirl. — Mrs. Benase Powell and 
Mr. and Mr*. I.evi Powell were the 
Brest* of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Cam- 
bell Sunday— OeorBe Benae and 
firover Kates are rm the «iek li«t 
Ibis week —Hex Perry was at fi. 
M. BenBcV and John riemons' Stin- 
dav. takinB pictures.— Mr and Mr*. 
R C. Smith were the aue*ts of Mr-. 
Smith * *i*ter. Mr*, fi M. BenBe. Sat- 
nrdav nitdit anil attended church 
rtf Ibis (dace— 0. M. Abrarns hanctll 
a nice milk cow nf deorire Benae 
for f75. 

Kerby Knob 

Kerbv Knob. June 21— The Rev. 
Joe Alexander Oiled his appointment 
at the Christian church OR the :trd 
Saturday mail! and Sunday.- The 

I K. Met: 'Hum vMlod her niece. 
Mr- W aller ffOoi of Soxl m * O W Oi 
B( nday. and tjM alleii'led the imi uil 
«i i \ie, -. \\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 wi're coniliicted bv 
the M;i-on«, of Henrx Clin, who was 
l.ille I Saturday by a fal'ina ITMS 

\\ - ipnle an oil excitement 
OmstlilMJ in the ne:irby rommunity 
o| l*land City and we hope to soon 
realize the true fact* concernina the 
new oil w I'll. — Corbet! Kviins of 

Be.ittwille ha* 1 n vi*itinB his 

Mo lOt Mr*. Pier*on. for the past 
week. He was called |o the colors 
today, — Mi** Alice Creech of Kha* 
ittetided -inaina ifhflol at Bethle- 
hem Suinbn. F. F. McCollum, 
traveline sale*man for Ke||.«aa and 
Co.. nf Richnkoiid io in Clay County 
tin- w ••, k»— llii|or>\ \Kina cut hi* 
clover hay the past week. 

Clover Bottom 
Clover Bottom, June .Ti.-Uick 
Ci'iima:in. of HOOTM Creek, vi-iti'd 
Rrnrtl and MhHl Have* from Friday 
till Monday.— Patrick May* and [ ' 
wife vi*itec| relatixe* at Bru-liv 
Monnlains last week. — The lonaJ 
droualil was broken this morninal 
by a aoo'l rain: oats are alnm-t 
ruined here and early potatoes and 
aarden stuff are dainased one-half 
by the drouaht.— Corn lookn verv 
I well, rnnsiderina the drouabt. and 
j people havp their around in excel- 
lent shape.— Johnie Lain is vi*itina 
his arandpa. W. J. Have* this week. 
— Tliere will be an annual meetina 
beVd at the C.hri*tian !t'liurob at 
Cave Sprine*. beBinnina on the Fri 
d:iy before the Uh Sunday in July. — 
H. X. Pean and BOB expect to have 
their flour mill complete and ready 
to arind wheat by the 2uth of July. 
Tbev aim to arind two erades of 
flour short* and bran, and will 
chaise the seventh bu*hel— Mina 
and Martha DOM vi*ited Q. F. Dean 
and wife last week. 

appropriate -elected hymns «unff by (nine I from Lowing Friday, ar- 
MMara, Oooroa Writ. Luther \m rorapooled by her mother. Mr* 

kjOOO ami Mi«* lluth l>avi«. A Bovvloua. Th > Mi«*e« Bi nnette 
lawn party at the ROOM of Mr. and Aniobl .ind l.ucile |.:nkev are the 

aiie*l* of Mr*. McMikin in Sunp 

..MiviPe |0f a couple of weeks. 

Harmony, June .-i riie Rov, w. 

M. C. Hut. bin* and wife |R 
\\:illacelon la*l Mindav. where Rev. 

Mt*. T. J- rianei v vva* planned Fri- 
itjk) (rtonlnf in honor nf Mi»* <»::i 
John*on of Ihk* vicinitv and Jes*e 
Taylor, who leave* for I,oui«ville 
today, but was abruptly terminate I 
by a heavy downpour of rain. The 

unci* found shelter indoor* and HiltrhllM nave a b-idure on "rin 1 
partook nf the refre*hnvnt« pro- Bible." and met Hon. h. W. Faulk- 
vnied the ,« ca«ion. jce cream apd! ner ami w ife and daualiler. Kdd:i. 
cake. \ larae sur|>lus beins left from Berea: after *ervtces. nil par 
over, it wan *lloovon/ed" bv a took of a bountiful dinner with the 
aeneron- rli«tribntion am. ma the It. v I B Park* of that place .1 
in iBhbor* — The l anniiiB compaian W. Strinaer and «on. IVwey of Baa 

l.ick. was a w. l. mna . a'b r at W M. 
C Hutchins la*t Sundav niahl; he 
\:i- on In* m to l.anc:i*ter. tak- 

t» now „n in'thi* section in full 
force. All veaetable* and fruit* 
available are beina carefully .mi- 
ser veil. 

Paint Lick 

Paint l.ick. June 2T>.— On Mondav 
niahl of tbi* week. Mr and Mr- 
Je**e I.edford and daualiler. Marion, 
and *on. Node, were driving* in theiv 
mother si»n's. Jim I.ed- 
ford. who live* at Moran. As tbev 

ina BOM wi»rk mule* to market. - 
Four more of our y.<miii men have 
been railed into I'ncle Sam* ser- 
vice. I'hev are: Roatoo Wilson. 
Sherman Robert*. Walter Robert*. 
Joa Hammond* A line bov babv 
ha* come into the h.flip ,.f Mr. and 
Mr*. Birdv Parker Rdd Jnhnaof 



Training School for Nuraea 

Up to date Laboratory and X Ray Eqmpment 


Obstetric* and Grn»ro»o(% 



Wallaceton. June 2i. — The weather 
i* very cool and very dry; corn look* 
line; aarden* are lookins bad; pota- 
toes are nearly a failure: oats are 
I. ..kins very ba.1. Wheat i* the 
best ever known in this country. 
•MM i* failins fast, — Mrs. Felix 
F.-tridae vva* vi*itins in Wallace- 
ton the pBOl week— Mi*s Smithie 
Botkin is visitina Mr*. T. R Brown 
at Basdad. The Rev. Mack RMOBUM 
pleached an interestina sermon on 
the biotorjf of the Bible, at the Bap- 
tist rhurch.— Tlie Rev. William 
Bryant will preach at the Bapti*» 
church July. flr*t Sunday, at 10 
O'clot k. F.veryhody invited. — Mi** 
Ruby Creech and Ira are visitina a! 
their srandparent* in Laurel County. 
Dr. Botkin ami family of Hazard. 

Rev. James Lttaafard "f I>reyfu.s. (ir ,^ Pl | fhroiiBh Wallaceton. Fridav. 
Modtaot) Cnuiilv. held services Sun- 
day niaht.— After a droiiBbt iif near- 
ly two month*, a aood rain fell here 
June 2d: corn tVop* are ^iilrtns 
fairly well while oat* and iri*h po- 
latoe* an- badlv ilamaaed by the dry 
weather. -The death of Aunt Jane 
nurham i* expected at any time; 
her children have been aathered at 
her beiNide for the last week.— 
Vertie Johnson, who attends the 
Di af School at Banville. ha* come 
home to spend vacation— Jake 
Cute* and Mi** Sarah Kirby were 
united in marriaae at the home of 
the bride ..n the l.tth; tbe Rev. W 
J. Powell oflieiatins: many of their 
fr iend* were pri-ent, a nice dinner 
beina prepared at the home and all'rti,. 
RMBl a pleasant day. The brid" Idav 
will shortly bo to Ohio to make 
her home while her hu*band BMrVM 
i.l the Armv. They have the best 
w i-he* ..r their many friends.— The, 

children here have all recovered 

from whoopinj, i ah: there have 

been no new caes for some tinnv 
Mr* I-aac Bi'an of near Kiiia-toic 
Madi-on County, and daushter. 
Martha. vi*ited her son, dordie 
Ih'an, Saturday niaht of last week 
and -pent Sunday niaht with her 
sister, Mrs James Click. 

Green Hall 
C-recn Hall. June 2t.-The recent 
rain- have done much aood to suffer - 
ina crop-. The sras* crop will be 
short on account of drouabt. — The 
Kinains school at Bethleheni wa- 
well attended Sunday. -Mrs. Bart 

Ambrose of Iti-rea |- the auest of 
M* liaiai Mi -. J. F.. Wilson. Mr- 

Blue Lick 

Blue Lick. .Tune 2V— "It s a b>nB 
lane that ha* no turniiiB/" The 
mnrmerinB complaint* in la*t week s 
Issue of The Citi/en from all Fa*t- 
ern Kentucky corre*pondents. in re- 
Bard to the *evere drouabt are now 
chanaed to prai*e* and thank-siv- 
ina for a ojof iBUJ rain.— Every fur- 
row in the field*, every flower r.r.d 
blade of aras*. the wavina arain. all 
animal life i* reiuvenated and ex- 
uberant and our homage ascend* 
to the Cijver. who "send* rain upon 
the ju-t and the unjust." who rati- 
fies Hi* promise by plarins the bow- 
in the «ky. assurins us that "seed 
time and harve*t shall never fail." 
inss never come *inslv. Sun- 
was a red letter dav 


Sctond Crowtl, Hlatk < Uk 
in uh bps loin $5 p. r 

V 2 ! . 1 6 inchr 

>p .krs 

■ ooo piece* 

1 , io mcbe 
|i, In. i. I t 

< lonif f J 5 » 

' ''>ng $30.00 

> our yard 41 Bcrra. Ky 


Mi. and Mr* Jofeff M- Pher*on a MM 
Im.v. June tr.. Moo to Mr. and Mm 
lame. Wvatl a DO) — Mi«* Fannie 

t'lanery. who ba* I n 

smith* Business r'.olleai 
BOW la-t Satuiil.iv. I'he Masi 

Som. our late Re|>ubl.con can- 
didate for MNTM of Kentucky. 
\ 0 Qinorl of rrankforl. our 

if Public 

l.exinstoii. who 1* hood of the 


•UmmMbi I |feroaml SnpMuitondMl 

returned! ||,-|rnctioti. Prof. SOW 

l antern oMm bNmi M uidav olgtti j fArfurtmoni of ABrlriiltBro M Imoi 

at the Buck Creek Qndod School. l niver«ily. Br. Fred MuU-hler of 
by a deaf and dUOah man. for the LejrinfiDfl, who ha* churae of 

for BM 

llellt of the deaf Ulld dumb *chool 

of Itanvile wa* OB j BB O d bv all who 
were pn-eiit. ow iriB M the rain 
ate in the afternoon, the great ma- 

|0rlt) Ol I pie Were prevented 

(MM 1 una out The loMphMM 

. • i..|,anv 1- pi iniuns to OBOBMl a 
line up to the Buck Creek Cannula 
Co. There will be placed four 
1>W0HM .hi (In* line - l.eonarv Neelv 
wa* vi«ilma home folk- a few dav* 
la-t week Ha returned to I,,, work 
near Hazard. Mi-- l.ummie Main- 
aOO. Who 1- itteiidina Smith * Busi 

Aariculti ral Fxperiment Station 
tb. re, It. v t R. overly of i>. nthiana, 
who 1- pre*idinr elder for the Fast- 
en! Kentucky divi*i.Mi of the 
M.llio.ti*! Church Rev. Paul Der. 
tl.ick of Stanton, who for the Anw»rt- 
• an Sunday -school I'nion is Sunday 
Mhool "raaruzer for Fa-tern Ken- 
tnckv and our own Rev. Cieorae W. 
Seale and |rx-Couniv Ma] erinten- 

dent ..f s. l I*. P M Frye. are the 

chief speakers. 

If you heheve 111 aa*lron'>my. come 
erpoy tbe.e lecture* and that twelve 

... .. miles,, "f 1 exma.011 spent the ,, , |, M . k hosipiiaiiiiy, i harof hwlath) of 

But kindled by Protnethea* (Ire 
O'er other lands rote Freedom • 

Where fai 

They roee above the new world bright 
And blent aa one their kindred light 

Long may these stare undimmed still 

In Freedom's glorious galaxy! 
Long may our land still be the shrine 

To all the world of Liberty. 

BN i the railroad, comma on to 

the Walnut Meadow and BOPM pike 
the mailt tram -truck IhoMj Mr. 
■in.) Mr- l.e,lf..:-l were both killed 

m-tantly. while tl titers are not 

ttiousht to be seriously injured. 
Nobe wa* to have pOM to ramp 
Tues.lav and Ust| were soma Io 
In- brothers to spend their last 
niaht tiiaether. The funeral ser- 

v - were held in the Bapti-t 

Church Tuesday afternoon: Inter- 
ment itl the Manse cemetery. The 
for Bine farmers saw verv thankful for the 
Hie window, of Heaven wvrels I rain which fell Moadoy niaht 

moved I.. PiUatouTtV c. c. MoQun 
■old a biim li of fat li>>ti* to K. L. 
\\il*oii or Crab <»rchard at 15c. 

Tliere will be a I tlllB at Har- 

M m -cl I Maua next Friday. The 

object 1- to -ell War Savins- Stamps 
I., help MMMO llM war.— It is ex- 
tremely dry and unless it ranis 
soon. Slldens will be ruined. 

opened and a area! refreshina rain 
from the presence of the Lord came 
to us. An all-day sospel service at 
the church with a basket dinner— 
a veritable "feast of fat thlnas on 
the lees," with hot coffee spread by 
tbe go. si housewives of the commun- 
ity and the Berea vi*itor* made the 
I ..on hour loria to be remembered. 
- Mr Rix occupied the pulpit in the 
iMMMMk deliverina a forceful arid 

InaptriMI sermon, araciously dis- 1 Monduy for Camp Taylor. 
[.. i sins the true "bread "f Life" in|l"»'h (MlMjMaMM is in 
hi- most inimitable manner. In the 
afternoon, the seats were removed 
|d the arove. Out under the blue 
canopy of the *ky, with the dark 
PMM OMotMI Ibeir shadows over 
us, a S'daxv of the areat intellects 
..f MOM Colleae. whose minds re- 
tlecti-d the liaht of Heaven and their 

-Miss Marie I.edford returned 
MM fiorn Harlan Satuiday, where 

-be tiad I n visitina relatives for 

several weeks; she w a- accompanied 
bona' by her cousm. Miss Fay Ward. 

MM Sadie Ralston of Ceorgetown 
Colleae i- at home during her va- 
cutioii. Willie Rosers was in from 
camp in lieorsia a day and night be- 
fore sailing for France. — Forty- 
seven young men left Laora-ter 

The Red- 

till* week 


See. die, June 22 — The farmers are 
all up w ith their work and now en- 
joy the tine rain. The corn had 
I.. •sun to hMk like it would burn up 

WMh end with home folks She re 
turned to school Tuesday.— HMMf 
Vernon Judd 1- -lav ma a few day* 
with In- arandparents Mr. and Mr* 
W. L. Flanery. 

Sturgeon. June 25. Fvervtne in 
tin- coniniunit v 1* anxious to kn >w 
what kind i»r a pdslucer the oil well 
al l-land City will prove to he.— J, 
\V \ Huahe. and family and Carter 
Mahaffev and family were welcome 
BjOawtl at th- home ,.f W N. Cook, 
last Sunday. Reuben Huahes. a 
not. •,! *ina> r of tbi* section. »»• 
given a kind reception at the h.ime 
of John Whicker last Sundav — 
Carter Pearson, a registrant of tin* 
0 untv. left ve.ter.lay to enter the 
Army — The party Bivcn by Miss 
Callie Ma" Wilson la*t Saturday 
evening was enioved bv all who 
w-re pre-enl The attendance at 
Hoyal Oak and Bethlehem Sunday- 
.cliools i* growing each Sunday. 
The mpri iolotldjantl and teacher* 
..' the-e 8undav schmils welcome 
and wish to urge every one in the 
districts to MM and lake an active 

I islern Kentucky All your neiah- 
liors of like belief will lie welcomed 
most heartily by yonr busy neiab- 
bor and sincere friend. 

Fdward K Cool 
P. R As OOfjOMl Secretary of 
Owsley County's Sunday-schools. I 
am a*kuis every Sniidav-*ch'vd In 
nr county to BOnd a larae delesatien 
11 our H II Oa OQ and to (lie Snn.laT- 
*choo| convention |0 lie held at this 
PMM on Sundav momma Of Julvll, 
IBM. Your pre*ence will be appre. 



Berea Student Reunion and Sunday 
School Convention 

To every citizen of our county 
we wi-li to -av that "n Saturday, 

111 u few days longer, but the weeds j n | y n,, mH xvt . h | lu || uni . ;,t the 

WOM all tiled awuy *.. now the corn | t . tiilehem scl I I se near Stnr- 

«beat u . po-tollice. a re-union ,,f the 

three hundred and fifty-two citi- 

cn»p was very good and a line 
prapotl for an extra oat crop.- - 
Miss Nellie Judd of this vicinity and 
I loy.l Revriobls of BjOMaHfllla were 
MarrUd June M. Rev. Presne| of 

■ootaMiilo ajMialMf, ThoM pres- 

'eiit were Misses Nannie arid Lizzie 
Jlllld. Nellie Neelev and Maude He. 

Fred, I klev was visit-, <•'»>•->" B-nds Har- 
ms l„. -;-ter. Mr* Ho-* Rob.n*.in. i Mainous and 

-a*, week, before leaving for cam„' ,: " an '- »"»"»';'• NSl> 

on Tuesday.-Mlss Opal Robinson of w,Hh U "*"' h »^> 

/.ens of Ow*|ey QMMty who have 
b. en -tudent* at MW College. We 
tru*t your arranaeiia'iits are such 

thai you can attend tin- MM> 

lion, for we stiall be pleased Io have 
you there. It would be OUT pleasure 
to come speak with you regarding 
the pui 1 and value of this meet- 
ma but the responsibility of farm 

•ct I and convention MMMJMJMvt 

i* more than one can completely 


That I have LOTS OP PIBB FARMS IN INDIANA listed for sale, 
and every one a bargain. Write and tell me your wauU. I will 
to you what I have. I feel sure I can All tbe 


p.rou- v.-ar. l,,fo,e the,,, Horn to ^ ,.„.„.„.„„,. ^ nnll .^ liv 

si 11c jo - and sympathi tic aid vou 

Save Wheat for Our Soldiers 


Order a 

V ill help make its Voke el|SV [111. I its 

burden llfhi That a'd of pOMOOJOJ 
presence and hearty cooperation to 
make Saturday. July 20 a fea*t day 
for thutic interested in Reliaion. 
duration and Agriculture; we en 

lldeiltly invoke for the -like of mil 

Alma Mater whose ideal and chil- 
dren we all truly love. 

The dav beams promptly at nine 
o'clock with Secreiary Marshall K 
Vaughn's chosen delegation of voiir 
best friends from Beret College 
P Morrow, of 

Beattvville June 21— The crops 
are tonkins flue jn this counlv and 
a pjood pr-wpect for a bumper crop. 

Four Bond oj| wells were reported 

to havi me in la*l week in the 

county, with an averaae yield of 
over 50 barrels. — Thirty-eight of 
our boys have |sM here for Camp 
Tavbir This counlv. though small, 
still ha* over two hundred men in 
Cla«* t. subject to military dutv .-- 
aflMM Biu.lah and Fflle Wtu*man 
of l inca-tle were in |o0M Monday. 

I a*t Fridav and Saturday were 
Teacher* - Fxamination days, hut 
I there were present only «ix appli- 
• ■ant« Mi-- Marv Ann Thoma* of 
I MM Crove was in town M.mday on 

Walnut Grove 

Walnut drove. June 21- About 
three hundred citizens of this vi- 
cinitv partic ipated. Sunday, in Mt 
cb.*ina exercise* of Hie Poplar drove 
-mams ». hool, under the leadership 
of Prof, dillis Col*o|l, and enjoyed 
the lecture given by F.dwaid Cook 

of Slurs - James Isaacs of Deni- 

mie New Mexico, is here visiting 
relatives ami former neighbors.— 
John Salee and flirililv were welcome 
visitors, Sunday at the home of Mr. 
and Mi- W V Carter M. — r* 
John ami (ieorge Isaacs and "Bill" 
Reynold* made a bu*iness trip Snl- 
urday to Somerset. Misses Kate 
and Jewel Be Bon I of Level Cireen. 
were here Saturday to st>e Mr*. 
Mm tie Cook Ballard Pennington 
.lib I family spent Sunday with our 
uciahhor. II111 11 -on Pennington — 
I Hide*' Win Thisnpsoii has return- 
ed from hi- extended visit to the 
home* of relatives in Lincoln County. 

Mi*« France* Steven*, wdio has 
-pent the winter in Berea Normal 
S.hool, t.Nik examination for a 
Counlv certificate at Somerset this 
u.ek II n Burgan, commonly 
known M "Iks-k died ,,| tuber- 


Everybody Invited to Berea July Fourth